West Coast: Al Franken is about to appear on Letterman. I’ve always loved David Letterman, more so after he stood up to CNN and the White House over the yawning boy debacle. This is an open thread.
I remember when all that happened which was at a time that I was still watching TV. I exiled my TV in December and haven’t watched much since. Mostly it’s a relief except I rarely know what folks are talking about when they reference something they’ve seen or are presently watching. So, if you can, please summarize Franken’s spot on the Letterman Show.
Franken doing well. Made the point that Felt is hero because he helped bring down an administration engaged in criminal acts. Nice counterpoint to the right wing attacks on Felt earlier this week.
Now speaking about the Republicans and their reluctance to investigate any wrongdoing related to the Iraq War and to abuse of government contracts. Says its a huge scandal and our soldiers are dying while the taxpayers are being fleeced. All good points IMO.
very funny, had Dave cracking up. Commented on Social Security, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. Said Bill has a new book out titled Cave:How to Settle a Sexual Harrassment Lawsuit When You Know They’ve Got the Goods On You. Glad to see Franken hold nothing back on those goons.
Okay, it’s my own diary, and so far I have all of one person discussing it with me. But damn it, I did alot of work on it, and if Dems ever want to win again, they better get their act together about small business. The R’s are totally screwing small biz and this is a golden opportunity for Dems.
I remember when all that happened which was at a time that I was still watching TV. I exiled my TV in December and haven’t watched much since. Mostly it’s a relief except I rarely know what folks are talking about when they reference something they’ve seen or are presently watching. So, if you can, please summarize Franken’s spot on the Letterman Show.
Franken doing well. Made the point that Felt is hero because he helped bring down an administration engaged in criminal acts. Nice counterpoint to the right wing attacks on Felt earlier this week.
Now speaking about the Republicans and their reluctance to investigate any wrongdoing related to the Iraq War and to abuse of government contracts. Says its a huge scandal and our soldiers are dying while the taxpayers are being fleeced. All good points IMO.
very funny, had Dave cracking up. Commented on Social Security, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. Said Bill has a new book out titled Cave:How to Settle a Sexual Harrassment Lawsuit When You Know They’ve Got the Goods On You. Glad to see Franken hold nothing back on those goons.
Okay, it’s my own diary, and so far I have all of one person discussing it with me. But damn it, I did alot of work on it, and if Dems ever want to win again, they better get their act together about small business. The R’s are totally screwing small biz and this is a golden opportunity for Dems.
While Bush guts SBA, rate of US entrepreneurship falls.
I heard a snippet about this on NPR yesterday morning and thought damn, we should play this up.
So here it is, linked up, analyzed, and lonely. Please stop by and visit.