Cross-posted at Daily Kos and MyDD
We’ve all been so busy at Democracy Fest here in Austin, and the wi-fi on the Huston-Tillotson campus was spotty, so few have had a chance to write in-depth diaries yet. Expect to see them appearing over the next week or so, as attendees get home, absorb, and find time to write. In the meantime, you can satisfy your DemFest curiosity at the links listed below the fold, listed roughly in order of amount of DemFest material. Scroll down on each site–I didn’t make links to each post, and some sites have multiple posts. If you know of other links, please add them in the comments. Links below the fold… Lotta posts & photos; report by U.S. Sen. candidate Barbara Radnofsky on breakfast with Jerome & Kos this morning, with photos; reports & photos from bloggers’ caucus and other caucuses; Jesse Jackson Jr., Molly Ivins, Jeffrey Feldman, more… Lotta posts, some w/photos, including Stubb’s event w/Howard Dean Photos
On BooMan: Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. at DemFest
On dKos: DemocracyFest Day #1 and Live from DemFest – Not What I Expected…
Annatopia has said she will post soon.
DemFest was fantastic. I’m looking forward to seeing others’ diaries about it.
roses, thanks for the link. Work is getting in the way of elaborating, but I thought DemFest was the best thing I’ve been to since I became an activist.
Nice to see you (even if it was just from way across the room) at the Blog Breakfast yesterday morning.
about Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.