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Good evening everyone. Please pull up a stool and make yourselves comfortable. The bar is stocked, the DJ is taking requests, and the crowd is friendly.
This is your opportunity to chat, complain, rant, or – if you happen to be a relatively new member of BooMan Tribune – to introduce yourself. So speak up, place your orders and remember – last call is around 5am…. If you happen to have Windows Media Player, may I recommend Groove Salad from Soma FM? Soma is a listener-supported, commercial-free, underground/alternative radio broadcast from San Francisco – and I like them a lot. |
Any chance of a really cold, really dark German Beer?
Prost! to the best BEER TENDER around!
Hey, ya’ll I have had one horrible day…and what with all the news of the day, and having to claim that I am actually from the same state as that of Frist, it absolutley shames me to no end. Can I have a cyberdrink or two maybe? I will take a coffee with a double shot of baileys in it, if you please bartender……..I must run off to bed and try to sleep some tonight. My mind is in a total sham tonight..HOpe that tomorrow will be a better day..is my normal retirement prayer. God bless and keep each of you for the next 24 hours an dtill we meet again..”PEACE AND LOVE”
And peace and blessings to you, as well, dear Brenda. I’m sure we all have a bucket load of complaining to do from each of our states of origin. (well, unless you’re from Massachusetts, I guess)
As for me? Norm. Kiss-ass. Coleman. Gee – who could have been in his place instead? Oh yeah, Paul Wellstone. Or Fritz Mondale. But no, we got ourselves a dose of Bush kissin’ (former Dem) Coleman.
On that note, give me a double shot of Jameson, barwench :^). Straight up. And keep the bottle handy. Please. And perhaps a nice blunt for dessert.
The bar wench had every intention of filling your order… – but then she did a google image search for jameson… and well, … ahem… that’s just not… um… yeah. She quickly added ‘ -jenna ‘ but was too traumatized to continue working. Sorry ’bout that.
HUH? Am I missing something about Jameson? It’s an amazing nectar of the Gods that eased my pain during many years in Corporate America. Your remark makes it sound sinister in some regard.
As far as the blunt goes – all ya had to do is Google Snoop Dogg – but then again I wouldn’t want to taint the Lounge with illegal substances.
Hmm. . .you really, really have me puzzled over your Jameson comments.
Do a google image search – you’ll see what I mean. I’m sorry if I seemed to disparage your favorite spirit…. it’s simply an unfortunate coincidence that it shares its name with a … um… porn star.
I tried to figure out the source of your distress because Jameson is such a fabulous Irish whiskey. Since I don’t get out much, I had no idea who Jenna Jameson was/is. (But I’m sure my husband would’ve been able to fill me in!)
How about I switch my request to Bushmills? (Lord knows what you’d find in a google search of that!)
Have yourself a wonderful day, my dear!
Ummm! Hi everyone! I hardly had time to exchange a word all day. But, I’m ready to relax now? Is there a band tonight?
What kind of media player do you have?
HA, anything of that nature is disabled on my PC. Every resource goes into my tremendous data processing requirements!
Oh, I’ve heard about people who use their PC’s for honest hard work. It’s an honor to meet you – everyone I know tends to overclock their machines in order to play….
In that case, can I get you a drink?
Yes, please. Do you have any Merlot?
I’m working on Templates for the Cafe and lounge & booze will help.
If anyone orders Merlot, I’m leaving. I am NOT drinking any fucking Merlot!
–Miles, “Sideways”
Sorry, I had to do it.
I know, it’s a problem for you. And that’s a big reason I can’t see Sideways.
I’m not giving up Merlot ’cause of some character in a movie.
oh honey, drink the merlot! Seriously. When I drank I actually liked it. I just can’t hear the word any more without thinking of Miles. 🙂 People (like Miles) get worked up over some odd things, and I’m always amused by it.
and PS: Do see “Sideways,” it’s hilarious, and you can pity Miles for his stunted taste buds.
I’ll probably see it on DVD…
Actually, when I drank I was a fan of big Cabs in the reds, also petite syrahs. Pinot gris was my wine of choice. also? merlot! 🙂 It’s been so long, though, my palate is gone.
that can’t handle red wine…I’ll take a nice Sauvignon Blanc or (my favorite) Riesling, though…
I know I’ll be incredibly grateful for any templates you can provide. It was the instructions you posted earlier today that made this diary easy – I had the good sense to grab them and stick them in a notebook file. Otherwise I would have been quite lost for a moment. Do you mind if I follow you around, providing Merlot, and grabbing all of the hints and tips that you post?
yep, uh-huh… I need all the help I can get….
It’s a deal!
I had all these ideas that I thought I would use on Saturday morning & 2 hours flew by as I came up with great ideas that would not work at all.
So, I want the templates as much as anyone.
Do you happen to know if we can point from here to the images at yahoo? Or should I create a place (which I can easily do)
That’s a good question – but I don’t know the answer. I was just irked by yahoo’s treatment of the graphics I posted there. They were already optimized, but yahoo insisted on shaving 3000 bytes off of one and less than 100 bytes off of the other – just enough to make one of them faded and the other a little bit sketchy. I couldn’t figure that out at all. So here I linked to imageshack. ????
I was wrong! I have windows media player. I’ll listen as soon as Nanny 911 is over!!
I’m listening now….I’m really not qualified to be the DJ tonight, but since no one else has volunteered… I’m highly recommending the liveireland link…
It’s a song I know.. but have never heard in … well.. in Irish…. it sounds much better than in the original American – is this someone Michael Montgomery… or something like that?
Sorry. I went into the kitchen for dinner just after I posted the link, so I don’t know which song was playing.
Here you are with your late night treats, I guess those in the other side of the world can go to the cafe when they get up….LOL….
Hey, I’m watching hardball and a big segment was just done on DSM…Wonder what countdown has to say….
I saw it. The former CIA guy’s ears got bigger the more he lied and/or avoided the questions.
and I’ve been rummaging around the MSNBC website looking for some video – nada. They provide clips – after the fact – it’s maddening. Have I missed something? Does anyone know how to catch MSNBC as it’s happening for those of us without TV access?
I don’t think they run a live feed for msnbc. Fox might why don’t you see if you can be the one to watch Hannity.
I don’t think I have the stomach for that.
The Englishman was very convincing in his bit, the one who got the original memos and he explained the destroying the copied documents as legal requirement to protect the source….originals were sent back to the source, for those who did not see this segment.
Can anyone stand to watch Hannity to see what they have to distort….
The man you referred to ex cia, was protecting his turf, don’t you think?
I’m sure that you’re right. And protecting turf is more important than getting to the truth, right?
Looks nice, how the lights shimmer on the Frog Pond. . .
If you don’t mind, I will use the lounge to relieve some stress…
My daughter is graduating from 5th grade on Wednesday. I don’t know if this is happening all over the country, but in CA, she will enter middle school next year. This has been a point of anxiety for me because we live in Oakland, CA, one of the worst school districts in one of the worst states for education in the country. I had her in private school, but after her dad took off, I had to put her in public school beginning in 4th grade. I lucked out and found a wonderful elementary. But even her public school teachers were telling me that she would be much better off in private school. So, I tried to get her into a private school, but they couldn’t offer me any financial aid at all. At $16,800/year, that was simply out of the question.
So, I went and checked out the local middle school, and while it wasn’t horrible, it did leave something to be desired. The high school is absolutely out of the question. I had already decided to send her to Oakland School for the Arts, a charter school founded by our mayor, Jerry Brown (yes that Jerry Brown, ex-governor of CA), or move when she got to high school.
So, late last week, I get this postcard in the mail stating that Oakland School for the Arts is expanding to inclde 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Applications were due on June 6th, but they were still accepting them and auditions start today.
So, then, it is stress all over again. I immediately filled out an application for my daughter and get her teachers to scribble out their recommendations. I fax her app. on Friday. That afternoon I get a call from them. They received the application, but sadly, they do not offer the Literary Arts program until 9th grade (my daughter wants to be an author). But, since she is also interested in Drama, she could audition for their acting curriculum, or she can wait until 9th grade and try again. While they highly discourage switching “majors”, I decide she should go for drama and come 9th grade we will raise holy hell to get her into Literary Arts.
So, her audition is tomorrow. Thankfully, since she has been involved in a local acting troupe, she has a monologue from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, already memorized.
But, I am so sick of the school thing. I just want to be done with it. I spent countless hours going to open houses, filling out applications, applying for financial aid, finding and copying records and now, nearly at the end of June and I am doing it all over again!
So, sorry for the rant and ramble, I just needed to get it off my chest. Now, miss bartender, please pour me a nice micro-brew (no Bud for this discriminating palatte), so I can relax and not stress anymore!
Whoops, come to think of it, I have to run and take little miss to karate class. Sigh…it never ends! ;>)
I think one of the meanings of ‘lounge’ has to be ‘relax and relieve stress’, and what better place than here?
It is nearly a full moon, and the fireflies are out in Ann Arbor tonight, like so many benevolent will-o-the-wisps. There is a sense of enchantment hovering in the calm nighttime air here.
I am currently enjoying a tasty Arcadia Scotch Ale. Kamakhya, I highly recommend you give it a try if you can get your hands on some. A better stress reliever would be hard to come by!
Good luck!
A bottle of Rogue Shakespeare Stout for you…. good vibes and best wishes for your daughter’s audition tomorrow.
A fine choice! Thanks Zander. Now that I’m back from Karate (she got her first of four “tips” tonight, woohoo!) and as soon as I get back from the laundry room, I will have a refreshing brew.
Nothing spoils the thirst for good microbrew faster than the lack of ingredients on the label.
Ouch! That would hurt me. Of course, they do have all the appropriate warning labels! :>)
I did a web search for ingredients in cat food, and was pretty impressed with what I found. Maybe you could use google to find a beer that is wheat free? Then again, a nice Chardonay can do a spirit good! :>)
Red Rock Ale at the Triple Rock in Berkeley (oh, how I miss that place).
We left California because of the horrendous schools. A friend is moving from Berkeley out to Orinda or Lafayette before his kindergartner starts school in the fall. I remember how bad it is.
I’ll keep you and your daughter in my thoughts. I hope her audition goes smoothly. You get a great big Mom Gold Star for taking care of the paperwork to get your daughter in the best school available!
Red Rock is awesome! I’m currently enjoying Eye of the Hawk.
Then again, trying to get a load of laundry in, I just found that the laundry machines are being used by my downstairs neighbor’s seemingly homeless friend. It’s now after 9:00 p.m. and my kid needs clean clothes for the audition tomorrow. Grr….I may have to switch to a nice stiff shot of tequilla with a lime chaser! ;>)
Ahhhh, Fortunately all the planets, stars and the moon are aligned most favorably for those in the dramatic arts tomorrow! She could not have picked a better day for her audition! She will be fabulous. (Madam Yolanda knows all)
So kick back, enjoy your cold beer, and join in a game of Frog Darts with Diane. Never heard of it? Oh, you throw frogs at the dart board and see if any of them stick. Points the same as in the usual game of darts. . . .
Gently does it though, if you throw them too hard, they splat, and Zander so hates cleaning that up.
Yippee! Thanks for the bright outlook!
Thanks to everyone else for the good wishes. I think this whole thing really is very fortuitous, just a bit stressful after all we already have been through with the school thing.
I love darts and I love frogs, so, heck, let’s mix it up!
for my daughter. In our case it was hell because the teacher at the school I was trying to get her OUT of wouldn’t write the necessary letter of recommendation. Just don’t get me started on that rant. Anyway, I do know what a pain in the butt it all is. Sympathies.
I’ll be waiting to hear how it goes. In the meantime, listen to shirlstars – she Knows Things.
Know things. . .Most auspicious, all the signs pointing your way. . .
(Thanks Janet. . .you remembered.)
Hey Zander , you have any really great sparkling water for the designated driver? This place is something else. And we call ourselves “reality Based”…lol.
the bartender was distracted on the phone…

When evil overwhelms the RL, fantasy becomes necessary.
Thank you but really, the service is important cause you all know how important I am…snark
I had cinnamon buns waiting for you the other day after noticing a late night post of yours in another diary…. cinnamon buns….
Don’t push it lady…. 😉
Hope this pic is not too big and stretch the margins, but I thought you all might want to play a game.
Zander you forced me into my click are collection, so beware!!!!!
Doesn’t anyone want to say a little hip hip hoorah for once again defeating cloture on Bolton?I was a little nervous for awhile. Thanks to Catnip for keeping us all posted…much appreciated. Got any chips and salsa here? Can’t have them in real world…might I have them in Neverland?
for Bolton’s nominiation cloture defeated. Do you think Bush will make recess appt. I am inclined to yes, and then I think congress might be mighty mad, especially those Reps. who opposed his nomination…
Umm, spicy, goes very well with my cold margarita …
Zander, I take back anything I ever said about the service and here’s a hundred thousand dollar tip just for you. Sorry, don’t know how to post money but I wanted you to know how appreciated you are.
I’ve put a new template in the file folder at yahoo.
make this copy all the text below (Experiment with different Words, Images, fonts and Colors!):
<div style="border: thick groove #FF8A84; margin-left: 1%;
width: 90%; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px; vertical-align:
style="color: #2E8B57; font-family: ‘Comic Sans MS’; font-size:
x-large; width: 60%; margin-left: 20%;">
Froggy Bottom
<div style="color: black;
font-weight: bold; font-family: ‘Courier New’; font-size: large;
width: 60%; margin-left: 20%;">
Coffee & Tea under
the window, platters of treats on every table
<div style="color: darkblue; font-weight: bold; font-family:
‘Courier New’; font-size: large; width:60%; margin-left:
Come on in!
<div style="color:
red; font-weight: bold; font-family: ‘Courier New’; font-size:
small; width: 40%;margin-left: 60%;">
Newspapers are in their
regular spot next to the
<div style="color: black;
font-weight: bold; font-family: ‘Courier New’; font-size: small;
width: 40%; margin-left: 60%;">
recommend.</div><div style="border: thin solid gray;
margin-left: 20%; width: 40%; padding: 2px 2px 2px 5%;
width: 50%; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">May
the 4’s be with
I’m sorry, on the bottom line there is a <TABLE> tag that has to be </TABLE>.
Great work Katiebird! Thanks
Somebody get me an N/A Harp, or whatever passes for N/A beer around here. I do miss a beer now and again, but not the alcoholism part…sparkling cider will do in a pinch, as long as it’s on the dry side…oh screw it, I can’t get drunk on virtual alcohol so slide me out a nice cool Guinness. 🙂
So hubby had has job interview today. It went extremely well. I don’t know if this will be the first of a couple of interviews (since they already did an extensive phone interview) or what, but we should know by the end of the week. It’s not often that an interview team member actually says “great interview!” at the end.
There’s many a slip twixt cup and lip, so I’m not counting this as a done deal, but here’s hoping. If he gets it I’ll come buy everyone a round of champagne. Thanks for all the good wishes this morning!
I looked for non-alcoholic beer and cider… seems that no one wants to take those pictures. I guess they’re not drunk enough to break out the cameras just for fun.
Here’s your virtual Guinness.
I’ll have the champagne ready for a celebration…
Madam Yolanda sees good things coming you way. . .keep the good energy flowing!
who shower after work, as Big Ed Schultz puts it.
Before popping open my beer out here on the Port Side where it’s just 9 PM, I have a little touch-up woodwork left to do for a customer.
Do you have any hard cider? We’ve got some delicious local stuff here and it doesn’t give me allergy reactions like even the most organic microbrew does (sob!).
Had a mammogram today and everything was cool. I was angry though because the appointment was for 4 and they didn’t get me in until 4:45. I politely let them know I wasn’t happy (I refuse to be bullied by the medical-industrial complex)and the tech said Didn’t they tell you? We had three people out sick today and I’ve worked through my breaks. I said If they don’t provide back-ups for you maybe you ought to unionize. She shushed me and whispered We’re trying. We all got along pretty well after that. While I was in the waiting room I wrote rude comments on the People and Time Magazine covers. Never pass up a chance to cause some ruckus. I really hate all that pink stuff associated with breast cancer fund-raising. It took my mom nearly ten years ago and she was not a fluffy pink person, she was a fighter.
Warwick Valley Doc’s Draft Hard Apple Cider?

Thanks to you and your mom for the fighting nature – I’m younger woman who will benefit….
Recipe diary w/ tasty poll! Let’s celebrate summer!
Groove Salad’s available through iTunes radio, under Electronica. But tonight i’m with my usual – Secret Agent, also from SOMA (filed under Eclectic). "The soundtrack for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life. Classic stylish lounge music and downtempo spy electronica."
And no drinks for me tonight – just a mug of tea and some quality Québec Hydro, thanks. (er… can i smoke in here?)
cleaning lady! anyone in here? ah.. looks like everyone’s gone ::sitting on a stool putting my feet up on the bar::: well, lessee.. wonder what they’ve got to eat? hmmmm.. lets try this salad. whats it called? groove salad? yeah lets have a little of that before i sweep…
Bay? Bay?
. . . .
Oh, well.
uh oh.. i’ve been caught sleeping on the job!
First the compliments–I love the way I get a drop-down menu when I hover over my personal page–I can jump to comments with a single click.
I also like being to set the recent diaries list past fifty.
But I haven’t figured out how to access diaries beyond the most recent 99.
an easy way to answer that. You might want to post the question in the World/Open thread at the top of your page so Booman can see it.
Right now, a cold Stella Artois would be great!
A six pack as apology. The bartender wasn’t exactly awake at noon pacific time….
Hi — I’m new in town. In fact, I’m new to blogging in general. In fact, so far I’ve limited my activity to comments. (This is only my 2nd one) I’m here as a direct result of DemFest in Austin this past weekend, and the enticements offered by re-directed diaries sent to me by Janet Strange — which I very much appreciate. I’m a songwriter/performer by trade, and I’ve been a liberal pretty much since I’ve been capable of connected thought.
Having someone to drink with couldn’t be a bad thing, especially when your cheek is stinging from stuff that happens during the day (like Durbin’s apology, for example)(oy!)
I’d like pinot grigio please….L’chaim.
and welcome. I’m sorry you’ve been neglected in here for a while – the bartender <that’s me> is still nursing a hangover from last night. My apologies.

Pinot grigio – on the house.
Please make yourself at home, and feel free to strike up conversations – there seem to be many, many Texans around here. <waiting> Every time I say that a Texan or two jumps all over me…
So there you are finally, people were calling for you all day and at last you have arrived…Did you have fun in Vegas…
Here I am… <banging headache> Vegas was a blast <lost it all> I’m back <looking for tips>
Ya – I’ve been a little negligent around here, huh?
Check out the Cafe for today,,,,a lot of people have asked for you….
I don’t know about my serving ability at the moment… somewhere upthread someone asked for Jameson. Without going into the gory details, you do not want to do a google image search for jameson…. seems there’s a porn star by that name… <shudder>
I’ll probably browse, but stay quiet tonight – I’m being a lush… there’s nothing worse than drunken blogging, I’d hate to wake up, and look at my comments with shame and horror…
yep, us texuns seemda be bustin’ owt awl ovah..
tito’s with a jalapeño twist, please?
OK – I hate to admit it,…. but you’ve stumped the Canadian bartender! I have no idea what a tito is…
That’s not entirely true – I know a guy named Tito, I know the history of Yugoslavia, etc… but….
Can you help me out here?
Well Zander, like our new member Songmaker, Tito’s was also in Austin last weekend! Tito’s Handmade Vodka is produced in Austin. It’s made in small batches in an old fashioned pot still by Tito Beveridge (actual name), a Geologist, and distilled six times.
I’m thinking if we took some tito’s and poured it on ice we could spear a jalapeño, take a knife and make it look like a little frog sitting on the edge of a pond with its legs dangling in the water. Maybe a little something green at the bottom of the glass like midori
all we would need would be a name..
heh, you all just think i’m just sweeping up in here at night :::looking around:::: heh i’m not just experimenting in the bar late at night, all alone…
i’m into serious research
I know that I learn something here everyday – but this is unexpected….
Tito’s handmade vodka… who knew??