If the Catholic Church had been in a Red State there wouldn’t have been any molestation
Yes Rick, it isn’t the fault of homosexual pedophiles hiding in the robes and deep recesses of the Roman Catholic Church that those hundreds of children were molested. It was Boston’s fault. Because of all those liberals. Makes perfect sense. The liberals all smoke pot and read Kos and the next thing you know, an altar boys robes are over his head.
Jesus Christ on a Cracker.
The Fighting Armani Wearing Pundits at WSJ Point Out The Reason For The Set backs In Iraq: Dissent.
You see. The keyboard warriors at the WSJ are now parsing out the details of the actual combat. Well here are some details that the Fighting WSJ neocons might want to reference:
April 2005: 40 US dead in 31 days
June 2005: 78 US dead in 27 days
Average US Dead per day in June 2004: 2.07
Average US Dead per day in June 2005: 2.32
That’s not to say this is an expansion, though. I man it looks like an expansion to a normal person. But then the Fighting WSJ Pundits are not normal people.
Now it’s OK for the WSJ to equate the people in Iraq with the terrorists who flew into the World Trade Center in 2001.
But today the people in Iraq suddenly have nothing to do with the terrorists who are piling into Iraq.
The fact is, these Armani wearing opinioneers have exactly no idea who is in Iraq killing us.
Yean, that’s the trend.
Christ if they’d only report JUST THAT, then this whole thing’d be over in a jiffy. The poor Iraqis are ratting each other out. I mean this is a no brainer…the bombing will stop as soon as we report this increase in calls to Iraqs Most Wanted.
OK. Well, the Hell with the US death rate, I mean think about it. Look at the progress here. Given that Rumsfeld says we will probably be there for another 12 years…let’s see..that’s um…365 X 12 X 2.32 dead a day = 10162 dead. Let’s see 10162 dead X 9 wounded for each dead American = 91454 wounded. Now doesn’t that make you dumb liberals just want to go settle down and hush up?
Don’t you see if you would all just back this war and shut the fuck up, then the Terrorists will all give up? Man you can’t disagree with the president and expect to help our troops. When our press reports any dissent that just kills more Americans.
And you know, it’s only Liberals and Democrats and Hagel Republicans and Independents and Spanish and Italians and Russians and Canadians and Portuguese and College Students and High School Students and Mothers of recruitment age children and newspaper columnists and about 30% of the Mainstream press who don’t support us. Everyone else, however, is on board.
Actually, male pedophiles that molest boys are more likely to self-identify as heterosexual than homosexual. So your above labeling of the priest as “homosexual” is largely incorrect.
Likewise ancient greek “homosexuality” eroticised the sexual relationship between the active older male (lover) and the passive youth (beloveded) without challenging the assumption of heterosexuality of its practitionsers. As long as the postions of “active” and “passive” did not “reverse,” heterosexual norms were upheld. The same is true in male prision populations.
i can’t believe i’m even going to bother to respond to santorum, but:
Boston was at the center of the catholic church abuse scandal not because it happened more often here. It was at the center of the scandal because, being a more liberal state, victims felt less shame about coming forward.
while male abuse of male children isn’t about homosexuality, it is often perceived that way by the male child victims. cities that are less hostile to gays and lesbians are places where male victims of male abuse are more likely to come forward with lesser risk of being called a fag.
also, boston, being a more a more liberal state, had significant support services for victims of abuse.
once victims of priest abuse in boston started coming forward, victims all over the country followed in kind, including victims in red states. and while santorum may not believe it, yes there are catholic churches in red states, and young children were abused there.
narrow minded, judgmental, intolerant people like santorum are the reason many victims of priest or pastor abuse are reluctant to come forward.