Crossposted at my blog and Daily Kos

Jesus wrote that the same kind of judgement you use will be used on you. Representative Spencer Bachus stated that comedian Bill Maher was guilty of treason for highlighting the fact that the army missed its recruiting goals by 42%. He stated that Maher was guilty of treason and defined treason as remarks which would undermine our national security.

With that in mind, and with actions speaking louder than words, let’s put the shoe on the other foot: By the same standard, is Bush guilty of treason?
Is Bush guilty of treason for ignoring warnings about an imminent attack on the US by Al-Qaeda?

Is Bush guilty of treason for letting Bin Laden get away?

Is Bush guilty of treason for invading Iraq despite there being no legitimate grounds for invasion?

Is Bush guilty of treason for not securing our airports, nuclear plants, and seaports against terrorist attacks?

Is Bush guilty of treason for allowing a culture of anti-Muslim bigotry to exist within the military, resulting in torture, humiliation, and the desecration of the Koran?

Is Bush guilty of treason for failing to sell the public, including the 101st Fighting Keyboarders, on the need to join the military?

Is Bush guilty of treason for Abu Girhab?

Is Bush guilty of treason for lying to the public and congress about the evidence and his intent to go or not to go to war?

Is Bush guilty of treason for failing to secure the ammo dump at Al QaQaa right at the start of the war when he had the chance?

Is Bush guilty of treason for appointing Rumsfeld to Secretary of Defense and keeping him there despite the fact that NY Times Columnist Bob Herbert called him clueless?

Is Bush guilty of treason for his “Bring it on!” remark or allowing someone to leak the Saddam photos to the right-wing tabloids?