Earlier today I posted this HAARP diary.
After some more googling I found this Article by Jim Phelps the inventor of the HAARP program.
Jim Phelps also worked on the following material:
List of Jim Phelps’ Discoveries and Inventions:
The G-protein effects for the fluoride – mercury complex—-T-cell and APC vector.
The cause of HIV transmission from this killing the immunity. The cause of cancers and CFS, etc.
The cause of things like varied plagues from volcano emissions and the same being a threat to animals from industrial emissions.
The main cause for the illnesses of Parkinson’s (F-Hg vector) and Alzheimer’s (F-Al vector) and others linked to brain prions.
The real equations for the ozone hole, HF, and UV-b problems leading to CO2 imbalances. 6. How the fluorine nerve gas G-protein vector is important and the invention of PB nerve gas protectant.
The Al chemtrail method. Cloud seeding the JP-8 deicer methods to correct global warming heat retention. Pull acids from air to offset jet corrosion.
The Ti chemtrail method. Metal pharmacy methods to counter the fluoride effects on animals to reduce the “Black Plague” type vectors. 9. The 3/4 percent Ti DU method to offset DU immune problems. 10. The Ba chemtrail method. This to modify the potential gradient and change storm energy gathering process. Also, one way to tap the MHD current.
The Ba-Ti-Fe method using supermagnet ferrite materials to make distributed microwave circulator type system to tap line of sight microwave systems.
EDTA used to compensate for aluminum deodorants and breast cancer.
Ti into soaps and things to shield the UV-b to a degree.
Ti as a colorant in foods. This controls the levels of immune damage and the rates of HIV and even cancers.
The Star Wars Excalibur system, related to Tunguska effect—and a way to get free power from the sun via MHD methods.
The HAARP system to hold down earthquake magnitudes and ward off volcanic detonations. 17. The system called “Dark Star”—-which includes the method of burning Freon to vector the Holy Ghost chemical effects using technique like a smoke ring cannon. It is a silent running airborne version of the car Freon method to do mind control type things. It is the first in a series of non-lethal or lethal weapons system run by satellite link. Predecessor for the “Predator” series being developed at Area 51. Stealth systems.
All the symbolism’s for the Bible explained—and the wrongs of the old testament and the better ways of the new testament. Red Sea tidal resonance effects and Nile erosion–tidal water column resonance in the Gulf of Aqaba. Moses and the volcano mining secrets and pharmacy. The Manna secret. What Jesus had to endure the persecution over stupid Neanderthal religion values. Same persecution that threatened to kill Galileo.
The “Co-emission” technique for health modification of industrial pollutants. The techniques of “Air Pharmacology” and “Global Systems Science” Example is TSCA use of cyanide compounds to offset toxic metals retention and the fluoride-metal cancer vector.
The Excalibur metallurgical secrets of “Bog Iron” refinement using bacteria. This bacteria method made the pure iron or steel used to make the King Arthur sword called Excalibur from the bogs around Glastonbury, UK. The legend of the Isle of Avalon and its link to the Ark of the Covenant was explained by Phelps at ORNL. Similar bacteria is used to remediate DOE uranium contamination and to extract silver from ores. This was the beginning of the nano-sciences using bacteria.
Jim Phelps is the founder of nano-sciences and global systems sciences that use these techniques to modify health and environment.
Phelps explained the icon symbolism of the Ankh as one of the first crosses and was about the effect of copper on reproduction. It stood for eternal life and reproductively. The triangle symbol of the pyramid did also. Today, the copper effect discovered by the Egyptians is used in copper IUD’s and birth control pills.
And, The USRADS system, The advanced RADIAC system, Electronics for the PEARLS system. And the list goes on and on.
The Magnum Opus Project—It dares to go the greater good—Its knowledge will set you free.
The article is long, interesting and very intriguing. Some intriguing snippets below all from the same Article link Above.
After daddy Bush left the CIA he went to work for a pharmaceutical company named “Eli Lilly,” and this is the company that founded a proliferation of fluoride drugs, like Prozac, to attempt to profit from the low level effects of fluoride-metal complexes in the environment by modifying the G-protein effects linked to fluorine. Eli Lilly also had lots of CIA connections and made the drug LSD for the CIA linked “mind control projects” and the first “Cocaine.” Again, this is all G-protein research. This is how fluorides connect to “mind control” and “MK Ultra” issues of Sydney Goettlieb. Fluoride’s G-protein effects on the brain are the basis for brain-wash techniques.
The issues of hypnosis even link to the G-protein methods, as persons to be hypnotized are exposed to a chemical that blocks their cognition. Similar methods with fluoride cause long lasting neural network damage and are used in brain-washing techniques to make persons forget what they know. A low level of this type effect is happening on the US population to keep it dumbed down. It is a mind control method from the halls of the CIA and Eli Lilly. These are the methods of the corrupted Bushes.
And this:
Another of the special things is a system called HAARP, which is essentially a big RF heater for the upper atmosphere ions or plasma. HAARP provides the heat that is the catalyst to cause reactions with other materials. When barium is injected the acids combine with the barium and tend to precipitate like forming rain. The mass of Barium is important in pulling the materials down. The electric fields are shorted out and they tend to loose that suspension effect and the fall from these regions begins. It is accelerated as HAARP can actually modulate these upper layers and shake things loose. This much like how coal plant precipitators work when the voltage is turned off and the residues knocked loose from the collection plates. The idea is to change one plate of a big capacitor around the Earth.
These are some of the special things being done to correct the pollutant problems in our atmosphere and I was the one that invented these techniques and provided the conceptualization ideas. This was done at ORNL in the mid-1980’s, along with the issues on the fluoride linked AID’s crisis driving factors.
One should not see these methods as pure benevolent intent, as the Govt. is acting in ways that should only be called Racketeering, when the whole process is revealed. The Govt. is using national security and classification to hide extremely serious harm factors it has allowed to happen to its citizens and to the world. The total equation on the fluoride harm is not only linked to melting our polar ice caps, but it is the root of global health plaques due to endocrine and immune disruption. Fluorides relate directly to the huge rates of HIV transmission, the rising global plague issues, rising rates of CFS, rising rates of all immune linked illness, and even down to the process of aging.
The cover up of these things has no benevolent purpose except to enrich those that caused this extreme damage in the first place. The fingerprints of the murderers are those of the Mil. / Ind. Network linked operators. The bulk of the cover ups stem directly from the need for fluorine in the Manhattan Project and in the production of strategic metals like aluminum. Directly, because of classification and national security, this huge mess was allowed to occur. Now, it is literally threatening the health, longevity, and life of every person on this planet.
The damage factors are so great that they are those presented in the revelations of the Bible. All the factors are present from those of fish dying in the oceans, great plagues upon the planet, polar ice melting, oceans due to rise. This is what is driving the big cover up on chemtrails and why they don’t want to tell people the truth. The cover-up is essentially designed to not tell these issues linked so closely to these religious predictions, because it would greatly change religion’s beliefs. The Govt. is essentially causing these end-time effects and persecuting those that notice the problem. These cover-ups make the GOP interests very rich. These cover-ups have corrupted our Govt. beyond your wildest imagination, to the point that the truth cannot be found on many things.
I hope you all enjoyed this narrative about DOE’s/DOD’s Chemtrails and the Barium synergism’s—radiation conversion. I hope that all who read this understand and pass it around to all your friends on the Internet. It is time for the citizens to take back control of our Govt.
I had never heard of Chemtrails before this snippet:
Oak Ridge’s liabilities are huge and the corrupted national security types would rather hide the issues, than ever tell the truth. In the process, they also get to make money the same way as the AMA and industry parasitic relationships have for nearly a century now. This is what sustains the air pharmacology methods. It is the definition of “smoke and mirrors” used in national security ways to hide issues.
Even the White House supports this kind of thinking, because it makes GOP interests rich and gets them reelected. It is a vicious circle based on greed, money, and power.
The big problem with ideas like “air pharmacology” is once the idea gets into the system, it takes on a mind of its own, driven by greed and money. In the classified national security environment, it becomes a monster.
The national security types and industry would rather do all these things to affect the environment, than to admit there is a problem and go after the source terms. It is their formula to get rich.
Air pharmacology can be used for strategic advantages of the US against other countries. The US can become more immune to illnesses that can devastate other countries. Example is HIV, and the latest SARS problem. SARS could easily take off and kill a large number in China. The Chinese may see these techniques as a threat that could start WWIII. SARS or another virus could be planted in counties with poor immune resistance. It is the same basic equation to which the AMA makes money. AMA ignores causation from pollutants and instead uses expensive pharmacy and intervention to keep the lifetimes up.
This stuff is so over my head, but I am following my instincts before they become extinct. And I am not liking what I am discovering.
HOLY COW!!! how very interesting this is. Thanks…loved the article and will bookmark it to refresh my mind on things.
Phelps is amusing, but bunk.
“Eli Lilly also had lots of CIA connections and made the drug LSD for the CIA linked “mind control projects” and the first “Cocaine.”
Colonel Eli Lilly opened his business at 15 W. Pearl St., in downtown Indianapolis, on May 10, 1876.
In 1860, Albert Neiman isolated cocaine from the coca leaf and described the anesthetic action of the drug when it was put on his tongue.
Prompted by reports that large quantities of the drug were suddenly available, top-level CIA officials authorized the purchase of 10 kilos of LSD from Sandoz at an estimated price of 4240,000 enough for a staggering 100 million doses.
A document dated November 16, 1953, characterized the pending transaction as a risky operation, but CIA officials felt it was necessary, if only to preclude any attempt the Communists might make to get their hands on the drug. What the CIA intended to do with such an incredible stash of acid was never made clear.
geez,,this guy must be 175yrs old…whoooaaa, that’s a lot of stuff for one man.
the inside of his mind must look like a reactor with all that stuff whirl’n around..
I hate to say the reason you feel this is all “over your head” is because it is pseudoscience at its best.
I did read the entire article and very little of it makes any sense. Even in the first few lines have glaring inaccuracies. Prions are NOT responsible for Parkinsons or Alzheimers. Prions are real and quite frightening and difficult to deal with. They are “infective proteins” that are not eliminated by most substances known to destroy infective organisms. They are the causative agent of “Mad Cow Disease” or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle and Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD)in humans. Other prion diseases are known in other species.
Volcanoes do not cause plagues, which by definition are caused by other organisms. Bacteria and virus are not present in volcanic eruptions because the temperatures are not compatible with any life. Virus also are dependent on other life forms to reproduce. They hijack the function in cells because they do not have the ability to do it themselves. Since a volcano is not alive, virus can not reproduce in them. Now – there are many gases that are deadly if you are exposed to them, but they are not “plagues”.
Since I am a biologist and have medical training and a research background I feel I can comment on these items. I would assume most of the article is the same.
Good science is not difficult to follow. If it gives you a headache to read it, usually that is because the author is trying to sound authoritative by overwhelming you with vocabulary – because the information has no substance. Many of the above words are not to be found anywhere but this article. I have over 20 years of intense scientific study and this is all gibberish to me. Sure, there will be some concepts difficult to grasp due to a lack of background training. I don’t understand Quantum Physics, so when I have a question I talk to a friend that does.
And when people make “discoveries” in so many diverse fields you can take most of them with a grain of salt. Einstein was a great physicist . . . lousy biologist. One brilliant scientist, Linus Pauling, while radically changing the field he specialized in, made some ridiculous claims that are now rejected. For example he was competing with Francis and Crick in determining the structure of DNA and had everything completely backwards. He still is one of my heroes, mistakes and all.
I have been hearing about this guy for awhile and will dig more, but so far I am not impressed. There may be some gems in here, but he has lost much credibility with me by making outrageous claims.
I did a journal search and his name does not come up. The only mention of him in Google was either the articles you presented or sites debunking him. And since he discovered the “nano-sciences and global systems” you would think there would be some mention of him – somewhere. I couldn’t find them – except in summaries of his articles only on the internet. They may be there but they are not going to be easy to find. That fact alone gives me reason to wonder. The only other mention of “Jim Phelps” was the character in “Mission Impossible” (this may be quite fitting).
And despite what many people think, scientists don’t blackball someone with something to say – if they can back it up there will be reputable researchers that will take him seriously. I think Art Bell is the only one I’ve heard talking about him.
While there are things I believe we should be careful with – and some claims that originally sound outrageous can be true – I can tell you with a high degree of certainty much of this is not.
It would make a fine Science-Fiction story though.
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(sorry I couldn’t help myself)
It is difficult, especially now a days to find the TRUTH in all the FICTION. I am trying to find this Jim Phelps guy- I think its not his real name for obvious reasons.
But I learned many things from the article. Like ChemTrails- I have a fairly rare auto-immune disease scleroderma, which no one seems to know the cause of. So many people my age-53- suffer from weird auto-immune diseases. These Chemtrails may explain some of this.
Anyways, I am so not a scientist, but I have always asked questions when things don’t make sense to me- in this case the world right now- so I am searching for answers to the massive Dumbing-down and Mind Blindness of the populace.
I’m beginning to feel that the political world is the smoke screen to something else that is going on.
Most people can’t wrap their brains around anything these days and don’t even bother to check things out.
I’ve been tossing these diaries out for food for thought and there are so few brain eaters left….
But I truly believe that if we can think it we can create it.
While the cause of scleroderma may not be known, there are many, many other possibilities. One recent hypothesis for allergies, which is a malfunction of the IgE mediated immune reaction, is the “Hygiene Hypothesis” and it is gaining some ground. This may have nothing to do with a condition such as yours, but time will tell.
Here is some links: Too Clean For Our Own Good?, Can Being Too Clean Cause More Harm Than Good?, Hygiene Hypothesis
There are many other environmental factors that we know exist that may influence autoimmune diseases as well as possible genetic factors. One confusing issue is the disproportionate effect on women for some of them and men for others. There may be some hormonal influence. This was not my area of study and I am sure you know more about it than I do.
I know that waiting and the necessity of more study is not one of the options you want to take and I wish I had a more hopeful response. Truly. I know how difficult it can be to have an autoimmune disease and I wish you the best.
This issue may be another not so well thought of use of Stem Cell research. As we discover more about fetal development, which we will have to do to understand how to use the treatments, we will have a greater understanding of how the immune system functions. We need to understand which gene products cause cells to differentiate, without this understanding Stem Cell Treatments may do more harm than good (cancer formations, cells settling in the wrong areas, unstopped growth, rejection of tissue). This will broaden our understanding of Genetics and Immune function. I think this route is much more promising than looking at “Chem trails”. It’s just my opinion, but I’ve studied long and hard to get it.
I used to listen to Art Bell’s program – mostly for the entertainment. He used to talk about the ChemTrails so I did try to find out more about what they were talking about. I found nothing about them – except from some sketchy characters.
I also sympathize with your frustrations. We live in strange times. Our country was founded by some of the most thoughtful people, flawed but willing to try to solve problems.
And as far as our being able to think about something and creating it – we are limited by physics. No faster than light travel (although worm holes that may allow traveling great distances in a short time are theoretical), no perpetual motion machines and many other limitations. The list is many and we are a long way from the development of new technologies we can only dream of now.
I know Jim Phelps is a fictitious name. I was trying to find any evidence of his “inventions” and discoveries – with no luck.
Again, take care of yourself and I wish you well. I really do have a tendency to post long comments – once I get started I have a hard time stopping. I didn’t mean to write an article. 🙂
A Dr. Bernard Eastlund seems to be the real inventor behind HAARP. But I haven’t been able to find if he is also posing as “Jim Phelps”.
His Website
But you know, people with a ‘guilty conscience’ often try to purge themselves in odd ways…