Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The first few times I went there instead of the actual site at I couldn’t figure out why everyone hated the site – then I found the real site and it became obvious.
I’d seen them listed on BlogAds when I was trying to decide how to spend some of my advertising funds and I was puzzled too.
A month or so ago, the owner of the Drudge RETORT broke some story (can’t recall the details) and he was interviewed on some TV program and that’s when I realized it wasn’t Matt Drudge’s site so I placed an ad on his site.
Congrats Boo… me I’m facing a diet of seminţe tonight which ain’t exactly filling up the old belly 😉
I’ve been fairly quiet over the past few days, just getting a feeling of how your new community is coming along. “New” meaning a mix of your old and new members coming together…
And then thinking back when I used to subscribe to your Diaries on that orange site.. and then how you linked up with some quite different writers to create this one.
Without having never met you in person, I still feel pretty confident that in the past 9 months your online “self” has taken turns you sure didn’t expect.. but they’re quite wonderful despite their unexpectedness.
I have a reoccurring incident, as a function of always being on the move throughout entire my life. I wake up in the morning and I look around and say “where the heck am I?”. And then as I gather my wits and remember where I am, inevitably the next question is “how did I get here?”.
But I’m in a good place now and I think BMT is too.. and soon your secret project will be as well. Congratulations ten times from me!
Oh gosh… you know I talk to my mother about 4 times a week and today was one.. and she pointed out to me that I literally do not speak English anymore. I speak a hybrid of English and Romanian to so many people that it’s become my first language.. I guess you could call it Romglish. So my apologies as words like that slip in de când in când (from time to time).
Aside from my online writing, my mother is the very last person in my life whom I know who speaks English as a first language. Gosh it’s so shocking sometimes to realize how quickly one forgets one’s own native tongue! So now my mind inserts Romanian words as a matter of course, especially when they’re either shorter or else a better way to express what I want to say.
Seminţe is a Romanian word which literally just means “seeds” (Spanish = semillas). In my case it means seminţe de floarea soarelui or “sunflower seeds” in English (Spanish = pipas). They are grown here and are incredibly cheap, even for Romanian standards. I didn’t have any money to go to the grocery store today so all I could afford was a bag of sunflower seeds (in the shell) which retail for oh about 8 American cents I guess.
I just got some money from another source so tomorrow I’ll trek downtown to get it and then I’ll buy some real food. But tonight its just me and the seeds 😉
Oh I almost forgot – it’s pronounced “seh meent say”. But the package is actually from Hungary so the outside of the bag says “hantolt porkolt napraformamag” haha so don’t ask me to tell you how to pronounce that 😉
And let everyone know that you should head over to Pandagon and donate to their 24-hour blogathon for Amnesty International! Jesse and Amanda are posting all day and raising money for AI to support them for all the great work they do.
What a well-deserved achievement! You and your right-hand folks have worked so hard to reach this milestone, and it shows in everything you do. Great dynamics, great front-pagers, great diaries, and a damn fine community. As with all great organizations, you’ll continue to get referrals and the site will continue to grow.
Along the way, please remember to let us know when you’re in need of any type of support. You’ve cultivated a dynamic and have earned a level of respect in which many of us (old and new alike) are at the ready to pitch in whenever the need should arise.
Hope you got some rest last night. (Funny thing about the timing of your one night off. . .Slacker showed up out of nowhere, threatening to wreak havoc. But he was merely joshin’. . .well, at least for now :^).
I have a tiny but persisting home-based business with a limited advertising budget but this is the second time I’ve advertised at the Fish Pond. I love it here and I plan to continue to support Booman.
I’m probably the only advertiser who actually reads the blogs that I advertise on.
I’ve been irritating the religious right with Darwin fish type emblems for more than 10 years. We operate from home, my significant other is an artist who creates the designs and I have the molds created and the emblems made in a factory.
For a while my shipments were coming up short. I’d order a thousand emblems and I’d get a bill for the full amount but the total that arrived would be short. I called to complain and the manager eventually figured out that the factory workers like our designs so much, they were keeping some as souvenirs. We were amused because the factory is located in a red state.
I’m curious to know how the fiasco this week bumped up BT on the Advertise Liberally’s list (i.e., was the Pie Ad worth $700.00 to Kos–short and long term haul)?
Yes, I’ve been watching the Sitemeter stats for both portals (since Tuesday).
Of course, the word “worth” carries subjective as well as objective meanings.
Where did BT previously stand on the A.L. list (for the past 3 weeks, for example)?
Again–wonderful stamina, everyone!
Please be sure to rest, too–we newbies settle in just fine now.
I guess this a good place to say this. I have no idea exactly how Blogads arrives at its numbers, which are much lower than my actual page views. But I do know that a lot of people who have Firefox can disable the ads.
When you do that, your page views don’t get counted by blogads, and it makes it look like ALL OF US have less traffic than we do.
Markos has created a subscriber function so people can opt out of the ads, regardless of their browser. I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. Well, really Andy and I haven’t had time to think about it.
Anyway, one way to support the site is to enable the ads.
On your other question, I don’t know the exact numbers but the site has been averaging somewhere between 40,000-75,000 on blogads. So this jump is huge.
Congratulations to You, SusanHu and all friends doing great work on and for the BooTrib community. Lots of appreciation extended throughout this week, you may have missed some kudos. I know I have the same problem mentioned by sjct, although putting in plenty of hours.
Pace is getting to normal, so what is the next milestone we’re shooting for Martin?
Please no more newbies surprises for a few days at least, so I can catch up on some important reading. Do let us know when we can open the champagne bottle this weekend for UID #1500, or should I put a second bottle in the frigidaire? More surprises? Please give a fair warning. Thanks to all.
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Ya go away for three days and what happens?! Massive growth in my personal fav blog community, that’s what. I set my diary views from 20 to 50 and still didn’t find the last one I read before I left. There are so many diarists I’m so pleased to see here. Welcome one and all!
Congrats, Boo! Now that you’ve got groceries covered, how many members do you need to pay the rent, utilities and SusanHu?
Horrific news…I just read on Yahoo News (front and center) that JOHN CORNYN of TEXAS is being talked up in Washington as a Possible nominee to the SCOTUS. This cannot be possible…What the fuck is Bush/Frist/Dobson thinking if this is true? And I thought their numbers couldn’t get any lower.
oh my god..and I was just feeling kinda peaceful after looking at some great gardens over on diane’s diary and now we get hit with’re right it can’t really be true can it but then again …and I’m giving you a 4 after the big fiasco I missed out on on that ratings diary ..I posted over there after I was alerted I gave you a 3…which was a big big slip of my finger..feel really bad and glad I found out about it to correct mistaken impression of that 3.
I thought perhaps you were in a bad mood or just slipped. I thought it rather odd I would get a 3 for wishing someone a Happy Birthday…I remember you from the first few days here. We had nice conversations…Hope all has been well with you…and no worries…have a 4.
Glad you found my post…we did have some nice conversations when the frog pond was in it’s infancy didn’t we. That was fun. And I try to never take out a bad mood on anyone else and am happy to say I usually succeed at that anyway.
How cool but what I want to know is how Drudge got into that lineup?
The first few times I went there instead of the actual site at I couldn’t figure out why everyone hated the site – then I found the real site and it became obvious.
hey, thanks for clearing that up for me..I was startled when I saw that dam name there.
Plus I think Drudge has even more traffic than Kos.
This one is the Drudge RETORT.
I’d seen them listed on BlogAds when I was trying to decide how to spend some of my advertising funds and I was puzzled too.
A month or so ago, the owner of the Drudge RETORT broke some story (can’t recall the details) and he was interviewed on some TV program and that’s when I realized it wasn’t Matt Drudge’s site so I placed an ad on his site.
Food is good. Hope your weekend is going well.
Congrats Boo… me I’m facing a diet of seminţe tonight which ain’t exactly filling up the old belly 😉
I’ve been fairly quiet over the past few days, just getting a feeling of how your new community is coming along. “New” meaning a mix of your old and new members coming together…
And then thinking back when I used to subscribe to your Diaries on that orange site.. and then how you linked up with some quite different writers to create this one.
Without having never met you in person, I still feel pretty confident that in the past 9 months your online “self” has taken turns you sure didn’t expect.. but they’re quite wonderful despite their unexpectedness.
I have a reoccurring incident, as a function of always being on the move throughout entire my life. I wake up in the morning and I look around and say “where the heck am I?”. And then as I gather my wits and remember where I am, inevitably the next question is “how did I get here?”.
But I’m in a good place now and I think BMT is too.. and soon your secret project will be as well. Congratulations ten times from me!
Back in my Octupus days, I was just trying to break the story of the century…
…my ambitions had to be trimmed considerably after the election results made it clear no such story would ever be broken.
What is simente, and do you pronounce it like cement?
Oh gosh… you know I talk to my mother about 4 times a week and today was one.. and she pointed out to me that I literally do not speak English anymore. I speak a hybrid of English and Romanian to so many people that it’s become my first language.. I guess you could call it Romglish. So my apologies as words like that slip in de când in când (from time to time).
Aside from my online writing, my mother is the very last person in my life whom I know who speaks English as a first language. Gosh it’s so shocking sometimes to realize how quickly one forgets one’s own native tongue! So now my mind inserts Romanian words as a matter of course, especially when they’re either shorter or else a better way to express what I want to say.
Seminţe is a Romanian word which literally just means “seeds” (Spanish = semillas). In my case it means seminţe de floarea soarelui or “sunflower seeds” in English (Spanish = pipas). They are grown here and are incredibly cheap, even for Romanian standards. I didn’t have any money to go to the grocery store today so all I could afford was a bag of sunflower seeds (in the shell) which retail for oh about 8 American cents I guess.
I just got some money from another source so tomorrow I’ll trek downtown to get it and then I’ll buy some real food. But tonight its just me and the seeds 😉
Oh I almost forgot – it’s pronounced “seh meent say”. But the package is actually from Hungary so the outside of the bag says “hantolt porkolt napraformamag” haha so don’t ask me to tell you how to pronounce that 😉
I really am so happy for you! But not a bit surprised, this place has been great from the beginning.
Hope you’re doing some relaxing this weekend.
And let everyone know that you should head over to Pandagon and donate to their 24-hour blogathon for Amnesty International! Jesse and Amanda are posting all day and raising money for AI to support them for all the great work they do.
What a well-deserved achievement! You and your right-hand folks have worked so hard to reach this milestone, and it shows in everything you do. Great dynamics, great front-pagers, great diaries, and a damn fine community. As with all great organizations, you’ll continue to get referrals and the site will continue to grow.
Along the way, please remember to let us know when you’re in need of any type of support. You’ve cultivated a dynamic and have earned a level of respect in which many of us (old and new alike) are at the ready to pitch in whenever the need should arise.
Hope you got some rest last night. (Funny thing about the timing of your one night off. . .Slacker showed up out of nowhere, threatening to wreak havoc. But he was merely joshin’. . .well, at least for now :^).
Congratulations to Booman!
I have a tiny but persisting home-based business with a limited advertising budget but this is the second time I’ve advertised at the Fish Pond. I love it here and I plan to continue to support Booman.
I’m probably the only advertiser who actually reads the blogs that I advertise on.
I’ve been irritating the religious right with Darwin fish type emblems for more than 10 years. We operate from home, my significant other is an artist who creates the designs and I have the molds created and the emblems made in a factory.
For a while my shipments were coming up short. I’d order a thousand emblems and I’d get a bill for the full amount but the total that arrived would be short. I called to complain and the manager eventually figured out that the factory workers like our designs so much, they were keeping some as souvenirs. We were amused because the factory is located in a red state.
I’m curious to know how the fiasco this week bumped up BT on the Advertise Liberally’s list (i.e., was the Pie Ad worth $700.00 to Kos–short and long term haul)?
Yes, I’ve been watching the Sitemeter stats for both portals (since Tuesday).
Of course, the word “worth” carries subjective as well as objective meanings.
Where did BT previously stand on the A.L. list (for the past 3 weeks, for example)?
Again–wonderful stamina, everyone!
Please be sure to rest, too–we newbies settle in just fine now.
Congrats again.
I guess this a good place to say this. I have no idea exactly how Blogads arrives at its numbers, which are much lower than my actual page views. But I do know that a lot of people who have Firefox can disable the ads.
When you do that, your page views don’t get counted by blogads, and it makes it look like ALL OF US have less traffic than we do.
Markos has created a subscriber function so people can opt out of the ads, regardless of their browser. I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. Well, really Andy and I haven’t had time to think about it.
Anyway, one way to support the site is to enable the ads.
On your other question, I don’t know the exact numbers but the site has been averaging somewhere between 40,000-75,000 on blogads. So this jump is huge.
to the Top of the Liberal Pond.
Congratulations to You, SusanHu and all friends doing great work on and for the BooTrib community. Lots of appreciation extended throughout this week, you may have missed some kudos. I know I have the same problem mentioned by sjct, although putting in plenty of hours.
Pace is getting to normal, so what is the next milestone we’re shooting for Martin?
Please no more newbies surprises for a few days at least, so I can catch up on some important reading. Do let us know when we can open the champagne bottle this weekend for UID #1500, or should I put a second bottle in the frigidaire? More surprises? Please give a fair warning. Thanks to all.
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
for all the handshaking and greeting.
We currently have 1473 users. So we might make 1500 this weekend, might not.
I haven’t thought about new goals…I’m too busy thinking about the BIG SURPRISE.
Ya go away for three days and what happens?! Massive growth in my personal fav blog community, that’s what. I set my diary views from 20 to 50 and still didn’t find the last one I read before I left. There are so many diarists I’m so pleased to see here. Welcome one and all!
Congrats, Boo! Now that you’ve got groceries covered, how many members do you need to pay the rent, utilities and SusanHu?
Horrific news…I just read on Yahoo News (front and center) that JOHN CORNYN of TEXAS is being talked up in Washington as a Possible nominee to the SCOTUS. This cannot be possible…What the fuck is Bush/Frist/Dobson thinking if this is true? And I thought their numbers couldn’t get any lower.
oh my god..and I was just feeling kinda peaceful after looking at some great gardens over on diane’s diary and now we get hit with’re right it can’t really be true can it but then again …and I’m giving you a 4 after the big fiasco I missed out on on that ratings diary ..I posted over there after I was alerted I gave you a 3…which was a big big slip of my finger..feel really bad and glad I found out about it to correct mistaken impression of that 3.
I thought perhaps you were in a bad mood or just slipped. I thought it rather odd I would get a 3 for wishing someone a Happy Birthday…I remember you from the first few days here. We had nice conversations…Hope all has been well with you…and no worries…have a 4.
Glad you found my post…we did have some nice conversations when the frog pond was in it’s infancy didn’t we. That was fun. And I try to never take out a bad mood on anyone else and am happy to say I usually succeed at that anyway.
Excellent news, Boo. Your traffic numbers exceed some very prominent, long-standing blogs!
Booman, congratulations for all your achievements and for making this venue available to all of us. 1500 soon, great job!