Pasqua is a former Minister of the interior of France (in 1986-88 and 1993-95). He has been involved in a number of shady stories in France in the past 30 years (I have lost count of the number of times he has been indicted) but he has not been sentenced for anything (yet).

He has long being a supporter of Saddam Hussein and has been prominently cited, like Galloway, as one of the high-profile presumed beneficiaries of Saddam’s money under the Oil-for-food programme abuses. He has denied this, but the big news in this afternoon’s Le Monde is that one of his closest advisors, Bernard Guillet, has apparently confirmed to a French judge that he acted for Pasqua in attempts to get funds from the Iraqi regime.

Quotes and translation below; as some of you may have seen from my e-mail, Guillet is my own family name but, as far as I know, I have no relation to this guy… (there is also another Guillet in Pasqua’s entourage, Jean-Jacques Guillet, a former member of parliament, also involved in the shady stuff, and also not a family member…) Talk about embarrassment!

L’Irak voulait récompenser M. Pasqua en barils de pétrole

Iraq wanted to reward Mr Pasqua with oil (all translations mine)

Le volet français de l’affaire Pétrole contre nourriture  (où des personnalités sont soupçonnées d’avoir bénéficié de fonds occultes du régime de Saddam Hussein)  menace désormais directement Charles Pasqua. Contre toute attente, la position de l’ancien ministre de l’intérieur, qui conteste toute implication dans cette affaire, a été ébranlée par l’un de ses proches, Bernard Guillet.

The French side of the Oil-for food scandal (whereby personalities are suspected of having received illegal funds from Saddam Hussein’s regime) now threatens Charles Pasque directly. In a surprise twist, the defense of the former interior minister, who denies any implication, has been severely weakened by one of his close associates, Bernard Guillet


Proche du régime baasiste, M. Guillet a confirmé avoir été en relation, à la fin des années 1990, avec les dirigeants de la SOMO. A la question : “Vous a-t-on dit, à la SOMO, que Saddam Hussein souhaitait octroyer une allocation de pétrole à M. Pasqua ?” , M. Guillet a répondu : “Oui, on me l’a dit. J’avais eu l’information de Tarek Aziz -ancien vice-premier ministre irakien- et, ensuite, il m’a dit qu’il fallait que j’aille voir les représentants de la SOMO car ils allaient m’expliquer comment tout cela allait fonctionner.”

Close to the baathist regime, Mr Guillet confirmed that he had been in contact, at the end of the 90s, with the leaders of SOMO [the Iraqi company which had the authority to export oil]. To the question “Were you told, at SOMO, that saddam Hussein wanted to allocate oil to Mr Pasqua?”, Mr Guillet replied “Yes, I was told that. I had first received the information from Tariq Aziz – the former vice-Prime Minister of Iraq – and then he told me to go see SOMO representatives who would explain to me how all this would work”


M. Guillet dit avoir rencontré plusieurs responsables de la SOMO, dont son directeur général, Kadhim Razouki. “D’entrée, ils m’ont dit qu’ils étaient contents de m’annoncer qu’ils avaient un projet de contrat, et je ne me souviens pas si c’étaient 2, 3 ou 4 millions de barils destinés à Pasqua. Ils m’ont bien confirmé que c’était pour Charles Pasqua. (…) C’est là qu’ils m’ont dit que pour que ça fonctionne, il fallait trouver une société pétrolière française ou européenne. Je leur ai dit que si ça passait par une société française ou européenne, cela entraînerait un scandale politique car je ne voyais pas comment un homme politique pouvait percevoir des barils de pétrole.” M. Guillet assure avoir rendu compte de l’entretien à la SOMO à M. Aziz “en lui disant qu’il était impossible de mettre en oeuvre un tel système, même si on était sensible au geste que le président Hussein tendait en faveur de M. Pasqua” .

Mr Guillet says he met several SOMO managers, including his general director, Kadhim Razouki. “From the start, they told me thay were happy to tell me that they had a contract draft, and I don’t remember if it was 2, 3 or 4 million barrels for Mr Pasqua. They did confirm it was for Pasqua. (…) That’s where they told me that a French or European oil company was required. That’s where I told them that in that case, it would create a politicla scandal and I did not see how a politician could receive oil. ” Mr Guillet asserts that he then informed Mr Aziz of his conversation with SOMO “telling him that it was impossible to put in place such a system, even if we appreciated the gesture by President Hussein in favor of Mr Pasqua”.


Les déclarations de M. Guillet donnent du crédit aux documents recueillis par M. Courroye auprès de la commission Volcker. Ainsi, une note du 17 juin 1999 adressée par M. Razouki au ministre du pétrole irakien indiquait : “Le président (que Dieu le protège) a approuvé l’attribution de 2 millions de barils à la personnalité française Charles Pasqua. La personnalité française Bernard Guillet nous a rendu visite ce matin au nom de Charles Pasqua et nous a demandé d’envoyer le contrat pétrolier à la société suisse Genmar pour le faire signer (…). Nous avons demandé à M. Guillet une lettre de la part de M. Pasqua par laquelle il désigne la société Genmar pour lever le pétrole brut. Il a refusé en expliquant qu’ils ne peuvent pas faire ainsi par peur de scandales politiques.” Une autre missive, du 20 juin 1999, adressée par la SOMO au ministre du pétrole, précisait : “La société suisse Genmar est la société désignée par M. Pasqua pour lever la quantité qui lui est allouée pour la sixième phase.” Sollicité mardi 17 mai, M. Pasqua n’a pu être joint. M. Guillet n’a pas souhaité s’exprimer.

Mr Guillets declarations give credit to documents that Judge Courroye [the French investigative magistrate in charge of that file] has received from the Volcker commission. One note, dated 17 June 199 from Mr Razouki to the Iraqi oil minister says “The President approuves the allocation of 2 million barrels to French personality Pasqua. French personality Guillet has visited us today on behalf of Pasqua and asked us to send the oil contract to Swiss company Genlar for signature. (…) We asked Mr Guillet for a letter form Pasque designating Genmar. He refused, explaining that they could not do so for fear of political scandal”. another, dated 20 June 1999, addressed by SOMO to the oil minister, adds: “Swiss company Genmar is the xompany designated by Mr Pasqua for the quantity allocated to him in the sixth phase. Both Mr Pasqua or Guillet refuse to provide any comment for this article.

Like I wrote above, Pasqua is one of the most picturesque caracters in French politics. He was in the Resistance during WWII, and was involved in the 60s and 70s in Gaullist paramilitary/vigilante groups, the SAC, active during the May 1968 events. He worked for a while as commericla director for Ricard, the famous anis drink which is a symbol of the leisurely life in Southern france (and he has the appropriate Marseille accent) He has supported Chirac since the late 70s and was his interior minister in 1986-88 (he famously said that he would “terrorise the terrorists” after the first big wave of islamist bobmbings in paris in 1986), and generally in charge of “parallel political organisation”. In 1995, he supported the other right wing candidate, Edouard Balladur, for the Presidential election, against Chirac, and he has been targeted  by Chirac for this betrayal ever since. He has always been a partisan of a pretty reactionary, hard right policy, a nationalist and a populist

So Pasqua is not someone that we should worry too much about defending on this site. His politics are totally opposed to everything dKos stands for, his methods have always been those of backroom deals, political police and blackmail, oiled by a lot of cash. He was an ally of Chirac for a while, but not since Chirac has been President, so it is actually pretty difficult to associate him in any meaningful way to French policy on Iraq since 1995.

Personally, I’d be happy to see him caught up with this. Some French elites (especially amongst the Gaullists and nationalists, including of the left, who saw him as an exemple of a rational, secular, paternalist State not unlike the French one of old times) were horribly complacent with Saddam Hussein and it has been a shame. But hey, Iraq was our ally, back then…