“By a 60-37 vote, the Senate approved a provision from Sen. Barbara Boxer that would block the EPA from relying on [human] testing — including 24 human pesticide experiments currently under review — as it approves or denies pesticide applications.” (Yahoo!)
yeah Brbara! She is my heroine!
For who voted how? If either or both of my so-called Senators voted against it, I will take great delight in pushing it in their faces at every opportunity. If they did the right thing ( such a rare event for Hutchinson and Cornyn), well, I’ll take it. Glad it passed.
Something that I wanted to happen in the Senate happened? Something that I sent letters and emails about went the way I needed it to and my children needed it to? Is it Christmas?
Tracy – that’s how I felt too 🙂 Did it this morning before I ran out the door. Guess this means we need to keep on doing it 🙂
Dear Janet,
Thank you for urging your Senators to support my amendment,
reinstating the moratorium on human pesticide testing!
If you haven’t already, please call your Senators at (202) 224-3121 as well.
37 votes FOR human testing of pesticides?
Boxer for President!
i wish.
Both my wingnut Senators voted against this amendment, just goes to show you how little they hold the value of a human being once we are born, stop at nothing to perserve life in the womb, but once born, well you are a commodity to used and discarded as soon as no longer consuming.
Janet, you Senators split, Creepnut cornyn, Nay,
Hutchinson, Yea
Imagine if the EPA had adopted such a policy. That would really have rung a bell with Orwell’s notion of ministries serving their opposite fuction in 1984.
It would be nice if the country woke up to the connection between profligate use of pesticides, and herbicides, and the epidemic of cancer, dementia, immune-system dysfunctions, and other “incurable” diseases.
<rant alert>
Pesticides are a neurotoxin. They destroy the central nervous system. Period. The fact that they supposedly are safe against bugs does not make them safe around humans. They accumulate in the environment, in the ground, in the water.
Get them out of your houses. Do not buy them. You’re mostly paying for the packaging, anyway. The Better Basics website is a good place to start reading about non-toxic, low-cost solutions. Buy Annie Berthold-Bond’s Clean and Green book for your reference shelf. Educate yourself for self-protection.
Now that this provision has been passed, do not let up on the congresscritters. Keep reminding them of the necessity to protect what’s left of the environment.
Nobody ever puts a flea collar on their dog or cat, do they?!
Not to rain on the parade, but everyone might want to read this