On July 23rd, 2002, the Brits held an important meeting. In attendence: Tony Blair, the Defence Secretary, the Foreign Secretary, the Attorney-General, Sir Richard Wilson, John Scarlett, Francis Richards, CDS, C, Jonathan Powell, Sally Morgan, and Alastair Campbell. ‘C’ refers to Richard Deerlove, the then head of MI6, the British equivalent to our Central Intelligence Agency. He had just returned from a trip to America to speak with Condi Rice and George Tenet. This was his report:
Dearlove had discovered something that some U.S. Senators had discovered four months earlier:
There is a lot to chew on on Dearlove’s report.
First: “Military action was now seen as inevitable”.
Let’s take a look at the situation back on April 6th, 2002, when Bush and Blair gave a joint press conference from the ranch:
THE PRESIDENT: Adam, the Prime Minister and I, of course, talked about Iraq. We both recognize the danger of a man who’s willing to kill his own people harboring and developing weapons of mass destruction. This guy, Saddam Hussein, is a leader who gasses his own people, goes after people in his own neighborhood with weapons of — chemical weapons. He’s a man who obviously has something to hide.
He told the world that he would show us that he would not develop weapons of mass destruction and yet, over the past decade, he has refused to do so. And the Prime Minister and I both agree that he needs to prove that he isn’t developing weapons of mass destruction.
I explained to the Prime Minister that the policy of my government is the removal of Saddam and that all options are on the table.
THE PRIME MINISTER: I can say that any sensible person looking at the position of Saddam Hussein and asking the question, would the region, the world, and not least the ordinary Iraqi people be better off without the regime of Saddam Hussein, the only answer anyone could give to that question would be, yes.
Now, how we approach this, this is a matter for discussion. This is a matter for considering all the options. But a situation where he continues to be in breach of all the United Nations resolutions, refusing to allow us to assess, as the international community have demanded, whether and how he is developing these weapons of mass destruction. Doing nothing in those circumstances is not an option, so we consider all the options available.
But the President is right to draw attention to the threat of weapons of mass destruction. That threat is real. How we deal with it, that’s a matter we discuss. But that the threat exists and we have to deal with it, that seems to me a matter of plain common sense.
Q Prime Minister, we’ve heard the President say what his policy is directly about Saddam Hussein, which is to remove him. That is the policy of the American administration. Can I ask you whether that is now the policy of the British government? And can I ask you both if it is now your policy to target Saddam Hussein, what has happened to the doctrine of not targeting heads of states and leaving countries to decide who their leaders should be, which is one of the principles which applied during the Gulf War?
THE PRIME MINISTER: Well, John, you know it has always been our policy that Iraq would be a better place without Saddam Hussein. I don’t think anyone can be in any doubt about that, for all the reasons I gave earlier. And you know reasons to do with weapons of mass destruction also deal with the appalling brutality and repression of his own people. But how we now proceed in this situation, how we make sure that this threat that is posed by weapons of mass destruction is dealt with, that is a matter that is open. And when the time comes for taking those decisions, we will tell people about those decisions.
But you cannot have a situation in which he carries on being in breach of the U.N. resolutions, and refusing to allow us the capability of assessing how that weapons of mass destruction capability is being advanced, even though the international community has made it absolutely clear that he should do so.
Now, as I say, how we then proceed from there, that is a matter that is open for us.
THE PRESIDENT: Maybe I should be a little less direct and be a little more nuanced, and say we support regime change.
Q That’s a change though, isn’t it, a change in policy?
THE PRESIDENT: No, it’s really not. Regime change was the policy of my predecessor, as well.
Q And your father?
THE PRESIDENT: You know, I can’t remember that far back. (Laughter.) It’s certainly the policy of my administration. I think regime change sounds a lot more civil, doesn’t it? The world would be better off without him. Let me put it that way, though. And so will the future.
See, the worst thing that can happen is to allow this man to abrogate his promise, and hook up with a terrorist network. And then all of a sudden you’ve got one of these shadowy terrorist networks that have got an arsenal at their disposal, which could create a situation in which nations down the road get blackmailed. We can’t let it happen, we just can’t let it happen. And, obviously, the Prime Minister is somebody who understands this clearly. And that’s why I appreciate dealing with him on the issue. And we’ve got close consultations going on, and we talk about it all the time. And he’s got very good advice on the subject, and I appreciate that.
As you can see, back in April, Tony Blair was already on board with the rhetoric about WMD, non-compliance with U.N. resolutions, and desireability of regime change. But, at the same time, Blair was careful to say that the matter was ‘open’, and that they were in consultations over how best to effect regime change.
Dearlove’s report needs to be seen in this context. Three and half months later, he is reporting that ‘military action…is inevitable’. That means that Rice and Tenet told him that we were invading. No further consultations over that matter would be needed. All that remained was to make the case.
Which leads us to point two:
This is nothing new. We saw Bush make this case back in the April press conference, and in his axis-of-evil speech in January. Bush, deciding to let the anthrax do the talking, suggested that Saddam was likely to ‘hook up with a terrorist network’ and hand out a bag of toxins to kill innocent American citizens. Only there was a problem with that rhetoric:
Translation? We were being led to believe that the prospect of Saddam handing off lethal germs and toxins to terrorists was likely. It was not. To see how the intelligence was being fixed, we have to go no further than a William Safire column from that June:
6 June 2002 Monday
“What Else Are We Missing?”, by William Safire
In May and June of 2002, State Department officials were arguing strenuously for no military action to achieve “regime change” until Turkey was fully a part of a broad anti-Saddam coalition. Mid-level generals, fearful of comparisons with our cakewalk victory of a decade ago, were infuriating their Pentagon superiors with leaks downmouthing the whole operation.
The C.I.A., having failed previously in a Baghdad coup attempt, could not decide on which indigenous Iraqi dissidents to equip and train for an uprising to support our invasion. To restrain Bush’s hawks, C.I.A. doves denied any connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda, despite hard intelligence linking Mohamed Atta, the leading suicide hijacker, with the Iraqi spymaster in Prague — a fact reaffirmed in June to The Prague Post by Hynek Kmonicek, the Czech ambassador to the U.N.
Shocked Americans would be asking: Who knew what and when? Did the C.I.A. inform the president that Rihab Taha, “Dr. Germs,” had provided anthrax and other biological agents to Saddam’s Republican Guard? Did the president know that an untested atomic device could be detonated to punish invaders along with the Iraqi people? If so, should we have saved lives by going in earlier? Or knowing the cost later, should we have sought to appease the dictator?
So, here we see Safire delivering the talking points. The hijackers were agents of Saddam, Saddam had anthrax (remember that substance in our mail?) and had passed it out to his Republican Guard. Saddam has an atomic device.
Not only that, but Safire is waging a war against peaceniks in the CIA and the State Department. Do you now see why I accused him of working for military intelligence? It’s because he did, or does.
The reason the New York Times and the Washington Post don’t want to investigate the DSM leaks is because they were fully complicit in ‘fixing’ the intelligence. But let’s move on to the next point in Dearlove’s briefing:
Translation? The Brits thought it would be a keen idea to make a PowerPoint presentation of all the evidence that we had about Saddam’s weapons programs and crimes against humanity. The Bush administration thought that was a very bad idea. They had no patience for that idea. And for good reason. The CIA was telling them that Saddam didn’t have squat. They were saying that Curveball was a liar, that Chalabi couldn’t be trusted, that there was no meeting between Atta and an Iraqi diplomat, that the aluminum tubes were not for centrifuges, that there were no links between al-Qaeda and Iraq, that no uranium from Niger had been sought, etc.
Eventually, Colin Powell would be forced to give a PowerPoint presentation. Every single word of it would turn out to be either wrong, or an outright lie.
And now to the last point:
The case for removal from office is complete.
If the American public sees this, and yet chooses to still deny…. I will feel no pity for them when the time comes for them to duck.
And yet as I read it, I kept thinking, it’s not really new to anyone who followed the case for war very closely. It is evidence and confirmation of what we learned way back in the aftermath of 9/11. We had O’Neil and Richard Clarke, former White House officials, telling us about Bush’s early obsession with Iraq. We had Richard Clarke’s rivetting testimony at the 9/11 hearings. We had the weapons’ inspectors telling us there was nothing and we had the anti-war movement telling us the grounds presented by the White House for the invasion were trumped up. Colin Powell’s PowerPoint presentation was debunked almost immediately after he gave it at the UN.
The article just ties the events together and confirms what most people who were against the invasion already knew or suspected. The liars were pretty convincing though, there were times when I wondered if they had intelligence that we didn’t know about. And look at all the war pimps in the press that we had, who were spreading fear and doubt.
The finesse of Bush’s Iraq foreign policy one year before he invaded: “F**k Saddam, we are taking him out.” That is astounding.
Tony Blair repeating “Weapons of Mass Destruction” three times in one short paragraph! What a toadie!
A nearly perfect summary. Very well done, the case is complete. However, if you wanted to add something you could add the part about timing the lead-up to coincide with the midterm elections here.
Because the gains they made then have been retained. And because of that the United States will never punish these people as they deserve.
It is not just the time table, the rhetoric or the ‘fixing’, it is the cavalier attitude that kills me:
Q That’s a change though, isn’t it, a change in policy?
THE PRESIDENT: No, it’s really not. Regime change was the policy of my predecessor, as well.
Q And your father?
THE PRESIDENT: You know, I can’t remember that far back. (Laughter.) It’s certainly the policy of my administration. I think regime change sounds a lot more civil, doesn’t it? The world would be better off without him. Let me put it that way, though. And so will the future.
Evil-spirited, delusional punk. Culture of life, my dying ass.
Anthrax — isn’t it strange the total silence?
Where has the investigation gone? Why has it apparently produced no results?
Wouldn’t it be useful to urge these questions while pushing the DSM? How many people have forgotten the anthrax scare? Their memories jolted, might they not agree it’s time for the administration to come up with an explanation?
Since day 1, this administration has been loathing for the arrogence they produce on a daily basis. I think personally this has been what has turned many of us out here in the real word,off. They never seems to have any humility to go along with this reteric. This has in and of itself made matters worse with the world in effect with the United Nations. They just are not of the premice that one can catch more flies with honey, than vinegar.
When Bush was in Africa and he made the statement that SH would not let the insepctors in, we all the time they were there and he was co-operating with them, was just an out right lie of such magnitude.
I simply for the life of me, can not understand why America stoodby and let this all go down..Why in God’s name did the Congress let this happen so haphazardly, is beyond me.
I happen to agree with you,Boo, that Safire was a puppet for the DOD and he knewexactly what he was doing all along. Yes both major news papers were complicit in this maneuver. This is so important to be said and recognized as a truism.
NOw I suggest, it is those out there who do not get the right information and who do not know or notice what is really going on here and what is at stake, are the ones who will continue to be a thorn in our side as we move to prosecute. Those are the ones like the ppl of my town and neighbors who really do not pay attention or recognize or watch proper and good tv. The have never see a a NYT or WoP for that matter. They do not read the local newspaper either, but these are the ppl who are joining up to fight and to lambast us out here for speaking up and telling what is really happening. They are simply uninformed.
This is a plague that will be very hard to fight without a good case from the democrats and approach with strong conviction, astray from the reteric they listen to by GW.
This is how they play ppl…YOu could tell them it was daylight out side and they would argue with you on that even.
In presenting this case, the party of the ppl have got a very hard row to hoe. It is so essential for us to get behind them for the reinforcement that will certainly be needed.
I think we need to go after the NYT and the WoP for all they have with suits and tell them they are complicit in murder, more so than they could ever recognize.
I like the inclusion of the NYTimes’s complicity.
Now, how do we pitch this as patriotic and in an easily grasped sound bite?
I think the key to all of the media comments is that we allow them this point and we explain our distress in this manner. Please tell me what you think.
Yes, the NYT and WaPo published evidence of the certainity of the war. Yes, they published questions about the evidence and lack of planning.
But, they gave more then equal time to Safie et al for a equally strong reading of the government talking points at the same time. What results is a conflict, an unclear picture.
If the NYT and WaPo indeed feel like the DSM presents no new evidence, nothing that was not know publicically in July 2002 why didn’t the paper print that the British Governement agreed with those decrying the lack of evidence, planning and the certainty of war (and therefore lack of Containment aka UN inspections).
It simple, they didn’t publish that because they stuck to the public reem of lies then Bush and Blair governement where putting out, it clouded the message so both side could be argued.
And now we’re at war and the WaPo and NYT is saying there is nothing new in these 7 documents.
As editor and publisher did yesterday, I’d like to take us back to the pentagon papers in 1971 when both the WaPo and NYT went to court to be able to print these papers(what a contrast, on both the NYT and WaPo corporate pages they mention this as a defining moment in there papers history). Time magazine at the time published a long story on this topic. This in part is what they wrote, please read it all and see the parrellel’s.
Whats weird is the format of the page I linked to yesterday from Dailykos has changed…..it just a transcript now? Here is the link:
And the money quote:
“Those records afforded a rare insight into how high officials make decisions affecting the lives of millions as well as the fate of nations. The view, however constricted or incomplete, was deeply disconcerting. The records revealed a dismaying degree of miscalculation, bureaucratic arrogance and deception”
Thats what the DSM provides….that rare insite, and the look at what these people thought at the time is no less disconcerting.
I diaried this and other pieces of the time article in a diary at daily kos here.
Three US Senators have direct knowledge that Bush made a firm decision to invade Iraq almost a full year before the whole UN charade.
My son and I had this discussion, actually ongoing for the past two days. His arguement was that people knew Bush lied about WMD and they still voted for him in November. I said yes, but they did not know that the “intelligence was fixed to fit the policy”. THAT is the difference and that is why the DSMs are so urgently important. THAT is the proof that Bush has commited “high crimes” and MUST be held accountable.
If ever there was a talking point to move forward with, DSM is it! I feel very strongly about this to the point that I am in tears off and on through out the day mostly due to frustration that the AMerican people just don’t care. AND that the ones that do just don’t know what to do about it.
My suggestion is to write a leter everyday to your representatives stating you will not leave them alone until they insist on a hearing and full independent investigation into these high crimes. Next, write to every media outlet EVERYDAY and insist that they cover the truth and do the job they are being paid for. I know in my heart that there is a Woodward or Bernstein that is willing to write the truth but they have to get it past the corporate paid editors first. Well good f’ing luck. It is time to take our country back folks. What have you done today to help the cause?
We may advocate, push, scream to the rafters about the record, and perhaps that’s necessary right now. But nothing will change unless and until the House appoints a special prosecutor with a specific mandate to investigate possible illegal acts by the administration.
In the alternative, if you want to convince the public that the administration lied, then maybe convening a panel of experts in constitutional and federal criminal law would provide a forum for analyzing the evidence. Filmed, of course. I nominate Prof. Charles Ogletree to convene the panel.
Limited to two teams of four experts each – prosecution and defense – presented as an adversarial proceeding w/Prof. Ogletree as moderator/judge. All information presented strictly limited to published information in the public domain.
Prove it up.
The Safire article highlighted above also appears in this diary of Booman’s. You can read more of Safire’s cheerleading for W’s “Team America”, with comparisons to UK articles that coincide with Safire’s.
It is a work in progress; there is much more to document. Please feel free to join in the fray.