The Froggy Bottom Lounge is hereby open, after a full and interesting discussion during the daytime Café. The soundsystem has some light ambient jazz thing going on, the lights have been dimmed a bit, and we’ve opened the bar if you’re in the mood to steel your soul for the return of the work-week.
Whew! It’s been journeyman’s labor today, with scarcely a break. What’s the news from the outside world this evening?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Please unrecommend the previous diary for the daytime Cafe, and recommend this one when it’s predecessor has fallen off the Rec’d List (it’s barely clinging at the time of writing!). Thank you for your cooperation!
Not to drag this on if everyone is over it, but I’ve found an interesting resource…
Wikipedia has a page of links to public domain images.
Just to put in what I know of what I know. . .sometimes very little.
I certainly know just a bare minimum about copyright law, let alone anything about international copyright. When I search for photos on the web, I look for “free” use or stock photos. I try never to use copyrighted photos. However, isn’t there something about it depending upon what you are using it for? For instance, to display on a web page with credit to the photographer where you are not selling the image or using it in a way to get remuneration? Sort of like quoting a couple of paragraphs from a book, with proper credit to the author.
I am very surprised that photogs with copyrighted photos aren’t using the “block copy or save as” codes on their sites.
If you find photos on the web that do not say they are copyrighted then it appears that all is fair game.
There are millions of free use images out there, so usually one does not need to use copyrighted photos. Just my 2 cents from what I understand. I have a friend who is a pro photographer and her photos are copyrighted and on the web, but they cannot be copied because of the website’s code that prevents it. Also if you were able to copy them, they have a PROOF watermark across every photo.
I guess I wonder about it, because I never look for copyright… if I see copyright warnings, I’ll move on, and won’t use them.. but I don’t pay that much attention…just grab stuff up or link it…
If it doesn’t say copyrighted up front in a very clear satement, then best guess is they are not.
One of the links from Wikipedia I clicked leads to Project Gutenberg where everything must be copyright cleared as being in the public domain before it’s submitted and posted. For the U.S. that usually means books published pre-1923. (Not sure about images but I’m guessing pre-1923 might apply in most cases as well)
Apropos of nothing: I’ve been away from the blogosphere for what seems like an eternity (6 weeks feels like eternity) so it’s good to get back even if it’s brief. waves Our first real vacation in 9 years starts tomorrow so woo and hoo! I’m starting to celebrate early at the Lounge.
welcome back! and have fun on your vacation.. 9 years in entirely too long…
Thanks! I’ve forgotten how to pack. First trip ever to Italy for me. My Italian may be rusty but we know the important phrases like “where’s the loo?” and “I don’t like Bush.” 🙂
Oh, that’s so wonderful! I love Italy, but haven’t spent nearly enough time there. <whimper> I’m jealous….
well i hate to be bold but i’m thirstie. specialty drink please!
Tijuana Firecracker
6 ounces Sauza gold tequila
2 ounces fresh lime juice
1 ounce triple sec
Mix the ingredients in a shaker filled with ice. Strain into the largest margarita glass you can find, also filled with ice. Garnish with lime and a sparkler. (Sparkler best left to the professionals. 😉
hmmmm.. interesting…wonder how that would taste if we substitued grand marnier in place of the triple sec:::rubbing my hands together:::…and would it really matter? is this drink even about taste at all? :::snicker::: would that be a gold tijuana firecracker? or a tijuana gold firecracker? a gijuana fold girecracker?
You think I just fake this stuff though, huh?
with Grand Marnier…here
yep… that’s the real deal right there…yes indeedie
Dunno ’bout the rest of ye, but I’ll be up late tonight to celebrate the return of my hero, Space Ghost, to the Adult Swim lineup. 12:45am! I can write off tomorrow morning already….
It’s Monday morning here in Oz, so I’ll have an Orange Juice please.
I’ll get the juicer cranked up again tout de suite. We’ll make this a 24-hour operation yet!
Oh gee. . .I love OZ, it is one of may favorite places. Where in OZ are you?
I’m in Tasmania, about 35k north its capital city, Hobart. My partner (who posts here as myriad) and I live on 14.5 acres of mostly native bush in an area known as the Southern Midlands.
Excuse me, “Waiter!, there’s a frog in my orange juice.”
I’ve actually been to Hobart. I loved it and Tasmania. This was l7 years ago, so for all I know you are sea-to-sea skyscrapers by now, but at the time, it seemed wild and beautiful.
I’ve only been in Tasmania for 2 1/2 years (I’m from California, it’s my partner who is the Australian), but there’s been quite a lot of development in that time.
In fact, all of Australia when through a housing boom in that period – mostly fueled by government policies that favored real estate speculation.
Fortunately, even with all the new construction and soaring house prices, there’s still only a few tall buildings in Hobart – the tallest might be 12 stories.
It’s still a nice little city, if you like cities. 😉
Well, a very early good morning to those in far eastern time-zones. Here in NY, I’m enjoying a glass of Haute Medoc, but switching to Tempranillo now.

Hope you all had a relaxing weekend!
The other thread may be closed, but I’m glad I went over there anyway; some great discussions on photo copying.
I don’t direct link to photos, because I don’t want to kill anyone’s bandwidth. I copy the image to my hard drive, then upload it to Photobucket (I prefer Photobucket to Imageshack because I don’t really care for the automatic thumbnails, and I’ve seen too many images get disappeared when the limit is exceeded…though the froggy is cute and matches the Cafe theme). I then post the generated code in my comment. (Easier than trying to figure out the code myself — IMG tags were one of my bugaboos in HTML class.)
I haven’t uploaded enough photos to go over my limit…though once I get my digital camera, I’ll probably have to upgrade from the free version. 🙂
As for attribution, if it’s a simple photo to illustrate something (like when I’ve posted smoothie photos), I don’t worry about it, but if it’s actually advertising something for sale (like when I came across the Frog Crossing sign), I’ll post a link to the site. If the photo is an illustration from a news story, I’ll link to the article in question.
Hope this is enough of a CYA clause…at least I haven’t got sued yet… 🙂
I think this is a great policy for most everyone. I’m also glad that we did have this discussion (though for a while I was worried I had killed the party!). What I see are a bunch of good folks trying to do what’s right, trying to figure out what’s right, and debating amongst themselves what’s right in what circumstances. That’s what makes us progressives, if I may stick out my chest a little.
I do hope we see some diaries on this subject (copyright/patents/intellectual property). It won’t be too easy to tackle, but one could do little better than to start with Dr. Lawrence Lessig (whose blog is here) who gave a fantastic overview of the issue back in 2002: an mp3 file with Flash presentation of his slides can be found here. Well worth the 1/2 hour time commitment to watch/listen all the way through.
You’ve inspired me to send off an email to my favorite on-line ‘bar’. While I was digging around their site, I found a page with instructions for using their pictures, and wrote to ask how they feel about direct links, bandwidth, being credited, etc… which as I write this, suddenly realize may be a violation of this sites advertising policy if I keep the sig line I’ve just added… sheesh…. I’m getting confused now…
PS – can anyone tell me where to find the sig setting for post-by-post vs constant and retro-active? It’s eluding me at the moment…
When you post a comment (or a reply), there’s a pull-down menu below the text-entry block and below the Spellcheck button. “Signature Behavior”
BTW, I don’t see why the good folks at Drinkalizer would object to your sig: it’s free advertising! I for one never would have known about that site otherwise.
BrotherF, I found out why my photos disappeared from the earlier cafe. I had deleted them from PhotoBucket, not realizing that would make them vanish from here, too.
It’s like déja-vu all over again, huh? 😉
that yogi bear guy is phunnie, isn’t he?
Well, I haven’t heard back from Drinkalizer, but isn’t there a BT policy about commercial advertising in sig lines?
and off topic question… now that I’ve hit sticky sig for the first time, does that mean that every post I’ve ever made here will be underlined with evidence that I drink too much? You know, for all of eternity, previous posts will have that sig?
I’m going to have to escalate that question to BooTrib Technical Support, ‘coz I dunno. I was under the impression, however, that the “retroactive” option is what changes your sig for all previous posts.
It changes all sig lines you ever wrote//
Ah, I see… I can live with that. So I need to get into the habit of hitting sticky I guess.
Thank you – I wasn’t looking in the post area…oh boy, and I’m not even drinking…
well if you develop a headache?
a round of french 75s on me!
I gotchyer french 75’s….

zander <–best bartender in the world©
I’ve been wondering about bandwidth… Both of the logos that BrotherFeldspar has used today are hosted at imageshack…. they allow for 100mb’s of transfer per hour before ‘disappearing’ an image. Anyone have any clue what it would take at this site to accomplish that?
Oops – just realized that he hasn’t used imageshack… so it’s a hypothetical question, but still?
Those images are only 10KB, so if my calculations are correct, they’d need to be hit 10,000 times within an hour for that limit to be reached. Of course, that includes page refreshes, which I’ve been doing all day like there’s no tomorrow. But somehow I don’t think we BooTribbers, despite the crazy growth we’ve experienced, would be able to saturate that just yet.
this is a kitty picture of my cat Mandrake (better known as Puss).
Oh, I know that look. Puss is plotting your downfall, dude. If I were you I wouldn’t leave my back turned on him for a second.
Hi there, welcome back.
It looks like your pets have the run of the place tonight, which has led to wonder if that’s indicative of your life in general… (IMO, a good sign in any human being.)
Just wanted to say I loved your Pride diary…the spouse and I wanted to go to SF Pride, but my health and the state of the apartment nixed the idea… 🙁
Thank you. I haven’t taken part in many of the more fun activities either, to tell you the truth. But I can’t wait to do the ‘HA, it’s final, it’s the LAW!’ diary…. Hopefully sometime this week, there’s nothing left to stop the passing of the bill.
as symbol of harmony – but it’s just a clever ruse (wascally wabbits). They are in fact ploting the downfall of restricted access to the vegetable drawer in the fridge.
They are sooo sweet. (I had to enlarge it to be able to tell there was a second rabbit there!) What’s it like having indoor rabbits? Can they be house trained? Do they hop when called? Do they like to get into laps and be petted? Are they the softest things in the world?
Yes, they can be housed trained. Although the young one, Henry (tan-colored), still leaves little poops everywhere. He’ll grow out of it – at least they are dry.
Henry comes when called, but only usually because it means he’ll get a food treat (raisins and licorice are particular favorites). Albert (grey-colored) used to come when called, but has gotten out of the habit.
Neither is really a lap bunny, other than to warm themselves on cold days (like a lot of cats I know). We had a lap bunny, named Oscar, but he died about 6 months ago (Henry is his “replacement”).
My Angora rabbits were softer, but these little lop guys are still pretty soft.
Oh, and house rabbits are notorious for chewing electrical cords, so if you get a house rabbit, move all of your cords above their reach.
There’s quite a bit of information about keeping house rabbits on the web, if you’re interested in reading more.
Btw, we call Albert the “stealth bunny,” ’cause he blends so well with the shadows.
Oh,right, that was last night! Well, just in case anybody’s hungry for dessert. . .this is the least I can provide for all you nice people who helped me learn photo stuff today. Enjoy!
That plea for help turned into a very cool chat in a lot of ways….
extra hint? In photobucket you can use just the code for tag – you don’t have to add the url one too…
Thank you for reading my mind! I really wanted to ask that but it felt like one too many questions for one day. Isn’t this just the greatest place for learning stuff and experimenting?
Something new everyday… it blows me away..
Me too – URL of Sussex, URL of Shaftesbury?
i spilled my drink laughing at the duke of URL! thats priceless!!!
It’s very evil to tempt people with key lime pie when they don’t have any. Especially, if like me, they LOVE key lime pie.
I’m going to be thinking about that pie all night.
I love your sig….
Me, too.
Came up with it one night when I went to post and did a quick reread and realized I made no sense. 😀
I’m so jealous. Pie and evil. You have and are all I aspire to be.
I preen.
Then for sure I am not going to mention I just went to my frige and grabbed the one remaining piece of very good key lime pie. . .nope, that would not be nice at all.
OMG, there’s someone even more evil than I!
shirlstars you’d better eat that pie fast because I’m in a race with Liberalpalooza to get to your house to grab it out from under your fork.
If we only knew where you live.
This is why the internet must remain anonymous. <hungry grin>
Fortunately I live in Idaho, a place most USA residents will refuse to believe is even a state (No one in NY believed me). Next I live in between two very small rural communities in the Outback. . .hehehehehe. . .even I can’t always find the right road to turn on to get home and I have been here 24 years. . .thank God for automatic driver!! Next, alas, the pie has gone on to it’s great reward. . .{{{{{bruuuuup}}}}}} excuse me. . .
Sorry gang, I promise to share next time. . .(ducks flying objects coming from all over the globe. . . eeeeeekkkkk. . . . no one knew an old broad like that could run that fast! LOL)
I’ll bet we can find you and your key lime pie faster than Bush find wmds.
I once stayed at a underwater hotel and the lady who lived next door to the place made homemade key lime pie. That was the best pie I ever had.
So lol!
I’d be happy to give an audible toot next time there’s an open mike–but is there any site for hosting .mp3 files? Given all the rancor over sharing of commercial audio I’d guess not.
Somehow, printing about music just doesn’t have the same feel.
I just came across a site for frog calls that I thought would be fun for the pond. Let’s see, maybe I could type them out phoenetically?
Banjo Frog, go here:
I just found ezFolk Audio Hosting – but I don’t know anything about it… you’ll let us all know if you figure it out right?
On my posting service for pic, you can add audio overlay to pics, but I have never tried it..
We still have no one for the Monday hosting, does anyone want to volunteer, if no one does volunteer I will do it..
Gee, BrotherFeldspar has had nothing to do all day, I’m sure he’d be happy to go again. <Ducks. Runs!>
Can I ask for a huge round of applause for the CBC???
Next week, they’ll be airing The World According to Bush for the 4th time since last October.
Much of The World According to Bush takes the form of one-on-one interviews and includes Bush’s speech writer David Frum; former weapons inspectors Hans Blix and David Kay; presidential adviser Richard Perle; Secretary of State Colin Powell; former CIA director James Woolsey; and former UN secretary-general Javier Perez de Cuellar.
Wish I could share it with everyone… we could all have popcorn and watch on the big screen, you know?
I have gmail accounts to hand out. . .50 of them. All you need to do if you want one is just send me your email add to I will send you the invite right back!
Come and Get ’em!!
would love one! just send you a mail from my a w o l account! please? please?
Oh, Oh, Oh – and here I’ve been trying to scrape together the pieces of frog scattered from one end of my hard drive to the next…. distracted by frogs… sheesh..
Those pieces of frog can be worse than herding cats, or so I hear tell. . .I understand that frogs can be very distracting. LOL
Thanks shirl! I got the hookup a couple of weeks ago and have been very satisfied with the gmail system. Thx for thinking of me! Have a great night.
Y’all still serving coffee this late?
Is it just us? And now I’m leaving it to just you. Hope you won’t be lonely! You wanna sweep up for BrotherFeldspar? I think he’s passed out from exhaustion over there in the corner. I’d ask you how you liked your first day at the cafe, but it would be rude because I’ll be asleep by the time you answer.
Sweet dreams, one and all.
There is always fresh hot coffee at the Froggy Bottom Cafe
Are you a West Coaster, by foot? Or just up late?
I’m from the mid coast.
Boulder County, Colorado.
Whew. I must have dozed off … it’s already the next evening.
closin’ time…
unplug those people and send them home
it’s closin’ time..
:::now. lets see about sweeping up in here:::