Wanted to bring your attention to this article posted at MSNBC. It seems that now the republicans are trying to cut their losses on social security.


With the Senate Finance Committee at an impasse on Social Security and House leaders anxious about moving forward, Republican congressional leaders have told the White House in recent days that it is time to look for an escape route.Senate GOP leaders, in discussions with White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and political officials, have made it clear they are stuck in a deep rut and suggested it is time for an exit strategy, according to a senior Senate Republican official and Finance Committee aides.

The Dems are united in opposition, and the Repubs are divided in their support. Bush has responded by blaming the Dems for their “obstruction.” Why the trouble, if the Repubs have the majority? Well, they don’t have the votes if they divert funds to private accounts, but if they take out private accounts, they also do not have the votes because too many GOP conservatives want them.  

If they are stuck in the senate, some Republican leaders believe they could put together legislation in the house that would clear the Ways and Means Committee.


But aides and GOP lawmakers say House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) has told his members he remains averse to a floor vote on such a plan if the Senate cannot act.

“There is absolutely no way is he is going to put his members on a roll call where they fall on their sword on a bill with no chance of going anywhere,” said one Republican House member, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of crossing White House political officials.

I’m loving it, because the repubs are finally getting it. People can be amazingly detached from the news, but when it deals with how comfortable you are going to spend 25 to 30 years of your life, people take notice. The reason why SS is going nowhere is that the plan has no merit, they want to provide less money and less guarantees and want people to retire at a later age and they can’t figure out why there is not widespread support? That airline pension thing came at an opportune time. Bush thinks that people would be attracted by the opportunity of wealth offered by the so-called private accounts. Well, most of us are just interested in being comfortable in our old age and would rather know that with a high degree of certainty than risk most of what we have for the chance at riches.  

I like the idea of lifting the $90,000 cap: bout time the wealthy started paying back some of the tax cuts

A growing number of key Republicans are pessimistic. Graham said he has come to the conclusion that Democrats will not pay a political price, at least anytime soon, for killing the Bush plan without offering their own. “The idea of not having an alternative to the Bush proposal is politically acceptable, at least for the moment,” he said. “So I don’t see any momentum for Democrats to come forward with a proposal.”