Coming to the Booman community because you are all so well connected. Some of my husband’s troops were attached to the 3rd ID and my husband is a senior Apache pilot. He stayed back this tour due to our son having surgeries. We haven’t been able to find any photos of the crash, but it has been reported that an AP reporter was close by the crash scene. Does anybody have any access to information that I may not know about? Does anybody know if the downed Apache was an attachment from the 3rd ACR?
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Tracy, here are the results of the Google news search: link. I haven’t gone through the articles yet.
I have been able to find out that it was chopper attached to Task Force Baghdad, now the tough part is figuring out who is attached to Task Force Baghdad. We have phoned home and early reports say that it wasn’t an Apache from the 3rd ACR. Chances are my husband knows one of the pilots though that are now deceased. We say that the Apache family is a small family and we are all usually crossing paths throughout military careers. Not many people have been moving around though a whole bunch these past 4 years, so it sounds like it isn’t someone that we have weathered the war with. That is just a small relief though. The Apache is the most survivable helicopter we have right now. It is kind of intimidating that one was shot right out of the air and folded right up like that.
Give your husband a hug for me.
From AP:
The two pilots were killed in the crash, which is under investigation, said Lt. Col. Clifford Kent, spokesman for the 3rd Infantry Division.
Heavy gunfire was heard at the time of the crash and shots also were heard afterward, the AP reporter said.
You can catch the latest breaking news here: Reuters and AP.
Wish you could come over and sit on the back deck (watch out it’s not repaired yet) and make each other laugh and giggle… and discuss ways we could help others wake up so we can stop this bloodshed and Bush.
Laughter, the best medicine and none of those nasty side effects like you see on the pharm ads.
Looks like we’ll be in this house one more year. Navy Federal Credit Union fucked things up so we are getting a new bank/lender – cross yer fingers. Didn’t plant my chile garden so I finally went ahead and bought a few startings and now I have some potted and on the back deck. Not exactly “burning it down” and not truly accepting things here…
Transition in a standstill. But I think our entire country is in this same mire. Well, at least us “sane” ones 🙂
Thinking of you Tracy. Glad he’s home to help you and your son. Be good to each other.
Thinking about your deck!
I’ll drink one with you! On my deck (though I do have my shirt on today…heh.)
J., I wanna come over sometime!! or you could come here — Tracy, you know you’re always welcome too, just a bit farther for you! 😉
One of these days this curly haired redhead (right out of the bottle) is going to be knocking on your door holding a sixpack!
all ya gotta do is come on in! I’ll know it’s you!
Bring yer boys too — mine will be happy to hang with ’em while we do that “girl bonding” thang! 😉
Tracy, I am sorry to hear that someone you husband knows might have died. I am glad it isn’t him though.
MT: BBC News report @15:01 GMT
Best wishes!
Thinking about you and family(and all military families).
Tracy, soooo confused here. They(your husband’s troops) have been brainwashed and trained to kill… WHAT makes them soooooooo special ??? If every soldier was looked upon as special, if every soldier was treated as if, they were our only son or only daughter, this War would be over. To take this a step further, IF every individual life was treated as special, every civilian looked upon as special, maybe this War would have not started… Your whining sounds like someone that leans towards a superior race, YOUR soldiers are no better than the rest of our soldiers, further YOUR soldiers are NO better than the civilians that are dieing over there daily, why the soldiers on both sides play with their guns, and the robbers barons of the bush admin gets RICH. Guys with helicopters killing foot soldiers, the foot soldiers won this one. Let’s be fair, the superior race was a claim of Hitler, looks like even American civilians are getting into the superior race BS. Hitler would be proud. Work towards putting an end to this WAR, THAT is loving, THAT is PATRIOTIC.
You seem to have read into the simple statements Tracy made about being concerned for people her or her husband may know personally into some sort of ‘we’re better than other troops’ mindset. A completely unfounded assumption.
You’re misguided little diatribe did nothing to address the simple concern of this diary and seems only to want to cause some sort of uproar.
I hope this is a fair and balanced response.
In the end, I quite simply want peace. YOU SEEMED TO HAVE MISSED THIS !! Killing for profit, with so many innocents involved, pathetic. Too many Americans taking the better than thou ground, too many people OK with soldiers dieing, as long and they are not family. Way too many people ok with Iraqis dieing. Sorry for any uproar, but definitely do not have a problem with wanting peace. Have noooooo problem with stating that an Iraqi life is as important as an American’s life.
EtJ, peace sign waving, flowering growing, AMERICAN hippy…
I hope this is a fair and balanced counter-response.
I have never been okay with Iraqis dying, neither has my husband.
I’m not sure why you would assume I’m ok with Iraqi’s or anyone dying. I was violently against this Iraq invasion from the start and especially because I knew that so many Iraqi civilians would end up being killed…war is never pretty nor the glorified John Wayne version bush seems to believe in and very, very, rarely the answer.
Everyone who posts regularly here feels the same, that the growing loss of life, the killing and everything associated with Iraq is sickening, depressing, morally and legally wrong. You won’t get any arguments here about that.
I believe everyone would agree with you, it just sounded as if you were implying the rest of here don’t care as much.
As for the peace sign, I have one hanging on my front door for everyone to see…A nice rainbow colored one so it’s easy to see.
Appreciate your response and hope we have cleared the air a bit..we’re on the same side. Also a peace sign waving, flower growing aging American..although I never really could have been classified a hippy in the strictest sense of the word. Peace.
Doesn’t seem to be very familiar with me, and that’s okay, lots of people are angry. I wouldn’t say that our military is “brainwashed” into being killers. I do think that people who show up in the military with such tendencies do often find a niche in the military. There are plenty plenty plenty of military though that are only military because it is fact that nations need to be protected…….nations had to be protected from Hitler and eventually were after a great loss of life. The bad thing is that military leadership changes often in this country and with that the “mission statement” of our military changes right along with that. There are plenty of dunderheads with guns in our military, used to be though about 6 years ago that those freaky kind of people had hide in the mop closet and maintain a certain balance. Now balanced sensible military folk are having to hideout, be silent at the conversations around the water cooler and leak the insanity to Hersh in hopes of stopping NUT CASES from doing something even more stupid than Iraq. When one is in the military one does what one is told or one goes to jail after being tried in secret. People sign up for military service though not ever thinking that illegal wars are going to take place on their military watch. After Vietnam for a long time everybody used to say “NEVER AGAIN!” and that’s pretty much getting blown out of the water now. Wes Clark is indicative of a lot of military folk that I know who seem to feel comfortable in my home and around my family. Right wingers are often confused by us more so than angry. We don’t even own a gun, my husband doesn’t like guns and he particularly doesn’t like guns around kids. He doesn’t even like to hunt. He says that the 50 cal on the front of the aircraft he flies is gun enough to have to be responsible for. I can’t explain my military family…..military families are all similar and yet different. I wouldn’t ever call my immediate family the brainwashed killer kind. Apparently my Uncle killed some in Vietnam that he could never make peace with and it caused him so much pain he took his own life……brainwashed killers doesn’t really fit our military family profile or that of the military folk we seem to count among our friends.
Sorry for teeing off on your crisis, I do feel strongly on how so many other Americans do not even have a clue on what is really happening in Iraq, and in many other wars for that matter.
I talk to Vets, every chance I get. One of my favorite responses came from a friend who served in Bosnia. He mentioned he was there, on a peace-keeping mission. Stared down for a minute, then with a hint of rage said “Peace-keeping mission my ass, the first thing they taught us was to kill”
IMHO, America is heading in the wrong direction, and yes I am very angry. Especially angry ’cause I really don’t have the answers on how to fix it.
Thanks for your civil response, EtJ(Enjoy the Journey) earlier WhyBushWhy
PEACE !! :>)
I could see where someone would want to feel things out a little bit. I posted a story awhile back about a tank commander that went to Iraq that wasn’t a nice guy…….the reality is that they are out there and they have done stuff. And soldiers have tortured and done other stuff to Iraqis that we all wish that we could make go away but we can’t and we are going to have to do what we must to repair what has been done, and suppose we will have to do that whenever we can get rid of Son-of-a-Bitch and Company. Please know that many military are extremely upset to the point that their noodle is about to explode over the things that have happened. Our military is going to be destroyed after this again too……..JUST FUCKING LIKE VIETNAM! Disgraced and shamed and yet still needed on a functional level, the whole thing is going to have to be rebuilt again just as was done by so many after Vietnam…….it so sucks, and I can dwell on that but that is just a fact now. I guess six months ago I was depressed about it, now I have come to accept it……it’s a mess and getting worse. I am on your side though!
WE made a HUGH mistake after Vietnam, NOT prosecuting the bastards responsible. Ike, who was no innocent individual, warned us of war becoming a money-making business. Way to much money being made, by Son-of-a-Bitch and Company.
The lies, the cover-up of lies, the cover-up of the cover-up. When will America say enough is enough.
Brief flash-back to Bosnia, the kid went on a Peace-Keeping mission to raise money for school. Got an education on what Bosnia was really about.
Took a little bush supporter out for a beer(or a few), Introduced her to the Bosnia Vet, then later to a Vietnam vet. She came back wide-eyed, and commented WHY don’t we hear this on the news? She went back to both for further talk, hugged the stuffing out of both.
She doesn’t think much of bush, or war anymore. Americans do not hear the TRUTH, quite simply ’cause they would be OUTRAGED, not good for the crime business.
Stay cool Tracy, EtJ
My husband says that something really must be done when we have a changing of the guard. We feel (and hope it is a correct feeling) that the next Administration will begin with a Democrat being elected president. This time around though my husband insists that forgiving the transgressions of the past administration cannot happen. He is basically a freak about this, so we don’t talk details about it. I’m afraid that it won’t happen and him being able to hang onto that gets him through a lot of long days right now. In my heart I pray daily and nightly that the people who have brought such death and destruction to so many are made accountable. So much blood all for Empire and power and control and money…….it is so sickening! When I was a kid saying the Pledge of Allegence it was the last thing that I thought this nation was about, and that hurts.
I like this: “This time around though my husband insists that forgiving the transgressions of the past administration cannot happen. He is basically a freak about this, so we don’t talk details about it.” It will be Return and Repeat, if they are not proscuted to the full extent of what are founding fathers would expect from the citizens. Screw their laws, they know no laws, unless the laws benefit them. I’m Afraid too, regarding: “I’m afraid that it won’t happen”…. This is a time that the citizens need to stand up for THEIR Country, for the good of THEIR Country, or it is Return and Repeat..
From the Ukraine and their protests, a young citizen approached a policeman protecting a government building. Placed a flower in his riot shield, and asked something to the effect. Aren’t you supposed to be protecting us…
Observation, here in our neck of the woods. To serve and protect has disappeared from the police vehicles. Makes one wonder.
I’m glad you apologized because what you directed at Tracy was really uncalled for. She posted about her worries and you slammed her by going off on a totally irrelevant tirade.
This damn war is hard on everybody. All I ask is that we treat other with respect here since we’re all on the same side.
Fox News Peddles Military Action Against Iran
When is enough, ENOUGH !!
I know the horror of Fox! I would say about 40% of the military ain’t buying and never has. We are the silent minority. A lot of the military is right wingnut and into the whole Fox scene, some people are just along for the ride, and the rest of us are kind of quiet because it can be dangerous at times to not be quiet.
We are pretty sure that they were out of Fort Stewart GA. Since it most likely isn’t anybody who we have been closely affiliated with during this Iraq fiasco we are being patient now waiting for the families to all be properly notified before we ask for any more information. Whatever sadness we will feel has no comparison to what their families are going through.
Thanks for the update. It must be very hard on you when you don’t know what’s happening.