This diary is a corollary to the “What’s Your Main Political Concern?” diary. Most of the concerns mentioned in that diary have organizations that are actively working to address them. So here’s a chance to promote organizations that you think are worthy of our hard-earned bucks and limited free time.

I have a particular fondness for organizations that focus on incremental change because they appeal to both my pragmatic nature and my dislike of deferred gratification.

My List

The Nature Conservancy

I greatly admire this organization. They are amazingly successful at both making incremental change and turning a series of incremental changes into larger victories.

Habitat for Humanity

If only the federal housing program was good as Habitat’s.

Women for Women International

This organization works with women in countries suffering from the effects war and civil strife through economic, civil, and emotional support. Their programs include micro-loans and vocational training.

The Humane Society

Perhaps the original incremental change organization. Go to the web site or check your phone book for the local shelter. They’ll be happy to accept your money or your help at the shelter.

And by special request from my husband (a teacher).

Court-Appointed Special Advocates

This organization trains and assigns volunteers from the local community to advocate for abused and neglected children in the court system.

Tell us about your choices.