No, I’m not referring to her as a Presidential candidate. The year 2008 is too far away, and in any event I am an agnostic on her candidacy at this point.
No what we need from her right this minute is something far more important. We need a Senator of her stature and political name recognition to help lead the fight on the most critical issue facing our Nation.
We need her to stand beside John Conyers and join his mission to investigate the Bush Administration over the Downing Street documents.
Why I think she would be invaluable as the most prominent Democratic leader of that mission to investigate the Downing Street Minutes comes after the break . . .
Think back to Watergate. When did the Press really start digging into the story? When a major, somewhat conservative Senator from North Carolina, Sam Ervin, got involved in holding hearings on the issue. At that point the major media that had been holding off on covering the story really began to take interest.
Now you can argue why Hillary may or may not be the Senator to leap into the fray and stand beside John Conyers at all of the subsequent forums and events he plans to hold, but first let me make the case for why it should be her.
First, she has by far the highest name recognition, and let’s face it, celebrity, among any of the political figures which could at this point lend their name and effort to this endeavor.
Yes, she comes with lots of negatives, but she also has a lot of good things going for her. Her very name would guarantee coverage by the nets, the cable shows, and the blogs, regardless of their political persuasion. The cause to investigate Bush would gain increased publicity, and in this case publicity is critical.
She could help the Democrats drive the agenda in the MSM by taking a front and center leadership position. The cable shows would have to cover the Downing Street Minutes/Memos (“DSM”) because they would know their audience wants to hear about what Hillary is doing, good or bad. And at every back and forth on these fair and balanced scream fests she could be sitting there screaming with the best of them with the facts in her hands. Remember the motto: “Wash, rinse, repeat?” She would be our automatic weapon in the fight against the Bush apologists.
Second, she has many passionate supporters in the Party, and this includes old line party regulars as well as grass root supporters. One can argue we have the grass roots behind Mr. Conyers now, but it would be helpful if we could get some of the more moderate/conservative types to join the bandwagon. No other Senator has this kind of following in my opinion.
Third, as a former staffer for the Committe to impeach Nixon back in the day she has experience in what it takes to assemble a case against a sitting President and push that case in the media. And, because of the Whitewater probes against her and her husband, she has experience in defending against media and partisan attacks. She knows all the tricks from both sides of the scandal equation. That sort of knowledge would be invaluable. Who else in the upper echelons of the Senate has that sort of background?
Finally, who else in the Senate is there? Boxer? A great lady, but she would be marginalized as a California Dem and a woman in ways that Hillary would not. Indeed any attempt to marginalize Hillary would play right into her hands and generate even more publicity. Not so with Boxer, great as she is.
Kerry? Sorry, but any leadership role he takes will always come off as sour grapes for the failure of his Presidential campaign. Plus, he’s a poor spokesperson. Intelligent yes, but fundamentally unable to communicate complex issues in plain, simple English. In his case, nuance is his Achilles heel. We don’t need nuance. We need a standard bearer. Hillary, for all her negatives, is a much more forceful public speaker and advocate for those causes she cares about.
Senator Kennedy? I’ll let you make your own conclusions about what he could accomplish. But, no, he’s not the one.
Senator Reid? Possibly, but he’s also the Senate Minority Leader and that’s a full time position itself. I want to keep him focused on that job.
Anyone else? I don’t see anybody.
So, Senator Clinton — are you ready to stand up for your Country? Are you willing to take the bravest, most patriotic action on behalf of our Democracy that you will ever have the opportunity to accomplish? I know the risks are great, but great politicians take big risks, and they don’t shun their duty merely because of the potential political fallout.
So, Senator Clinton? Are you for us or against us? We want to know. Join John Conyers and take a stand against this gang of criminals running the White House. Do it today.
or comments please, even arguments against this idea.
Well-crafted argument, Steven. Alas, I think she’s too calculating to bite until it’s very, very safe to do so.
I’d love for her to prove us wrong though