First, please, I urge you to recommend this diary. Why? Because this is an announcement for Chicago/midwest region Booman members. A recommend from you will help more of us Chicago Booman members see this announcement.

A number of us from the Chicago region have launched a “Progressive group blog on the Politics of Chicago & the Midwest”. SoapBlox/Chicago is the latest scoop-style blog dedicated to moving local politics in the progressive direction.
SoapBlox/Chicago is being nurtured by Booman members Carl Nyberg, musing85, pacified,   ultrageek, and Jeff Wegerson, plus local bloggers. Nothing is set in stone which means that your choices of what level you would like to participate at are open and flexible. You can lurk, register, comment, diary and even frontpage just for the asking.

Booman Tribune is great for thinking globally. But when it comes to action, that, like all politics, is local. We see ourselves as filling a political vacuum. After you have checked out the big picture you are going to want to know how and where to apply it at home. That’s our niche.

So now, if you are a Chicago, suburban, downstate, Indiana, Wisconsin, or Michigan local, then stop by and register. If you’re not then recommend this diary for those of us who are.


The Crew at SoapBlox/Chicago