Sen. Barbara Boxer writes: “On Tuesday, I introduced a bipartisan amendment co-sponsored by Senators Clinton, Collins (R-ME), and Snowe (R-ME) that reinstates the moratorium on all human pesticide testing put in place by Republican and Democratic EPA Administrators until the EPA develops strict ethical rules consistent with the standards laid out by the National Academy of Sciences. Now, I need your help to pass this amendment when it comes up for a vote Wednesday at noon EDT in the Senate.”
I’m on Barbara’s email list so I signed this earlier. Don’t you just love her? God, I have to go to bed now. See you tomorrow! Great work today Susan, as usual. I just don’t know how you do it! But am grateful you do!
to my email list, with the following note from me:
Tip I learned from Noah Weiner of MoveOn at the Conf. for Media Reform. Put the action first in the email – and make it as easy as possible for folks to do whatever-it-is.