President Bush urges little Deander Thomas of Gulfport, Mississippi to “hit the dirt”.
Washington, DC (Faux) President bush on Saturday rolled out the first in series of recruitment drives with an eye towards correcting lagging enlistments. The special event combined showcasing the sport of Tee Ball, of which the president has been a long time supporter, along with future recruitment for the military right on the South Lawn. Enthusiastic children and their parents were treated to an afternoon of Tee Ball as well as interactive demonstrations of Military technology and tactics.
President Bush demonstrates the correct deployment and handling of a simulated Claymore anti-personnel mine.
The President stated: “Donald Rumsfeld will be going into greater detail about this, but the reality is that America may well be looking at another twelve or more years to stay the course in Iraq. These bright eyed, competitive youngsters could very well become the steely eyed Marine of tomorrow, defending our freedoms here in America and abroad, and this administration will be behind them.”
Little Twanda Nichell of Dothan, Alabama receives some tips about the use of a hand grenade. Face has been altered out of future Homeland Security concerns.
Afterwards, the kids and their families were treated to hotdogs, apple pie, and homemade ice cream. Educational materials and registration pamphlets were handed out to parents, and rights and privileges under “No Child left Behind” legislation were discussed. The President next heads to Fort Bragg, NC, before later heading to the G-8 summit later this week.
Sorry to post and run, but Mrs Dood and I are going out to eat… back later!
damn good one as always man, glad to see your spirit back in the snark, and outta the rage ; ) KUDOS
I thought you may be interested in this link via BuzzFlash. You should be proud that your work is bringing so much happiness to Liberals everywhere. 😉
thanks… no pressure now(heh…whew…)
I am always wondering why you make your pics so large. It is so uncomfortable to load these pages and even with a large screen I have to scroll back and forth…
Other than that they are great…
I actually take these straight off their propaganda sites, and I think the size is adjusted for the most typical browser settings… I tried a couple times to post clickable thumbnails, but I really hated how crappy they looked… again, I am sorry…:(
Someone posted a code once, I think it was Jerome of P. that makes the pics the right size or 400 px. Also if you save pics to your computer, you can resize before uploading. WE had a long discussion on FBc about pics yesterday and there were a lot of hints.
And Susan said she would resize any pics, if you send to her.
Nothing to be sorry for Bood, just wanted to let you know lg. pics are a prob.
Oh did you know if you right click on any pic, then select properties, it will tell you the pixels.
Every time I hear Rummy speak, I feel as though it’s really his good twin…
Please tell me I’m not the only one… 😛
Ya gotta level with me… what program did you use to separate out those two pictures… that’s just uncanny…
secret close to me. Now if I can just master the tuning-out of the Gremlin’s voice whenever he speaks…
Perhaps Karl could suggest a good therapist
Bood I just saved and resized your pic and uploaded, it is smaller than you would prob. want but it was easy to do.