Back in the summer of 2002 there was a US Senator who warned that war in Iraq was probable. That man was Joe Biden. Here’s what he said on August 4, 2002:
What a great prognosticator, yes? So, why should we not trust someone who was so prescient? Find out after the break.
You see, Biden wasn’t just predicting a war, he was also doing something far more damaging: He was spreading the Administration’s lies for them and actively promoting their false justification for invasion:
“We have no choice but to eliminate the threat,” he said. “This is a guy who’s an extreme danger to the world.”
Does that mean war? “I think that’s where we end up,” Biden said.
Now, one could argue that Biden was mislead, and sincerely believed what he was saying. Myself, I tend to view a him as being a crass opportunist on this occasion, but if he was sincere, than he was a dupe. In any event, this line from the USA Today story is revealing:
Next time you hear Biden criticizing Dean, just remember this incident. It tells you all you need to know about Senator Biden.
I promise every vote will be counted.
I think that what it comes down to is that Biden’s in the pockets of corporations. And this whole pocket war with Dean is about returning the Democratic party to corporate control, and reversing Dean’s attempts to hand it over to the grassroots.
Biden is dangerous.
was an anomaly. I have a long history of wanting to kill this guy. And his obviously deliberate attempts to cop some that George Washington mojo with his hair style, have done nothing warm the cockles of my heart. He’s very good at bluster and righteous indignation. Sometimes, like with the Bolton nomination, I almost kind of what him there. But then, he does things like hawk the bankruptcy bill, from his perch somewhere in MBNA’s metaphorical rectum, and I just want to swat him like a bug.
You are exactly on the money about this guy! He does not always behave as a Dem. I find him to be exasperating. I have tried to like him; i have tried and failed to like him.
Like every member of the Senate save feingold, he voted to impose a life sentence for throwing a pie in the face of Members of Congress, Cabinet secretaries and Undersecretaries, and Supreme Court Justices. This was an obscure provision in the Patriot Act.
In the House, I alerted Representative Baldwin to this clause. She was able to get it modiofied in the Judiciary committee’s draft, but Hastert doublecrossed the Committee, bringing the Senate version of Patriot to a vote, not the unanimous Committee markup.