It’s a simple decision. You know he’s going to lie. Even his supporters know he’s going to lie. He has to. For one thing, the facts are definitely against him:
The unrelenting attacks, using bombs that can cost as little as a carton of American cigarettes each, have become the most-favored weapon of the government’s most-determined enemies Islamic extremists.
More after the break . . .
Of course, these stories haven’t been headlined here, here or here, (because after all, a shark attack story takes precedence over Iraq any day of the week) but the reality is starting to sink in nonetheless.
And despite all the talk of Bush needing to fine-tune his message on Iraq, or of the need for him to offer specifics on how he intends to deal with the growing insurgency and the effect the Iraq deployment has had on our over-stretched military , I don’t really expect Bush to provide any startling new details about his plan to win the war, do you?
I mean what can Bush say to the parents of this soldier to justify his death? Not much, is my opinion:
It is not known how, if at all, Guindon’s time in Iraq is related to his decision to end his life. The Air Force’s investigation into his death is still open, and probably no one will ever be able to determine whether he suffered from trauma brought on by months of combat.
But those who knew Guindon and were familiar with his unit was doing in Iraq say he and his fellow soldiers were thrust into a situation they weren’t ready for. And they suggest that when Guindon began to falter, perhaps not enough attention was paid to the warning signs.
So he will continue to lie, and repeat the canards of his henchmen, such as Donald Rumsfeld:
or bluster that only Conservatives like himself are willing to protect our nation from terrorists, echoing the words of his “brain”, Karl Rove, on the matter:
And no doubt he will talk about “spreading freedom” and he’ll talk about the need to stand firm or stay the course or some such nonsense, much as he has done before:
But something tells me the voice of this person is starting to resonate more with that portion of American Public not already permanently enthrall to the Bush cult of personality:
. . . “This war was based on lies and distortions, and that’s what we should be talking about, not making Americans feel good about the war.”
So I say, boycott the damn speech! Don’t listen to it. Don’t bother discussing the finer points with your neighbors or fellow workers the next day. If someone asks, just say them:
Now I know many of you, maybe most of you, are not going to take my advice. Some of you will write wonderful diaries about the outrages contained in his speech. Others will provide a sterling analysis of his lies and obfuscations, of his bombast and fulminations. More power to you. Who knows, maybe some good will come of that effort on your part. Hell, I’ll probably read them and recommend them.
But for me, I plan to spend my time doing something more profitable than listening to his bullshit. I watched the debates last year, and frankly got enough of that from him at that time to last me until the next Ice Age. I don’t need any more.
Thanks for the great diary and for respecting those of us who will choose to sit and cringe in horror yet again as we watch this so-called president fumble his way through yet another pack of lies. I might put up a live thread unless it’s front paged by Boo. We’ll see. I totally understand why people would boycott his speechifying. Enjoy yourselves! π
This is a great diary but I too will tape the speech and watch it while doing some ironing the next morning. I will pretend that my husband’s shirts are Bush’s face.
Ironing Bush’s face.
while watching the speech, I can pretend Bush is a piece of ….oh, that would be redundant. I’ve always thought that of Shrub.
Did you see Bush’s State of the Union Speech in January 2004? I swear to god I about fell out of my chair when the camera went on the military people on the balcony. They glared at Bush with such animosity and it looked like Bush flinched when the camera went back on him. Oh, how I wish I could get a hold of that video.
Does anybody know how I could get that clip? Does anybody remember that?
I taped the state of the union address that night and I have it somewhere. Not sure of the exact clip you are referring to. If you know about where it is in the speech, I may be able to convert it to digital and make it into an mpg video clip.
Play the Press <s>Conference</s> Briefing Drinking Game! And have fun watching the Chimp lie, by getting drunk.
Sure…you guys get drunk while I’m gulping Coke and tea and holding off runs to the bathroom! π
The buzz phrase of the week is “political process”. Commit to drinking whenever Bush says that and you’ll be drunk within about 10 minutes.
Oh Jeez! I thought this week’s word was “progress”.Thank God I don’t drink anymore. I would end up in the looney bin for sure.
That’s definitely one of the key words. Freedom, progress – all the usual suspects – along with pushing the meme that Iraqis must take responsibility for their own security (despite the fact that police recruits keep getting blown up because they don’t have enough protection when they go to sign up and the horrible record the coalition has in actually getting forces trained).
Don’t worry though, sheeple, “freedom is on the march”.
If you eat chocolate when Bush blames the media for not covering the good news there, you’ll end up in a sugar coma.
I’d much rather read about it from others here than sit in rage in front of the tv.
Kids, it’s reading time! We’ll go and sack out on top of the blanket on my bed and read outloud from one storybook and then continue to read a book from each of theirs library summer list.
One more book closer to their reward and one Mom with normal blood pressure. π
Thank you for the incredible diary. Laid it out there perfectly.
and I wish we could trigger a national movement of like-minded people to turn their backs on him. I laugh every time I imagine a presidential press conference with no reporters there except for those from Faux.
Really, why bother to cover this bullshit?
The only explanation I can think of is lemmings.
I’d like to see the rest of the G-8 leaders stand up and turn their backs on him next week when he tries to tell them there’s no scientific proof of global warming. Hopefully Blair will do the right thing for once – but I’m not holding my breath.
If I do turn it on, I might just moon the TV set. That would be turning my back on him!
but I think I’m going to watch McChimpy because I also suffered through those debates last year. I take great pleasure in watching his smirky smugness turn into sourpussed stumbling [I promise: no more sibilance!] The guy is losing it — and the American people — and watching his slow but steady decline is one of the few pleasures we have left in U.S. politics.
I have been having a great time watching The Pretzeldent of late. He starts off all arrogant and smirking and then gets irritated with some question and gets all red in the face, eyes all squinty. Oh yeah, nothing like watching the slow meltdown. Wonder what Karl will be whispering into his ear tomorrow night?
Don’t you mean the hump on his back?
Agreed- great diary, but I have to hear what he says in order to call him a liar effectively thereafter.
I’ll listen to the Air America coverage; they were totally awesome with the debates last year…
I’d listen to them if they talk O V E R Bush.
I will add one more observation if I may. I think it is important to watch, record, write down every word he says because they have been getting careless. I mean no one believes Cheney’s statement “the insurgency is in its last throes”, Rummy was tripping all over himself on MTP with Russert yesterday and Timmy wasn’t letting him off the hook so easily. Yeah, its getting interesting and should be observed very closely but that’s just mho.
yup, it is all falling apart on them as we see it on a daily basis now. They are really screwing up in their lies/spin and such. I think his address will be a sham and ppl will finally see him and the others for what they really are.
Boycotting the speech will be a pleasure. In fact watching him is torture, and I never do unless I think he will make a fool of himself, and then it becomes a festival.
I hope it gets to that point someday. Like if he has to say to the camera “I am not a crook…” …I’ll be watchin…
I’m a masochist. What can I say?
I can’t stand to listen to One Single Word that comes out of that sociopath’s mouth. I watched the debates this year, other than that, not once since 2000.
Course, my TeeVee was turned off Nov.3rd, and hasn’t been on since.
When I boycott, I Really boycott. π
I won’t watch, I can not stand to watch chimpy. So it’s casino cruise night.