The autopsy results confirm Terry Schiavo was no longer a sentient being. Dr. Bill Frist’s Senate floor diagnosis on March 17 belonged on a “remote viewing” segment of Art Bell’s show.

But, while the WaPo‘s E.J. Dionne pens, “Dr. Frist, we’re still waiting to hear, I goofed’,” Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush is guest-starring on CBS’s Cold Case cop drama:

[Bush] asked a Florida prosecutor [Fri.] to investigate … varying accounts of the time that had elapsed between Terri Schiavo’s collapse 15 years ago and the moment that her husband summoned help. (NYT, June 17, 2005)

Says journalist Chris Floyd, “[O]f course this is vile: a blatant, brutal misuse of state power to wage culture war on behalf of a ruthless extremist ideology.” But, “get used to it, folks,” warns Floyd … and here’s why:

“Jeb is being readied for the dynastic succession — he’ll be on the ticket somewhere in 2008, either at the top or VP,” writes Floyd on his blog, Empire Burlesque. More below:

And, says Floyd, who writes the weekly Global Eye political column for The Moscow Times and St. Petersburg Times:

[B]elieve it or not, Jeb is even worse than George W. He’s sharper, he’s dirtier, he’s meaner, he’s greedier and far more energetic. When he gets in, things are going to get even worse.

It’s part of the terrible devolution of GOP politics. Everytime you think it can’t get any worse — it does. Nixon once seemed the abyss of political crime and corruption; but my God, his administration seems like a golden age of enlightened government compared to what has come after it. Then we thought it couldn’t get worse than Reagan; then it couldn’t possibly get any worse than Bush/Quayle; and yet we keep descending deeper and deeper into the pit.

But we’ve not hit bottom yet, not by a long shot. Keep your eye on Florida. There’s a rough beast slouching out of those swamps, raising a tsunami of slime that will sweep away the last few bastions of genuine democracy and human decency left in our gutted, battered, betrayed and broken Republic.

I ran across this after I’d finished writing the above. It’s so damn good, I have to share it with you. From BTC News:

Governor Bush, having resolved to his satisfaction all other pressing matters relating to the welfare of his state, told a Florida prosecutor that the governor’s own investigation revealed a gap of 40-70 minutes between Schiavo’s collapse and her husband’s call to 911, and said the “new information” warranted a “fresh look at this case without any preconceptions as to the outcome.”

Apparently blessed with the same keen investigative instincts as his elder brother, US president George Bush, the Florida governor based his assessment of the evidence on various statements by Michael Schiavo regarding the approximate time of Teri Schiavo’s collapse as compared to the actual time Mr. Schiavo placed the emergency call.

Although Schiavo claims that the disparity in his statements about the time arise from his failure to wear a watch or consult a clock while he tried to save his wife’s life in the early morning hours of February 25, 1990, Mr. Bush is concerned, without any preconceptions, that Michael Schivao may have sat about his living room doing malpractice sums as his wife’s heart stopped and her brain embarked upon its inexorable journey to destruction. …

I’m bookmarking this site!