According to Kansas City Star columnist Barbara Shelly, Missouri Governor Matt “baby” Blunt recently opened up in an interview with a religious publication. The contents are enlightening. Shelly takes “baby” Blunt to task, exposing his right wingnut views to a wider audience with her June 17, 2005 op-ed piece titled: “Your values are important, as long as they match his” (free registration required – link may expire)
Ah, family values. In Missouri we call him “baby” because his dad is a U.S. Congressman and he’s so young (though very close in age to his “stepmother”).
….you probably don’t know Blunt thinks public schools should be able to post the Ten Commandments.
Or that he thinks elected officials should, as a “last resort,” refuse to carry out a judicial order. Or that he believes impeachment is a “reasonable solution” for judges who “consistently act in a manner that is conflict with the law of the values of Americans….”
He’s running for President.
….”I would not look favorably on judges who kept Missourians from advancing legislation that was important to their values,” Blunt said….
I’m not certain, but in that second statement I think there’s a little wiggle room for legalizing the manufacture, sale, and distribution of meth.
Evidently, he’s never heard of Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)
Hey, at least that was more than dubya got in 2000 – and look what he was able to do.
Blunt’s 2004 legislative agenda for Missouri protected the “no tax” ideology of the top 1% at the expense of widows and orphans. It’s that “tough love” stuff that gets you.
For Missouri Democrats the question becomes, will State Auditor Claire McCaskill face Blunt for a rematch in 2008 or will she challenge Jim “No” Talent for the U.S. Senate seat in 2006? Either way, a smart campaigner and tough and highly competent public servant will take on one of two high profile wingnuts in Missouri.
He is a disaster. A child using other people’s lives as his play blocks to move around as he wills. Claire would have been a GREAT governor, imo. I hope she’s able to get it together to stay in politics in some prominent way, whether as Gov or Sen.