This regular meta-diary focuses on the best overlooked diaries (didn’t get front-paged or on to the recommended list) from the past week; it was once called “Week’s Best Diaries You Didn’t Read.” This column also includes information from elsewhere in cyberspace, blogosphere PSAs, and my own commentary. Diaries are listed because:
- they’re fabulously written & have SUBSTANCE
- they’ll educate you on candidates and states.
- newsworthy items that got lost in the mix
- there was research involved (copyright rules must be followed)
Please add to the list in the replies or email me links you’d like to see included. For previous editions, search my diaries for them. Consider subscribing to my diaries if you never want to miss an edition. Opinions expressed in the links are not endorsed by me. Archives are here as well.
Blue Ribbon:
Rep. G. K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) for really supporting the troops: “The measure, included in the Defense Authorization Bill by Rep. G. K. Butterfield (D-N.C.), would end by 2009, for some retirees, a system that requires their federal disability payments to be offset by dollar-for-dollar reductions in retirement pay. Under current law, that trade-off is scheduled to be phased out by 2014 for military retirees with more than 20 years of service and a disability rated at 50 percent or higher by the Department of Veterans Affairs.” Click on the link for more. It should be noted that Butterfield was a special election winner, and this will surely help his re-election as long as it gets proper local coverage.
- Brava Julia Carson! (D IN-7), by JamesB3
- Raw Story on an upcoming Rolling Stone interview with Harry Reid This quote caught my eye: Reid attributes his style (which Rolling Stone refers to as “gunslinger,”) in part to his days on the Nevada Gaming Commission. “It allows you to put things in perspective when there aren’t bombs in your car, when your kids aren’t being taken to school with armed guards, when you don’t have to carry a gun every place you go. Those were some very frightening times in my life. In the Senate, I’m not worried about physical pain–just legislative pain.”
- (WakeupCall) Iowa Democrats: As Rep. Jim Nussle (R-IA) plans to announce his IA GOV bid today, Dems are scheduled to launch a radio ad campaign attacking his receipt of ’04 contributions from House Maj. Leader Tom DeLay’s PAC (link).
Quote of the Day
Making a Deal: Speculation on How the Nuclear Option Deal Really Went Down.
Frist’s problem was that he didn’t understand the real nature of the Republican coalition, with requires one to only promise to give the radical religious right everything it wants, but to make sure that whatever the business lobby wants, the business lobby gets.
Overshadowed Outrage(s) of the Week
- The K Street Project (MUST read)
- NYT does a puff piece on Cheney family The gay daughter was involved in the gay-bashing campaign strategy.
- Head Start director Windy Hill stepped down. Bush appointee was under investigation for financial abuses.
- Financier of right wing, closes its doors
- Unfriendly Fire. Right wing celebrates defeat of communism, even though none had served.
- Gorilla balloon makes great political theater re: Republicans who won’t come clean about privatization.
- DeLay investigation delayed Voice your outrage to the local media in your area.
- Constitution in Exile movement
- Congressional Corruption article Targets mostly GoOPers, but a Democrat is targeted as well.
More outrages & news:
- New SEC Nominee Praises GOP Writer Who Compares Democrats to the KKK
- The GOP’s war on science
- Bush admin. Hearts religious discrimination.
- The Dobson list of possible Supreme Court justices
- SEC nominee Chris Cox and Enron A whole host of quotes were dug up by ThinkProgress.
- Clarence Thomas wants to roll back civil rights gains?
- Right wing attacks on outgoing SEC head Donaldson
- Funny: More whines about L&O DeLay mention, McCain v. Norquist, and Trent Lott voted 9 times for Carrie Underwood in American Idol
- Ohio’s Disappearing Coin/Photo Trick, by e Pluribus Media
- OH Coingate: Tom Noe, Karl Rove, and Arnold
- A List of Noe’s Political Contributions
- Ohio Coingate starting to rock GOP
- Noe’s investment… in Beanie Babies?!
- Ohio Coin Gate gets blown WIDE OPEN, by Pounder
- Dean wants Bush to return campaign contributions to Ohio GOP Coingate conspirator Noe
- Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist Billing Clients for Face Time with G.W. Bush
- DeLay lies about Mariana Islands
- Latest on anti-gay bigot Spokane Mayor West, who happens to be gay
- Wingnut David Horowitz lies
- Right wingnuts fool only the dittoheads about their `successful’ boycott of Disney
- Right Wing Hearts Enron
- Arnold Schwarzenegger likes his product placement
- The Real Reason the WH is Stalling on Bolton
- Rep. Chocola blames his problems on George Soros Whine.
- Bush likely to tap Scalia as chief justice
- Frank Luntz is writing a book titled “Killer Words”
- Specter lies about judicial filibusters
- Hastert pork He does it by skirting procedures.
- Hack Alan Greenspan misfires on Fannie, Freddie
- Lame-duck press conference for Bush. Link goes to reason for the conference.
- What the GOP has done with their 2004 “mandate.”
- Sidney Blumenthal article takes on Bush
- Rush Limbaugh is an apologist for Arthur Andersen
- (WakeupCall) Sec/State Condoleezza Rice appointed NY Gov. George Pataki (R) to head a U.S. delegation of Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders to a 2-day European summit on discrimination 6/8 (Washington Times).
More blogs that frequently have posts that deal with this topic:
- DNC’s Case File. Scandal Man: A Guide to the Ethics Violations, Abuses of Power, and Corruption of DeLay
- Tom DeLay’s House of Scandal
- Jack Abramoff and Friends
- Drop the Hammer on DeLay
- Republican Noise Machine from MyDD
- DCCC blog: The Stakeholder
- First Draft
- For video on the worst of the phony Republicans, visit Crooks & Liars.
- The Daily DeLay is updated regularly & has action items.
- TAPPED from The American Prospect.
- The Fly Trap at The Gadflyer
Deep Throat Revealed links
- Media Coverage Notes: Deep Throat Revealed includes links to various reactions, roundups, video, etc.
- How Mark Felt Became ‘Deep Throat’: As a Friendship — and the Watergate Story — Developed, Source’s Motives Remained a Mystery to Woodward
Republican(s) Off Message
* Video: Arlen Specter gets personal on This Week re: Stem cells. He really let Sam Brownback have it. Brownback is an unmitigated asshole. The segment should be played over and over again should Brownback ever seek higher office. Oh yeah, psssst. Arlen, switch parties, because a lot of the guys in your own party doesn’t seem to care about your cancer.
Downing Street Memo
* MN Star Tribune readers get to read it unedited.
- (Hotline) Sunday — Meet the Press hosts RNC Chair Ken Mehlman. Face the Nation hosts ex-Nixon counsel John Dean and ex-Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee. This Week hosts Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), Bradlee, and singer Bryan Adams. Fox News Sunday hosts Amnesty International exec dir William Schulz, talk radio host G. Gordon Liddy and ex-Watergate Task Force member Richard Ben-Veniste. Late Edition hosts Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Chris Dodd (D-CT), ex-Sec/State Henry Kissinger, ex-NSA Zbigniew Brzezinski, ex-Sec/State Alexander Haig, Iraqi FM Hoshyar Zebari, ex-Nixon counsel Charles Colson, Ben-Veniste, and Dean.
- VIDEO: Tom Brokaw Gets It Right on Watergate Apologists and Nixon Loyalists
- CNN Says Blogs Don’t Have The Level Of Trust They Do, by Rimjob
- Christiane Amanpour, who is she?, by sybil
- Watching NBC Nightly News – ARRRGH!, by George Orwell
- What’s wrong with business reporting: Workers getting paid more sucks.
- D.C. Elites: Lies About Sex More Important Than Lies About War Accompanying Kos entry here.
- Media News Monday 5/30/05, by Newsie8200
- Penndit’s RWCM Watch & Media News Link Listing
- The White House declines to dispute the Downing Street Memo, by Weldon Burger
- BushCo Linked Syria and Zarqawi Using Flawed Intelligence, by RepubAnon
- This is how Rumsfeld’s Army treats decorated Officers, by smintheus
- House GOP opposes accountability in Air Force Academy Scandal, by jefffromthenjdc
- Even George Clooney’s Dad has read the Downing St Memo!, by dcr22
- In Uzbekistan, McCain, Graham, and Sununu call for an independent investigation, by deselby
- US Arrest of Sunni Party Leader Foments Unrest, by SusanHu
- Roundup of Iraq Violence, Doctors Quitting, etc., by grytype
- Rice: Amnesty report on Gitmo detainees “absurd”, by Coug
- Cheney offended by REPORTING of abuse? Here’s what I’m offended by…, by ExplodingKitchen
- Depleted Uranium Bill Introduced into Congress, by roseeriter
- Venezuela/Machado update, by devtob
- Downing Street Memo for Dummies, by michael in chicago
- CIA Expert to Bush/Cheney: “Get A Grip On Reality” of Iraq, by SusanHu
- Jailers splashed Koran with urine – Pentagon
- The Other Bomb Drops, by Jeremy Scahill The Nation article on bombs dropped on Iraq before Congress gave Bush authority to invade.
- Amnesty International defends itself
- Americans knowledge about Darfur
- Bush Has a Friend in a Butcher
- Chart Shows that Bush Policies Do Not Promote Freedom Around the World
- Bush admin Was for Amnesty Intl before it was against it.
- Smoking Bullet in the Smoking Gun? By Congressman John Conyers
- MN Star Trib Editorial: Bush Lied
- Military demotions based on politics and not merit?
- CNN Amnesia on genocide
- Bush admin. Keeping Quiet on Uzbkeistan
- Detainees Should Have Lawyers so Innocents Can be Released
- The UN’s Jan Egeland is Livid About Aid Bias
- Sudan babies fed leaves to avoid starvation
- Some troops want to get out of the military ASAP re: Iraq
For more on these issues, check these out:
PDBs from Soj Fantastic daily resource. Subscribe to Soj!
Daily War News from a veteran
Laura Rozen’s blog War and Piece
Juan Cole’s Informed Comment
The Washington Note
Flogging the Simian by Soj
- Foreslosures Increase in 47 States + The Long-Term Effect, by bonddad
- A Republican argument for universal health care, by Ben in Madison
- Women beat Haley Barbour in Mississippi, by Ann Rose
- Why does Texas hate self-employed mommies?, by jandey
- California State Senate PASSES Single Payer Health Care Bill, by tiggers thotful spot
- Fruit Fly Study: Homosexuality Is Genetic, by Benito
- Southern Oregon: Gay students get death threats, by JamesB3
- 6th Graders told Christian Miracles are Fact, by foxfire burns
- Newsie’s Pick for DKos Comment of the Week: Maryscott O’Connor on the death penalty
- 9/11 Widow Denied Husband’s Pension by United Airlines, by profmarcus
- Making a Deal: Speculation on How the Nuclear Option Deal Really Went Down.
- American confidence in institutions Revealing poll.
- High Malpractice Insurance a Result of Insurance Company Greed
- Take Back America conference Mydd, Americablog, and Eschaton have updates.
- SS privatization, effect on the 2006 elections and Republicans A number of Republicans who are up for re-election in 2006 did vote for or promoted privatization.
- Article on Internal Labor Wars
- The Threat to Labor’s Political Operations
- Stem cells: Make It About Curing Diseases and Helping Families
- Minimum wage: A wedge issue in 2006?
- Bush pushing his SS destruction plan on minorities and young people so that he’ll get a “win” for Republicans electorally, even if he loses overall.
- Gen. Wesley Clark delivered Democratic radio address on May 28, 2005. Link goes to text and an MP3 that you can download.
- MyDD: The Pro-Cure Movement
- Emptywheel at Next Hurrah: The clock is ticking on Bush’s SS <s>destruction</s> “reform”
- Mark Sheilds on Patriotism and Sacrifice
- Profile of current Richmond mayor and former VA Gov. Douglas Wilder
- Being Poor is Expensive, by John Edwards at TPMCafe
- IMF: Private Accounts Likely to Up US Debt Not-so-shocking conclusion. Also not so shocking? The original headline called them “personal accounts.” Those headline writers are drinking the kool-aid.
- Frank Rich: Ground Zero is So Over (Sunday 5/29/05)
- (WakeupCall) Al Gore “got a shout-out” from Bono during the U2 concert in Boston (Boston Herald).
Series & Roundups
- Supreme Court Roundup, by hoyapaul
- Sunday Talk Roundups & Poll Screencaps, by Al Rodgers
- Jerome a Paris economic & international events diaries
- Investment Club, by CA Pol Junkie Link to first diary on this, titled “The Basics.”
- Healthcare News Round-ups by the holy handgrenade
- Daily Pulse, by dhonig Roundup of smaller newspapers.
- Reasonable Conservative bloggers
- CrooksandLiars’ blog roundup
- Basie’s interviews with prominent Democrats.
- DKos Diary Series: A Compilation
- NYers United to Portect Social Security
- DCCC: Privatize This! Anti SS Privatization website
- AARP Social Security Blog
- For the latest on Wal-Mart’s crimes, click here for JR Monsterfodder’s diaries.
- For the day’s Greatest Hits, Progressive Pundit Picks from baldandy
- For your LGBT news, please read pamindurham’s LGBT news roundups.
- For all your economy news, please read bonddad’s diaries and economic news roundups.
- For all your religious news, please read PastorDan’s religious news roundups. You can also check out his blog, Faith Forward
- Other meta-diaries: Tomtech’s this week in facism, SeattleLiberal’s Nerd Network News (Science Diaries), and jotter’s jotter’s Most Recommended Diaries.
Campaign News Round-Ups Here:
(instead of the old scrollbox)
* 2005, 2006, 2008 Campaign News, Notes & Analysis for 5/28 to 6/3
From other Kossacks & other places:
- Democrats are Fighting Back in Virginia, by Maura in VA
- Landrieu Bitchslaps Vitter, by usmeagle69 sometimes think we don’t give enough credit to Democrats, so I’m highlighting this.
- House 2006 update, by Nathaniel Ament Stone
- WA Gov. Hearings. Live threads by archerhouse
- Michigan Politics: The Week in Review, by Dump Terry McAuliffe Posted on Saturdays every week.
- Colorado Political RoundUps, by Ralph (Posted everyday, Mondays to Fridays)
- dKos Reader Blogs Alphabetized by State, by JenAtlanta
- List of blogs on all kinds of subjects.
- Issues, Activism, Political Info, and General Political Blogs & Websites
- Donate to the DNC
- Donate to the Democratic Governors Association
- Donate to the DSCC
- Donate to DCCC.
- Be a Monthly Donor to DCCC
- Donate to College Democrats
- To Donate to Specific Campaigns, find a campaign site here and donate directly…or check out ActBlue.
Newsie’s Entries:
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