Update [2005-6-28 19:37:15 by catnip]:
Courtesy of Raw Story:
Reid’s Response to Bush’s Speech
Dems Move DSM Speeches to Thursday
Well folks, we have two important events happening concurrently this evening in Washington, DC:
The first is Bush’s speech in which he’ll try to gain a few poll points by blathering on about “progress” and the “political process” in Iraq. (yawn/rage)
The second is a scheduled House discussion by Rep John Conyers et al that will involve the contents of the Downing Street Memo (DSM). (woohoo/you tell ’em!)
* Schedules:
- Catch Bush at 6pm ET on C-SPAN 3.
- The House procedings are being covered on C-SPAN. Please note: we have no confirmation at this time that Conyer’s dicussion (details here)) will actually be streamed live online, so cross your fingers.
there’s more…
If Conyers does receive online coverage, we’ll need people transcribing both events, so I thought I’d just put them in the same diary. I’d much rather watch the sanity in the House, but will most likely watch Bush’s speechifying.
Here are some pre-released Bush speech excerpts:
The president is expected to reject calls to set a timetable for withdrawing 135,000 American troops. Instead, he is expected to argue for maintaining the present two-pronged strategy: equipping Iraqi security forces to take over the anti-insurgency fight and helping Iraqi political leaders in the transition to a permanent democratic government.
“The work in Iraq is difficult and dangerous,” the president will say, according to the excerpts. “We have more work to do and there will be tough moments that test America’s resolve.”
There you go: it’s hard work. So, if you choose to forego the speech you already know, of course, that you won’t be missing much except maybe a migraine and a damn good reason to get drunk.
As for the DSM, the media is getting the message and it’s about time!
Please don’t post pics in this diary. If the comments accumulate to the point where a new diary is necessary, I’ll do a part 2.
Thank you!
I’ll watch my computer screen, since there are folks braving the speech for me. It is rather like a horror film- you need to know what happens to understand the plot, but you don’t necessarily want to watch.
Thanks for the diary.
Reminds me of a little friend of my daughter’s years ago who would cover her ears instead of her eyes if something scary was on TV. Weird child that one. 🙂
Thanks, catnip!
Raw Story
I don’t see anything about that on his blog yet or in other media reports…
I second the thanks, catnip — I have laundry to fold, so I’ll be watching (my stomach is upset just thinking about it) and here on and off, but probably just ranting, as per usual….
Heh!! Thanks for putting up with me! 😉
First one:
Look at that fucking STAGE/BACKGROUND….it reminds me of something out of a fascist dictatorshi…..oh. never mind.
can kiss my ass.
I have always just wanted to smack that woman.
They share murderous idologies with the people who are fucking running our country, you twit!
Who is she?
I’m watching CNN.
White Hosue Communications Director.
ah yes…another Stepford wife.
The House is currently voting on amendments to…something. If we’re lucky, Bush’s speech will end in time for us to all catch Conyers.
I’ve got your goddamned RESOLVE right here!
called the soldiers to attention so that the lack of applause would be because they couldn’t applaud
Well, it is clear already that we won’t begin to pull out until we get a new President.
seems to be the phrase of the day…
We either deal w/ terrorism abroad, or when it comes to us.
Our mission in Iraq is clear: hunting terrorists, building a free nation, advancing freedom in the area, removing a source of instability, and laying a foundation of peace.
It’s difficult and dangerous. I see images of violence, and suffering is real. Amid all this, I know Americans ask: is it worth it? It is worth it.
And it is vital to the future security of our country. Tonight, I’ll explain why.
Some of it is being carried out by ruthless killers, converging in Iraq to fight peace and freedom.
We’ve captured hundreds of foreign fighters (names countries…IRAN)…
nice BLUE tie there Bush!
my greatest responsibility as prez is to protect the American people..that’s your calling as well…I thank you, your families (your dogs, your children..)
the troops here and across the world are fighting a global war on terror
sept 11 – DRINK!
ideology that hates freedom – blah blah blah…tyranny, oppression, exporting terror, driving us out of the region…
terrorist believe that free societies are essentially corrupt and decadent
sept 11 – DRINK!
defend our freedom…take fight to the enemy..Iraq is our latest battlefield in this war…many insurgents are followers of the same ideology that took [our people] in NYC, PA and Washington…
(reference to sept 11 – DRINK!)
helping Iraqis buiold a free nation..advancing freedom in the ME…blah blah blah
work in Iraq is difficult (see quote in diary)…
sacrifice is vital to the future security of our country…
insurgents fight the advance of freedom (in Iraq)…[names off countries of origin of insurgents]…they fight because they know that the survival of their ideology is at stake (yeah – it had nothing to do with “bring it on!”)
holy crap this is boring…zzzzzzzz
I cannot believe that anyone believes thsi shit any more…I just want to be sick.
So far he is completely striking out. This is all the same crap that everyone knows is a bunch of BS.
almost word for word, with some notable substitutions, by anyone of the “terrorists” about us….
Terrorists hope to maintain the region to attack us and our allies.
Some wonder if Iraq is a center of the GWOT…OBL says the whole world is watching this war.
The outcome will leave terrorists boldened or defeated.
We see the nature of the enemy in the terrorists who explode IEDs outside a mosque in Baghdad.
We see them behead hostages and broadcast for the world.
These are savage aacts of violence, but haven’t brought them closer to their objectives.
They failed to stop the transfer of sovereignty in Iraq…they failed to stop the civil war in Iraq, free elections, democratic gov., failed to stop them from signing up as parts of the police force.
The lesson is clear. They kill the innocent, but they can’t stop advance of freedom (puke).
The only way they can succeed is if we abandon the lessons of 9/11.
advance of freedom – DRINK!
sept 11 – DRINK!
Makin’ progress…hard werk. Real hard werk…
now going on about all of the things he promised that haven’t happened…
significant “progress” – DRINK!
blathering on about elections…
rebuilding the country is hard
progress – progress is being made – DRINK twice!
Thanks for watching this…
I’m at work with the software migration from hell…and would rather be here than watching.
I’ll by the next round (or bottle) of whatever you are drinking…
Like free people everywhere, Iraqis want to be defended by their own, and we are helping them.
To complete the mission, we’ll continue to hunt down insurgents.
We’ll prevent al-quaida from turning iraq into afghan.
Our strategy has a military track and political.
Military has to find and defeat the terrorists.
As we pursue them, our military helps to train the iraqis.
As the iraqis stand up, we’ll stand down.
We’ve made progress, but we have a lot more work to do.
Ooh, Dubya, that sounded just a little to close to “bring it on”…me thinks that yer gonna get just what you asked for.
Our task is to make the Iraqi units fully capable and independent.
we’re building up iraqi security forces as quickly as possible…
devoting serious manpower to that…1000’s of troops dedicated.
NATO establishing military academy in Baghdad to train next generation of military leaders.
(naming all the countries (POLAND!!!) that are contributing to that effort).
we’re taking 3 new steps:
(talking about what kind of training/advice they are giving)
3) working with iraqi ministries of interior and defense to improve their abilities in countering terrorists. Providing training, etc.
More than 2000 iraqi security forces have given their lives. Thousands more have stepped forward.
With each engagement, they gain more experience. We’ve learned they are courageous. But they need more skills.
We are training them so that they can fight, and so our troops can come home.
Some contend we should set a deadline for withdrawing.
Mistake because setting this timetable sends the wrong signal. We are serious about completing this mission.
It would send wrong message to enemy, who could just wait us out.
We’ll stay as long as we’re needed, and not a day longer.
If it is so important, why aren’t we sending more troops?
If our commanders say we need more, I’ll send more. They haven’t said that. It would undermine our strategy of getting more Iraqis to take part in this fight.
Thanks catnip. I’ve gotten so much out of your live diaries and transcription, I finally am home watching so I thought I would help out 🙂
You’ve been invaluable. I’m just too jaded to transcribe him verbatim. 🙂
Wow – what a bunch of crap, hey?
It’s not so bad. You just have to practice typing ‘freedom’, ‘terrorist’, etc. and then it goes pretty quickly.
Oh, and yes, a total load of crap.
whatever our differences in the past, the world understands the [need for a stable Iraq]…(yeah – especially after you f*cked up this war so badly Bush)
going over recent campaigns in Iraq…
progress – DRINK!
we will continue to hunt down the terrorists…we will continue to prevent al Quaeda to [take over the country basically like they did in Afghanistan]…
training Iraqi security forces..
our strategy can be summed up this way: as the Iraqis stand up, we will stand down..
progress – DRINK!
blathering on about how they’re training Iraqis (but he keeps forgetting about those police recruits who keep getting blown up)
[big focus on Iraq defending itself]
3 new steps:
training, training, training…
here goes the ‘no timetable’ rant…(funny since the Iraqi prime minister told the Brits he’s expecting US troops to be out in 2 years)
no more US troops…
I will continue to be guided by the advive that matters (ie. those who agree with me even though I know absolutely nothing about war)
progress – DRINK!
political process – DRINK!
progress – DRINK!
(okay – you must be drunk by now!)
(talk about what Iraqis are doing to establish their government…next step to build a constitution…sunnis need to help and get more involved)
After a constitution is written, Iraqis will have a chance to vote on it. If approved, they’ll go to the polls again to elect a new perm. govt.
By taking these steps and meeting these deadlines, they’ll bind their society together in a democracy.
As iraqis see their progress, more will join the process.
As they see their military can protect them, more will step forward to join.
This will lay a solid foundation for a free and stable iraq.
As they make progress, the effects are being felt…libya (nukes given up)…across broader middle east, claiming freedom…palestinian territories, egypt, saudi arabia.
Our strategy to defend ourselves and spread freedom is working!
sept 11 – DRINK!
(oh SYFPH already)
(catnip is a bit cranky)
They are trying to shake our will in Iraq just as they did on 9/11.
We do not falter under threat. We will not allow our future to be determined by car bombers & assassins.
It demands much of us. Courage of our fighting men and women. The perseverance of our citizens. We accept these b/c we know what is at stake.
Iraq carries hope of freedom.
Terrorists want to kill our citizens. Iraq is where they are making their stand. So we will fight them there. And we will stay in the fight until it is won.
Okay. This didn’t make any sense.
We’ll fight because the terrorists want to attack us in our country and Iraq is where they’re making their stand (?)
brings out the spooky “evil” card…
it’s hard werk…
(he got one little bit of applause there – that’s it so far)
We’ve done hard werk’ before. Many chances to lose our heart, our nerve, or our way.
We’ve always held firm b/c we’ve always believed in certain truths. We need to FIGHT EVIL.
WE know that when the work is hard, we need to have courage, not retreat. This great ideal of freedom, entrusted to us, the ideal of liberty, is worth defending.
In this time of testing, our troops can know, the people are behind them.
They can know this next week, this 4th of July. Find a way to thank the men and women who are fighting for our freedom. Fly our flag, help military family down the street.
AmericaSupportsYou.Mil – go there to learn about private efforts in your own community.
Let us stand with the men and women who defend us all.
They showed the same 5 guys in the audience 3 times now…
Ok, now, if we don’t participate in the disgusting orgy of nationalism on the 4th of July, we’d better watch out!!
(thanking soldiers and military families)
I’ve met with families grieving…I’ve been inspired by their strength in the face of great loss. We pray for them. The best way to honor them, is to complete the mission.
I thank those of you who’ve re-enlisted. To those watching tonight who are considering enlisting, there is no higher calling.
We live in freedom b/c each generation has patriots willing to defend.
(having recruiting problems there, W?)
These campaigns (Iraq, Afghan) will be remembered as turning points. I told people that the road would be difficult, but that we would prevail. I was (right).
Our enemies are brutal, but they are no match for the US military.
God bless you all.
(that’s it?!?)
Bush & Condi in the Oval Office.
Where’s Laura? Where’s Dick?
Isn’t that odd??
Still talking about amendments…refugees…Chad etc…