49% Say Bush Responsible for Provoking Iraq War
44% Say Hussein
June 23, 2005–Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans say that
President Bush is more responsible for starting the War with Iraq
than Saddam Hussein. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 44% take the opposite view and believe Hussein shoulders most of the
responsibility. – Rasmussen Reports, which provides more stat breakdowns, via my pal Norma
President Bush is more responsible for starting the War with Iraq
than Saddam Hussein. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 44% take the opposite view and believe Hussein shoulders most of the
responsibility. – Rasmussen Reports, which provides more stat breakdowns, via my pal Norma
that is the only real debate.
be so stupid?
I suppose the answer to that lies in our ineffectual war enabling media and the willingness of the GOP to shamelessly exploit 9/11 for partisan gain, but still. Forty-four percent? It should be obvious to anyone who is to blame for this fiasco.
Boy, I bet YOUR glass is half empty!
It’s all the way empty.
ohhhhhhh… i can dig that.
And I promise, yes promise you this…each day the percentage for those who seek the and know the truth will be higher. The truth will se us free again!
…to be able to say “No shit Sherlock!” to 49% of the US population.
I’m not sure how, but the American public is becoming edumacated on this issue. Remember polls right before the war started, linking Hussein with 9/11? The turn around has long begun.
yeah this is some of the best news I’ve read in a long time. Now if the MSM really starts to smell blood and that this administration is starting to bleed they are hopefully going to go in for the kill or get on the bandwagon …very belatedly of course and no doubt also then try and take credit for their hard hitting news stories.
Metacomment: I’m going to make a point of reading susanhu’s stuff before anything else when I get up each morning. How does she find this great info?
I forgot to credit my friend Norma, but have corrected that. She is on the hunt day and night. Norma, Other Lisa, LisaP, JPol, and Susan T in Michigan and a few others are on a mailing list I began in the dark, dark days following the Nov. 2000 election. I invited a few people whose posts I’d enjoyed on the bigger Gore/Democratic lists. We’re still going strong almost five years later, and we’re still small and intimate. It’s a lot of posts, so consider that — we also chat about our personal lives a lot — but I’d be tickled if you joined.
Thanks, susanhu. Check your email.
You know this is rather an amazing turn around from just 6 months ago. Especially considering the MSM still giving the public only a fraction of the truth.
I’m sure those numbers are driven not by what the public hears on tv but what is happening to families all across the country who are losing loved one in Iraq or they are coming back so crippled up, stories of having to pay for meals in hospitals, not having right equipment, plus the continuing even escalating violence in Iraq. That is starting to make the turn around I think to military families who are questioning bush’s supposed devotion to the military and his continuing talk of things getting better in Iraq.
When the US MSM begins to report, you will see that number go to 70% in a week.
Great job, Susan!