Today Joe Biden announced his bid for the 2008 Pres nomination.;_ylt=AlUT0Ouh9xve.aMZFGCi_gWs0NUE;_ylu=X3o
Imagine that. I never would have known from his posturing these past few months. I mean, just how many times has he been seen on the Sunday gaggles?
I did admire the stance he took against Bolton. He can get pretty fiery. Wonder how long Dean will have his job at the DNC seeing Biden says, “Dean doesn’t speak for me.”
Things could get pretty interesting these next couple of months. Who do you all see getting the nomination for “08?
Biden announces political suicide; real progressives genuinely unsurprised, uninterested.
Also, I seriously hope none of the people you list are the nominee, because all are mostly gutless centrists. The Democrats need someone who’s unashemedly progressive and knows how to articulate their positions. Not someone who rushes to criticize anyone who dares stand up to the Republicans.
If I could, I would give you many ‘4’ on that statement. Not much left to say other than that…and happen to agree that biden has signed and sealed his death warrent for the democratic party nomination.
I agree full hardily. We need someone that will work for all Americans, not special interests like credit card companies heh?
Why do longtime Washington benchwarmers believe that the public is suddenly going to see them as presidential material? It’s like they live in a dream world.
Biden reminds me of any number of wildly popular afternoon soap opera actors who try to break into Hollywood films hoping for the same success. They never find it. Why? Because by the time they’ve spent enough time in soapdom to become a daytime megastar, they’ve actually missed their chance to break into Hollywood as a fresh face.
If you want to go to Hollywood, get out of the soaps early before you’re famous.
And senators? If you want to go to the White House, get out of the Senate early.
Biden hasn’t gotten the memo. Pathetic.
who’s actually out meeting voters and trying to help build a progressive reform agenda through his new Progressive Patriot’s Fund.
HE should be our next candidate, unless a great progressive governor breaks from the pack (and no, that DOESN’T include Vilsack or Warner).
I don’t think there are any. They all seem to be DLC.
Well, she’s not the picture of progressiveness but Napolitano would be better than Vilsack or Warner. Still, I think we’re gonna keep her here in AZ for a while longer. She’s doing a great job, all things considered.
That’s my story and I am sticking to it.
Woo. Hoo. I can’t stand that corporate loving, pontificating SOB. I really like Grantham (sp) – it’s just too bad she was born a Canuck. I also like Mosely-Braun – but she’s another individual who’s already had a chance – but I think she’d make an excellent cabinet head or ambassador.
For anyone not from MN – don’t be surprised if Jesse Ventura throws his hat in the ring to feed his ego. (And don’t be surprised if someone like Ventura brings out all the younger citizens who normally wouldn’t take the time to vote. They just might show up in protest against the existing “establishment” – particularly since Ventura was strongly opposed to the Iraq war from the get-go.)
Those of us in MN have witnessed it firsthand, and with so much disgust toward untrustworthy politicians these days. . .ya never know. The only thing that would hold Ventura back is his lovely, down to earth wife who detests the spotlight and likes spending time with her beautiful horses.
Edwards is the only one on the list who voluntarily speaks noncentristly, on the topic of wealth & income.
We’d be safer with all the others because they won’t irritate Management.
I’m still pissed that I won’t be able to vote NDP.
Maybe they thought the question was who do you least want to see as President?
Biden actually got two votes.
This is the Joe Biden who partnered with Orrin Hatch to sponsor the RAVE Act, which in it’s original form would have made it a 20 year Felony to advertise, promote, etc. any concert at which any particip;ant used a controlled substance. Fortunately amended in the House to add an element wherein the Govt. has to prove that the [promoter/venue operator actually, like, particpated in distribution of the controlled substance.
If Dems nominate Biden, expect a younger hipper candidate in the Nader role, getting more vtes than Ralph got in 2000.