Gosh could this be real? I know there are mixed feelings about this ‘source’ but I have found some real ‘nuggets’ here. Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part. At any rate this is a day off for me so I’m gonna dig for some dirt…Gotta get the ‘NEWS’ wherever we can now- a-days.
‘a coup d’etat against the Bush administration is apparently being seriously contemplated in certain circles.
Bush was elected by a coup, not by the American people. He was seen to be crooked, rather stupid, vicious and frantic for some kind of recognition. He is grossly incompetent as a manager so this new American oligarchy jobbed him into the White House with the open connivance of his brother, Jeb, in Florida and the reluctant aid of the Supreme Court. Bush is totally under the influence, and control, of a group of fascistic Republicans, a gang of twittering gays and a coven of Likudists. They have made common cause to run the United States for Bush but the fascist movement is running into serious problems with more powerful elite groups. I am quoting here from a document with an interesting analysis of the modern fascist, not the old Mussolini-Hitler and Franco fascist.
“A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends. The supreme god of a fascist, to which his ends are directed, may be money or power; may be a race or a class; may be a military, clique or an economic group; or may be a culture, religion, or a political party.”
The CIA has joined the ranks of the military in hoping for an end to the Bush Adiministration.
And at the bottom of this article is this “tidbit” for you Gannon/Guckert fans.
My secretary has taken the Secret Service “Gannon” logs and transcribed them for me. I am including a précis of this and suggest that the curious look at Bush’s official activities which can be found on www.Whitehouse.gov unless they have been discreetly removed because of the obvious conclusions curious people will immediately arrive at…every time Gannon was loose in the Monkey Palace, the President was there.
The writer lists Gannon’s “schedule” at the White House.
All of this (and more) at the link above…
now that it’s been openly posted on the Internet, what hope would there be for something like that, which must necessarily remain secret, to be carried out?
Plus, I have a couple of doubts. I read that link, and it certainly does sound engrossing. But then there’s this piece:
(emphasis mine)
Now where are all these “media barons” with their “willing assistance”, and where have they been when we needed them the most? Have they just been faking their cowering, boot-licking behavior, as they get ready to jump all together out of the shadows when the time is right, to take Bushco by surprise with their sharp tongues and wicked pens and keyboards? Like, “Boo!!!”
Also, I haven’t gone through the Secret Service logs as published there (but on first glance they resemble the ones we’ve already seen), but didn’t we find out that, unlike he says (“every time Gannon was loose in the Monkey Palace, the President was there”), there were a number of times when we couldn’t figure out what Gannon/Guckert was doing there precisely because the Preznit was absent at the time? I remember that at least once he was there at more or less the time when Bush would have been expected to return from a trip abroad, but it was a matter of minutes of simultaneous presence, if their times overlapped at all, whereas he had been there for some hours up to that time. And I also remember that one of the questions that arose was, why was he going to the WH, and who he was seeing there, on days when GWB was away and there were no briefings?
Then we can go from there. As Democrats and all others that despise Bush we’ve not been able to do much damage to Bushco so if the ‘powers at hand’ are mad and want him gone great,,,just get him out of my life!
I don’t know for sure about the thugs in DC, but I do know for sure of a few million that would love to see the prick thrown out… ; )
Call for regime change from World Allies, now heard echoed within the US.
Read my diary on ACLU DIA Torture ¶ Cross-posted @ dKOS.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Gee thanks for posting this diary, I am a frequent reader of the truthseeker pages, and especially the Voice of the White House, the above link takes you to the page of all the letters starting from Mar. 2004. I have read them all and they are filled with info that you guys might find very interesting.
I have posted links to this site before, but don’t think many have checked out the site.
I know there are mixed feelings about the site as well and don’t really understand it. I first found it during Gannon espose period and when I posted link on DK there was some flack.
This is the homepage and this is a UK based group.
I am not sure what the connection with TBRNews is.
It sure sounds to me that the VOTWH knows what he is talking about….and that is the important thing to me.
This current letter of May 27th is the first one to speak of a “coup d’Etat”, but its hard to think something of this nature is not going on behind the scenes as this Pres. becomes ever more dangerous.
In previous letters he(TVOTWH) describes many behind the scenes situations with Rove, Bush and many others named and unnamed people. I have tried to deduce his postion but can’t decide.
I urge others to read all of the letters posted on the site……. If you have trouble reading on the blue page you can click printer friendly or the other links at the bottom of each page to take you to more reader friendly page.
I have an extreme dislike of Bush etc., and even though many at Kos have debunked the guy I still find him entertaining and snarky (like me LOL!). I also think there are many nuggets of truth even if his source is a ‘linda-tripp’ type.
About DK and the VOTWH, when I first found and posted links at DK to the above site (during Gannon gate, breaking news)), it was picked up by Cannonfire and others and they linked to my blog, (where I had posted an article), and were saying I may be part of conspiracy to get this “false or whatever” story around. This was pre booman days. My blog was about third on a google search for Jeff Gannon at the time.
I couldn’t understand why I had so many hits on my little blog, and after checking on the site meter I was able to find all sites that had linked to me.
That caused me to be very wary of posting at DK and I also took down any personal info from my blog. I found this very interesting; that one posting could cause such a fuss, but I was fearful because of the implications being made.
Due to my all-encompassing cynicism and total despair at the state of American democracy (that being “circling the bowl” status), I think that a coup d’etat led by the military and/or the CIA (and probably with some help from career State Dept. folks) is the only way to bring an end to the assault on the Constitution led by Bush’s puppet masters.
I really want to believe this is in the works, behind the scenes. The military and the CIA and State are really fucking pissed at the Administration (those that havent yet been purged anyway)… I only hope that the coup that is brought about is a return to democracy and not totalitarianism with different names and faces.
Whoa! It’s Tin Hat Time again…let me tug on your coat here a minute folks; this “source” has been convincingly discredited in a number of places, most recently here:
For added amusement you should Google “Walter Storch” and personally review his rather bizzaro-world views, then draw your own conclusions as to his reliability / believability as a source.
Nothing to see here folks – move along…
A coup, sponsored by shadowy military and CIA figures, might produce a regime less inclined to reckless adventures abroad but there is no guarantee it would be favourable to democracy and human rights. You might find that it had replaced Bush with a more efficient and undisguised tyrant.
It is also a very big gamble for a society to destroy legitimacy in government. On the one hand a more or less constitutional transfer of power, as a result of the people rising up to defend legitimate government (as in the recent Ukraine and Ecuadorean cases), may create a new stability. On the other hand the usurpation of power, by those who have no legitimate right to it, may destroy all chance of stable, constitutional government for many years to come.
The first situation may lead to a new stability. The second risks a descent into a traditional Latin American style polity, where weak civilian Presidents alternate with military despots.
The Martians are interfering with our brain waves!
Jumping Jeebus on a crutch but this is … bizarre.
Tho’ I gotta admit someone who can write:
“Comment: Might not our domestic pornographic industry, second only to the White House in sleaziness, produce a new product that might have religious overtones? Perhaps a condom with a suitable religious message printed on it such as “My rod and my staff shall comfort thee.”
Is worthy of reading.
See this for the snark & nothing but the snark.
of it made my day, Rosie. . .so I don’t care if it is credible or not, let me have my day dreams, eh?
that’s what ‘inspired’ me also..