In an over the top Op-Ed piece posted on Catholic-Online, Senator Rick Santorum lays the blame for the sexual abuse of children by priests on cultural liberalism.
Catholic Online It is startling that those in the media and academia appear most disturbed by this aberrant behavior, since they have zealously promoted moral relativism by sanctioning “private” moral matters such as alternative lifestyles. Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.
So, now liberals have been accused of promoting child rape as part of our social agenda? We not only coddle terrorists, we infect priests with the desire for child porn.
Update: Please note this OpEd piece is from 2002. Though still relevant today.
I think Santorum’s trying to admit that the Evil Libruls have made him into a pedophile.
of these cases took place in the 50’s and 60’s when things were way more repressed than they are now.
I can’t believe the depths these people will sink to, not to mention how stupid they think most people are.
is the epitome of the arrogant theocratic reichwing fascists that want to completely eliminate the US Constitution as we currently know it as the law of the land. That he and Sam (the Brownshirt) Brownback have continuously introduced bills to allow more influence into politics from the pulpit is a slap in the face to all Americans, believers and non believers.
These theocratic reichwing crack pots want nothing less than to dictate to every American what they can do, who they can do it with and when they can do it. The reichwing has begun the process of a National ID card and it won’t be long in my humble estimation, we will all be needing travel documents to move about the US, for the very first time.
The theocrats have a minority in the country, yet have almost acheived a majority in our National Political Arena. If we (the American people) do not wake soon to this organized dismantling of our Constitutional Government, we shall one day wake up to a dictatorship, run by the likes of Santorum, Brownback, Dobson, Falwell, Robertson, Delay and their ilk.
I for one have no desire to have these self important theocractic bullies dictating how I shall live my life. That they are all in my opinion, a bunch of hypocritical, self absorbed, mindless freaks, who have nothing better to do in life than try to tell the rest of us how to live ours.
not seethed this badly in quite a while. I have had enough!!!
Santorum is attempting to murder the memory of my Church’s good work by advancing their evil agenda. I long for the day when I could be proud to be a Catholic in the tradition of Dorothy Day and Oscar Romero.
I was in Dallas at the conference when the Bishops passed the Child Protection Charter, I had breakfast with my bishop as protesters stood outside chanting the most hateful rhetoric I have ever seen. We were greeted with signs that showed the Virgin Mary with demonic features…and other satanic references.
I just fired off an email to my Bishop whom I KNOW will denounce this type of rhetoric from “Good Catholic-boy” Santorum.
First they attacked the secular liberals, now they are coming after the Christian liberals. Let them come, I am ready for the fight.
that an unabashed liberal, like myself — an affiliate of no religious denomination — has figured that sexually abusing children is wrong. You know, all the liberals, pagans, gays, and other social miscreants I associate with, have also figured out, minus any input, on the topic, from religious authorities, that pederasty is vile. How ever did we manage that?