that yesterday was a turning point… There was a confluence of events… Galloway going William Wallace on The Third Right on national television… reporters actually asking some tough questions of “Beam me up Scottie” during a press conference… Multiple sources, including our own SusanHu and BooMan, as well as John Conyers immediately calling Bu$hCo on the hypocrisy of the Newsweek bashing… call me naive, but I’m pretty optimistic that people are beginning to wake up.

Grab your plunger and follow me…

Today we face the blustery threat from Frist the Cat over the “Nookular Option”… and I say, “Go ahead, push that button! Make my millennium!”… once again, they fail to appreciate the true destructive power of nuclear weaponry… everything is destroyed if you press that button, Fristy, buubie… we Democratic cockroaches will be crawling around and proliferating quite nicely in the rubble long after you and your kind are gone…

I find it interesting that Bush and his ilk have worked so diligently to shove everything that is right and good about America into the crapper and pull the flush handle… wiping their asses with the cheap, phony paper of our economy that they’ve ruined… And then, ironically… one last schoolyard bully torture and intimidation tactic… flushing the Quran down the john… has the potential to blow wide open the plumbing of this entire administration, like an M-80 in the school toilet…

Well, I say to you, Dub… Welcome to Swirleygate… don’t try to eat the big blue mint… and keep an eye out for Mr. Jinx…