Cross-posted from Daily Kos

As I was browsing through the articles on the Downing Street Minutes that are now being featured and linked on Yahoo, I ran across this article on our Dear Leader – Bush: Pulling Out of Iraq Not an Option that shows perfectly what a delusional, contradictory, lying moron he is.

“The terrorists and insurgents are trying to get us to retreat. Their goal is to get us to leave before Iraqis have had a chance to show the region what a government that is elected and truly accountable to its citizens can do for its people,” Bush said in his weekly radio address.

“We will settle for nothing less than victory” over terrorists there, he said later.

“Settle for nothing less than victory” ???!!!  Over terrorism??? In other words, according to logic, that means we’ll never be able to pull out!

So the BushCo propaganda machine is evidently being revved up and launched into full spin mode…

Bush’s radio address is part of a series of appearances and speeches in the coming weeks aimed at countering poll ratings that are near their lowest levels on both the Iraq war and the economy. Bush said his administration is committed to success in both areas of concern for Americans.


“Some may disagree with my decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power, but all of us can agree that the world’s terrorists have now made Iraq a central front in the war on terror,” he said. “This mission isn’t easy, and it will not be accomplished overnight.”

(emphasis mine)

Notice that he has said now. Is that a back-handed acknowledgement or admission that, as we all (at least on this side of the fence) knew, Iraq hadn’t been a “central front” for terrorism before we went in, and that now, because of the U.S. invasion, the terrorists are on the increase there?

Also, the “mission isn’t easy” and of course it “will not be accomplished overnight.” No… in fact, it will take forever. Unlike what they were trying to tell us 2 years ago.

And lastly…

“Time and again, the Iraqi people have defied the skeptics who claim they are not up to the job of building a free society,” he said.

“Time and again”??? What on earth does he mean by that? How many times have the Iraqi people been put through this hell? How many times have they had to handle the “job of building a free society”? How many precedents are there?

God, I hope the sheeple in the U.S. can soon start to wake up out of their stupor and begin to cultivate at least a minimum of skill in logical, analytical thinking… if for no other purpose than to be able to read (and listen) between the lines when the Preznit speaks.

Is it too much to hope that, perhaps now, with the Downing Street Minutes making a bit of headway and the war going so badly, people will at least start to look at him, and hear what he says, in a different light?

Maybe we can hope that his spin will start to lose its luster on all fronts, and that he has finally started to sink in the quicksand of his own making?