WELCOME! It’s time to Get FROGGY!!!
Jump on into the FBC~Lounge and refresh yourselves.
We will be serving a delicious array of snacks and
drinks combined with conversation de’jour.
Open Topic as always, so Pick your favorite music
find a comfy spot and stay with us a spell. . .we are
always open!
I will be your server for the Night Shift, the name is
Shirl, the Game is Shirl Foolery (Tom’s busy tonight)
No rules, no fouls, no using the shrimp forks as weapons.
Party ON!
NEW HERE? Or never introduced yourself with a quick
or detailed bio? Well, then. . .the Welcome Wagon is
parked right here and we would love to hear
about who you are and how you found your
way to the Frog Pond of Booman Tribune.
REMEMBER FROGGERS. . .When you Post pics,
no wider than 400 pxls please so we don’t cause
problems with scrolling for those with older equipment.
The old FBC is here, if you need to un-rec it.
Also, I am going to post this again, because it is one of the deeper thoughts I’ve had in the past couple of weeks. Sorry if you’ve already read it 🙂
— Wow. —
I just took a walk outside. First time I’ve been out since before Bush’s speech.
I’m not a religious person. I don’t believe in signs, omens, or portents. But I recognize a certain mysticism about things at times.
Tonight. There are fireflies flying again. It is calm, but there is lightning crashing, and thunder rolling nonetheless.
The air is still, but what wind there is carries hope of change.
A storm is brewing. I can feel it.
You’re right. There’s nothing new coming at us today. While our burdens weren’t lifted, they weren’t increased either, and that’s significant.
Boy it is a relief to be able to hand over the reigns after 2 days of these diaries…
I am ill after watching Bush give the same old speech and have reps. say how good it was and what good points he made….
And a great job you did, Diane! Sit back at the bar, and have a cold one on me 🙂
who watched Bush tonight and commented on it so I didn’t have to. I took the fellas swimming at the pool, and it was one of those relaxed, easy, happy evenings that are the heart and soul of summertime.
It felt great to forget all the serious business for a little while.
And you have come to the right place for no serious business tonight. . .I’ve been wondering about putting up a volley ball net on the beach with some lights for a little night gaming. We could always paint chimp’s pic on the ball and it would be such great fun to punch the hell out of it!
Did you see me spike that Chimpy ball? (BTW, even my kids refer to him as “Chimpy”-they are such good guys!)
Great Job Diane!!
take a rest and relax for a while.
How about a diet coke, Diane?
Thank you very much.
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And Welcome
Last year before the election my wise son turned me on to Dkos. Well, I can now say I have turned him onto Booman and welcome his input here. I doubt he will introduce himself but I can give a clue…he responded to one of my comments about G8. Carry on folks…I am wiped out…GWB has that affect on me. See you all tomorrow.
I know who he is 🙂 He should definitely introduce himself here. But I won’t take a ‘preemptive’ strategy of spilling the beans.
Good night!
I know who he is too and he should come on over to the FBC and introduce himself.
Aloha, what’s it like having him on the same site…I can’t imagine my son doing this, well he’s not political anyway, but it would be so weird having him read all the words I write…
Hello Aloha’s son….
but I think I could use a good strong one after watching that shifty-eyed dolt smirk and bullshit his way through that choreographed pep rally.
I was hoping against hope to hear the Democratic response team come out in favor of a timetable, or at least a fucking plan other than “stay the course, beacon of freedom, 9/11 blah blah blah…” but they’re all saying we gotta stay there and get the job done even if we’re there because of the mendacity of our elected officials. Makes my stomach turn. We will be there for years and years.
Alright, someone pour me a stiff one….I’m a cheap date, one will do it!
I’m sure zander is around here somewhere, but in the meantime, try sipping on this!
Whoa! If I drink that I won’t wake up until 2008….hmmmmm.
Maybe there is no down side to that.
Has anyone seen my other Sandal? I just got here and already I can’t find my other sandal. . . .
Oh, there it is. . .
Ya wanna go a few rounds of “cute critter” photos, do ya?
Oh my gosh. . .how adorable is that?
What breed of bunny? Sure is a cutie. Animals just sort of make your life okay sometimes when the people part of it just seems to suck big time.
Albert is a dwarf-lop. And a very relaxed one at that.
Meet Polly – who has seven toes on every one of her enormous feet.
(Cute pet pics sure beats the hell out of reading about Bushspeak when you’re feeling queasy already.)
What a real cutie Polly is! Cats are just so darn entertaining and cute and sweet and mind of their own. Thanks for bringing her by
Seven each on front foot, and six on each back foot. we called him Mickey-many-toes
I assume “Polly” is named for her polydactalism.
probably not too original for a polydactyl, but irresistible. Here’s her “sister” Penny peaking through the bean plants:
We got them from two different animal shelters at the same time, so we don’t tell them that they’re not actually related.
This is a native Betong.
Looks like a little kangaroo mouse. How does it move? Does it jump like a kangaroo?
Here’s a fearsome looking guy from my side of the planet:
But looks are deceiving. From the Texas Parks and Wildlife page
When I was a kid, they were easy to find. At my grandmother’s house my sister and I had one that we considered our “pet.” Meaning we would coax it out of its burrow at the base of a huge old tree and pet it every afternoon. It liked to be scratched between the horns on its head.
But I haven’t seen one in years, and they’re “threatened.” My daughter did see one recently – first one she had ever seen – so maybe there’s hope . . . .
Shrimp use forks? Who knew?
No one told you? We serve only the best of the best here, and that includes the shrip, Those having graduated Cuma Sum Delicious from Gulf Stream U.
I’m vegetarian.
I was however looking forward to watching the pet shrimp, which I assumed were in fish tanks, use eating utensils, whilst balancing their plates on their nonexistant knees.
Mine is the Froggy Bottom Surreal Cafe.
No prob, we have carved melons and veggies that are in all manner of designs and category. The cucumber shrimp are divine!
Actually, the shrimp in the tank usually are dancing, they only use the forks when the do their operatic rendition of Wagner’s Ride of the Valkaryies.
declare ourselves “proud members of the surreality based community.”
I think that is absolutely perfect. Surreality here I come, er. . .or here I am. . .well, you know.
Plenty surreal it is! Sounds like T-shirt Worthy!
Today was the next to last day of the highly INTENSE anatomy and physiology class I’m teaching in the short summer school session (4 hrs/day, 4 days/week, 5.5 weeks).
Last exam for the course tonight (tomorrow’s the make up final) and this afternoon I’m attacked by nausea and vertigo. But I CAN’T miss class tonight. Made it through somehow, and got their exams all graded tonight (just finished) and posted to the web so they can see if they need to take the one tomorrow.
I need kudos, sympathy, and hugs.
Now you may take off your Superwoman cape, sip on a cold beverage, and bask in the glory of a job exceptionally well done!
I needed that.
And you deserve a HUGE HUG for a day like today!
I posted to the web site we use that they should email me if they were taking tomorrow’s comprehensive final (it’s optional if they’re satisfied with the grade they have after all the other exams they’ve had).
So my inbox is full of students saying yes they will, no they won’t – and I had a strong urge to give each of them a 4 for “message received”! (I know I’m not the only one who keeps looking for the recommend button or the ratings box out in the realworld. Er, is email the realworld? Maybe in the surreality based community?)
But one signed off with “Don’t change anything about the class.”
🙂 <—- me beaming. We teachers live for those . . . .
I’m not the only one! Been gathering stuff together for a whole routine: You Know you spend too much time Blogging when. . . . .
I just finished reading a book. It could have been a really interesting book, but it wasn’t very well written, imo, and it was sort of disorganized and then after postulating the hypothesis, it turned to offering a perfectly unrelated conclusion. That was the first half of the book. . .the second half was a bit of her “hero worship” of a couple of spiritual theorists that left me totally out of my chair and ranting.
I wanted to fire off my response ala blog world and rate her entry “very unproductive.” Sputter. . .sputter. . .
Then I started laughing at myself. “Shirl” I said, “You spend entirely too much time on the blogs.”
Likewise I found myslef trying to use the tv remote to give a rating to a PBS show I was watching.
I don’t know if this can even be explained to non-blog people or regular folks.
Great that you got a kudo from a student! I know they don’t come very often or in big numbers. I give all of you teachers out there the Biggest HURAHS there are, you do such an important job. Thanks from me.
called Austin Kos. Well, it’s called “Austin Kos” but if you click the link you’ll notice that the BooTrib logo is prominently displayed as well (that was my doing).
Not much posted at that link because it’s the third (or fourth, if you count the DemFest one) blog we’ve set up – takes a while to get it right.
(Shirl – if you click on the DemFest link, scroll down to the “paper blog” entry. We had a message board at DemFest and lookinforward took a picture of one of the notes tacked to it. You’ll appreciate it in the context of this conversation.)
Anyway, we’re a bunch of ordinary outraged citizens who “met” each other at here and at dKos and decided to get together. First it was just social – it’s neat to meet people FTF after conversing with them online for a while. Now we’re learning about local politics and how to get involved.
But it’s sure nice to hang around folks who get it when you say, “Absolutely! Have a 4!”
Enjoyed the paper blog. . .looks so like something I might do. And probably will in the future. It is so strange to realize that probably 95% of the folks out there don’t have any idea what a blog is. I know even ones I have explained it to still ask me to tell them again.
Personally, I think it is a writer’s dream. Not just such a wonderful opportunity to express your thoughts and opinions, but the instant feed back is FABulous!
And Just think, a year ago I was just discovering what a blog was. Didn’t take me more than a few days to become hopelessly addicted.
I have great moments of triumph when I actually manage to stay away from the computer for a whole day. Which then gives me righteous justification for spending way too much time on it all the other days.
And if you are still up. . .Why are you still up? should be about 2:30 in Austin morning time.
That’s why I’m still up. Seriously, I often stay up this late. You might think that since I wasn’t feeling too hot today I should have gone to bed early, but actually I think the reason I was feeling bad was cortisol and epinephrine overdose (those would be the stress hormones for any non-physio types who read this) – the same symptoms have happened before when I was running on too much stress and anxiety for too long without a break.
A couple of hours ago I started feeling a whole lot better – FBC was a good place to hang out tonight, getting hugs and checking out all kinds of animals. Decided a little quiet non-stressed time was more useful than sleep. Sleep is elusive since menopause anyway.
What are you doing up so late – it’s not that much earlier where you are, is it? Oh, a quick Google shows you’re in Pacific time. I would have thought ID would be Mountain time. Cuz you’ve got mountains, I guess.
Well, I really am going to bed now. Thanks for everything, shirl.
I’m in Mountain Time, I think all of Idaho is the same now, but I could be wrong about that. There used to be a couple of towns on the Western Border that used PDT.
Just generally a night person, but often tell myself I will go to bed about 11 and seem to always end up still heading that way at 1 or 2 am.
Glad the Cafe helped with the relaxing.
FABULOUS Janet! Or as we say in the High Class Places I frequent: Ya Done Good! Oh How I remember the Anatomy and Kenesiology Classes and the endless studying of “when you do this with that it does this.”
Anotomy was pretty fun though, I did most of mine by Braile. After a very short time, I didn’t care what the name of it was!! harharharhar. . .a little anatomy humor there.
Pull lup a comfy seat Janet, and what can I offer you to drink tonight?
ed. note, “lup” is the act of pulling up a comfy lily pad.
like a recliner here, but it’s pretty comfy. Afraid the drink’s going to have to be hot tea tonight – nausea and vertigo are better but not gone.
I once had an A&P class whose motto was “palpate your pets!” (More anatomy humor.) But I had a feeling that they were palpating more than their pets. . . . 🙂
BTW, I just put my camera in my purse b/c someone at my campus has a bumper sticker that always makes me think of you. I hope they’re there tomorrow when I go to give the final. If so, I’ll make a pic for you.
Thanks for the hugs ‘n everything. It helps.
Wow! You mean I’m bumper sticker Famous!! Hot Dog!
Here, have some tea. . .
Very nice. I don’t have one of those pretty clear cups, but it’s in a mug with a painting of “Sunday Morning in Kaunakakai” on it.
So I’m basking in fond memories of Molokai with my daughter last summer.
I have a great ‘cat hug ‘pic– but its too big- so (((((((((Janet)))))))))))).
I never make it into the social life anywhere-it’s cause I’m SHY=^..^=.
Oh, don’t be shy. . .we’re all friends here, come on in and be shy with your favorite beverage in hand and come talk to me cause I spent most of my life being really shy, except when I wasn’t.
And if you use photobucket, or one like that, you can easily resize the picture. Be glad to splain if you need help, or want it, for that matter.
Hugs from shy folks are extra special.
Yesterday I brought these Tasmanian frogs with me to serenade the cafe dwellers:
Brown Tree Frog
A common and widespread species often found in suburban gardens.
Common Froglet
This widespread species is by far the most abundant in the State.
Eastern Banjo Frog
Found throughout most of eastern Tasmania and to the north of Macquarie Harbour, this species has a remarkable banjo-like call.
Green and Gold Frog
The only Tasmanian species listed as vulnerable – as population levels have declined markedly over the past ten years.
Todays frog chorus will be made up of the following – Click on their names for a listen:
Moss Froglet
The latest ‘addition’ to the Tasmanian frog fauna, discovered in 1992 in the beautiful Hartz Mountains.
Smooth Froglet
The smooth froglet is found throughout northern and central Tasmania.
Southern Toadlet
Found throughout the eastern half of Tasmania, this brilliantly patterned species is a close relative of the well-known corroboree frog.
Spotted Marsh Frog
Found throughout north eastern Tasmania, where it occurs in farm dams, open woodlands, creeks and coastal wetlands.
Love those Frog songs, Keres. Thanks for sharing them again. They are great. I have enjoyed opening my door at night and listening to the tree frogs seranade us. Such a comforting sound.
Sing Along at Ribbit Pond?
Tip – when you click on the frogs, make sure they finish their call before clicking on the next one, or you lose.
This is an itty bitty Brown Tree Frog I found next to our pond last summer. S/he had a bit of growing to do yet.
Yes, that is my finger.
I see yer point. . .harharharhar. . .couldn’t resist, with the finger at all.
Looks quite like my little tree frogs around here, I find them in the grass and other places, usually about the size of a US quarter, or smaller. Cutest things.
Today was a great day . . .I saw bunches (tech term flocks) of wild finches today. They are such a variety of colors and so small, but what a racket they can raise if they feel threatened. Big voices for small birdies. They love my bushy bushes and fill them up. I love watching them too.
Ha…did it.
Sorry, I know the lounge is reaching closing time, but that made me laugh and put an image in my head. I just had to satiate the urge…couldn’t help myself.
Spent too much time setting up a Photobucket account and getting just the right clip art image to do this, though. (But I had to stop making it dance, it was making my eyes hop! 😉
Great job Heather! He’s a cutie. . .wonder if anyone saw the rare Flasher Frog in here last night? It was pretty late, but I did manage to get his photo.
during Halfwit’s speech didn’t have the intended effect, so I think Shirl needs to pour me something stronger. It’s gotten to the point that watching him simper and repeat himself in new, dra-ma-tic ways is enough to send me into a rage. I’m still pissed at that feeb and his idiocy, and the speech has been over with for hours!
And then I saw Bob Costas on CNN, and I really needed a vodka tonic. WTF? Costas interviewing Kerry and McCain? Is it the apocalypse? Why isn’t he talking to gymnasts or something?
<Huge sigh>
Here ya go Mate! Sorry I was so slow, but I had to taste drive one since it’s been so long since I made one, and well then. . .a couple of not quite perfect ones down me gullet and here we are, the best of the best. . .We call it Absolute Victory!
Heh, heh. . .oops that was an empty galss. . .just a sec. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
Your tasting was not in vain–delicious, and just in time. Thanks a bunch!
Enjoy! MR. . .sure glad you dropped by again tonight. Do I remember right, you live in Ca, a town you would rather not mention?
I live in Bakersfield, the Town That Will Henceforth Be Unspeakable. If you know the place, you probably understand how its vileness causes my intense desire to move somewhere else! <Shudder>
You have company, Chocolate Ink lives there also..my town is not much better for local reputation, Santa Ana in Orange Co.
Actually, we have these great political conversations all the time. He really helped me to get involved and be aware of what was going on around me. I am happy to have him here as there is nothing I say here that i would not say in front of him. I think its really cool actually and consider myself just about the luckiest mom on earth to have such a great son.
Ain’t it great! Ain’t it just the greatest!
Yes, he makes me want to be a better human being. Thanks.
Sorry I’ve been negligent in my bartending duties tonight… I’ve been playing with video, which is not something I’m terribly competent with.
I think I’ve managed to get a small clip up on-line. I grabbed a sarcastic little quip about Bush’s speech from TV – is there anyone here who can do some extra testing for me? It’s a Windows media file.
It’s at zippy videos. The Hour – Bush speech
Hey Zan, Saw your little clip. Came through just fine, just takes me forever to download such things with my crappy dialup. What did you want to know? Good job.
I did some work creating a 10 min movie on CD of my homestead and the critters. . .man, what a lot of work time wise. I think it took me something like 25-30 hours of computer time to get it how I wanted it, and I think I could still make a lot of changes in it to make it better.
One of those all absorbing, very time consuming things that you think twice about getting into if you don’t have a lot of time to devote to it. Probably if I was more adept at the software (like, knew what I was doing) it might not take so long.
It is great fun though.
Cool – thank you. I’m sorry to put you through that with a dial-up. I just like the idea of being able to grab some of the sarcastic anti-bush comments I have access to and post them somewhere in almost real time for anyone who needs a pick-me-up while screaming about the state of the media.
However, I don’t really know how to use the software yet, either….
You didn’t put me through anything. I was just wandering around the deck of the Cafe. . .no biggy anyway.
Yeah, it is a fun little visit. Keep at it and you will probably figure out the software too. . .not that we would let a little thing like that stop us, heh. Learned the whole computer thing back in the DOS days by pulling down menus and clicking on stuff to see what it did. That was after I figured out where the on off button for the cpu was. Wasn’t disappointed when Windows 3.1 came along and I could forget what little DOS I had learned.
Go forth and explore. . .
works fine on my mac. i’m using firefox running in panther, i opened it in a tabbed browser window and it plays just like it should. all the controls work too. it “buffers” for maybe a little less than one second and then begins playing full speed no delay. i just tested it in safari and the clip behaves exactly the same way.
Woohoo! Thank you. Now everyone can look forward to seeing Bush called an idiot on TV every now and then… I’ll be sure to hand out those clips like cocktails for anyone in need….
sounds like a plan!
whew.. what a day…
now look at this. QQ buncha comediennes in here tonight it seems, everyone laughing, showing cute pics, lotsa frogs bunnies, seven toed cats… being funny…well thats nice.. i like seeing people have a good time.. now if they’d only clean up after themselves! ha!
anywho, i missed bush’s speech tonight, workin, go figure. doesn’t sound like i missed much though, meet the new speech…same as the old speech…
well i best get sweepin’.
Where in the world are you? Is this daytime, evening time or some other time where you are?
I did manage to get the bar area cleaned up. Yeah, a bunch of jokers in here tonight. And you’ve already heard Bush’s speech a dozen times. It’s the same one he always gives.9/11, 9/11,9/11, stay the course, freedom, when we leave Iraq we won’t be there any more. . . yadda, yadda, etc.
Anything going on in your world besides workin?
where the stars at night…
are big and bright…
deep in the heart of
and nope. just sitting here watching cats sleep. about to go do the same thing myself, meybe! woowoo. 2:54 a.m here. you seem to be up late too. further west though, yes?
Idaho, Mountain time, an hour earlier than you. I am often up in the wee hours, always been a night person, but since I retired just don’t seem to be able to care much what time it is. . .hehehehe.
I just hate to use last night’s FBC diary when I get up in the morning, where’s Abbott, we need a new one…lol NOthing worse in the morning than walking into a dirty cafe, and the last pic I see is a gigantus pixel user, good thing it was at the end of the diary. <friendly reminder here> I am on the pixel patrol you know, sworn to stamp out pixel abuse where ever I find it.
For those who haven’t heard yet, you can check the pixel size, which should be 400 or less, by right clicking the picture, select properties, and the pixel no. will show, if too big resize or send to Susanhu and she will do it..
Now where is a nice new Wed. FBC diary….