Just got back from a Philly for Change picnic at FDR Park. The real BooMan (puppy picture below) had a nice time, and a beer.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
…looks like my favorite (and most beloved) cat Shadow.
Once had a big black cat named Spook, or more correctly, my SO had him…he was truly a “bad ass” cat. Got along just peachy w/ my dog, but nobody’s, and I mean NO other dog could even come in the yard. Unfortunately, the coyotes took him out…got a little to cocky I suspect. Outdoor cats are not as high up on the food chain as they believe.
Shadow is a big and furry, too! I try to keep her inside as much as possible since it’s such a dangerous world out there for both cats and people.
What a cute smoochie
Philly for Change! And for progressives getting together and getting to work in the real world.
lookinforward, BaileyNAustin, and I spent yesterday afternoon at the first meeting of Austin Moving Forward.
Hooray for progressives working together!
There were probably nearly 1000 people there – elected officials, activists, representatives of all kinds of progressive groups. George Lakoff was the concluding speaker. Click here for my report on what he had to say.
(Awww. BooMan, you were so cute when you were a puppy.)
Is this one of them mojo love fest deals? Because I lost all mine during the server problem and for some reason I’m dying to see if we have 6 hidden comments yet. Plus, I was just starting to feel all homey here and now I feel sort of, I dunno, bereft.
So how can I make nice? Fours for everyone and, uh… cute dog. But he’s staggering a bit. Perhaps he should lay off the beer.
Damn, I’m not very good at this making nice thing!
This is a good start on mojo. . .then head on over to the Froggy Bottom Lounge, they throw 4’s around there like there is an endless supply of them. Some good company and refreshments too!
Normally I would complain about “cute puppy” pictures as being trivial, but…
Aw, damn it, that’s the cutest puppy I’ve ever seen. How did you know cute puppies were my one weakness?
But I’ve found that mine prefers off-dry white wines (Rieslings, Sauvignoin Blancs) to beer. Likes bourbon, too. Quite a refined potable puppy palate.
You! You there. Is that dog of legal drinking age? Are you contributing to the delinquency of a minor? Are we going to have to report you to the Ladies Magic Motorcycle Guild & Progressive Betterment Society?
Gee, I hadn’t even noticed the mojo disappearance until it was mentioned here. With no hidden comments to read, who cares?
Mojo mojo mojo
My treat. You’ll be feeling much better in no time. Not as good as that puppy, but…
HE IS THE most precious ball of black fur ever! Oh my god … you must have instantly fallen in love with him.
I did. I love Newfs, but Boo is the best.
I love that photo. Adorable.
Seems US and various Iraqi insurgent groups have had two meets- and Rumsfeld confirmed the fact.
I haven’t noticed anyone picking it up around here- and I’m too brain dead to write it up. Good night!
What a cute puppy! I miss having a dog, but living in NYC is not so condusive to doggydom. My dog made me a true believer in their extra sensitive olfactory capabilities, and tonight that was proven out by a segment on “60 Minutes” about their ability to actually sniff out different types of cancer in human beings! So, a word to the wise – should your start to bark wildly at you, you might want to call an oncologist, ouch …
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” – Benjamin Franklin
WHAT is America waiting for ?!?!?!?
and indeed the whole wonderful welcome wagon needs a place of honor, a permanent location, perhaps just under the home link in the menu.
Really cute puppy.
a confirmed cat person and sometime kitten blogger, must say: that is one insanely cute puppy. And how much did you say he weighs now?
he is about 8 weeks old and weighs about 12 lbs.
Now he is 9 years old and weighs about 135 lbs.
….and I’m guessing that about 40% of that is hair – or at least it must feel that way. Trust me, I understand – I’ve swept/ vaccuumed enough hair over the years to build hundreds of cats!
After meeting BooMan “in person” at the picnic, I have to confess I have a big puppy dog crush on him. (In spite of the slobber.)
Thanks also to all the folks who put together the picnic yesterday, it was really great.
the slobber is a problem. It was nice to hang out with you Levana!!
Is BooMan a Newfoundland?
he is a Newf. He does newf-stuff.