Happy Humpday Tribbers! The Café is running a little late today as management has been swamped at the aspects of his job that don’t involve the internets this morning. Happily, everything is back on track, the bacon is on the stove and the Wednesday Café is Open for Business!
You all know the rules – in the Café, anything goes, but please remember to tip your server. Oh, and whatever rules Diane and co. have devised restricting large pics and wide comments and all that still apply. Unless it’s a really cool picture, then it’s ok. 😉
Update [2005-6-29 16:1:23 by Abbott]: THIS CAFE HAS MOVED – Please unrec and hop on over to the bar…
as an actuary, I have more to do than at any other point in this silly career I chose for a while… pfft. Who has time for work with all the internets to read?
Darn! We didn’t know where you were, so I just posted a Cafe. I’ll go delete it.
Ok, it’s deleted. It did have a cute little frog, though. Here he is:
it is. Sorry for the delay today!
Well there you are abbott, we were fearing for you today, glad to see you made it…
I just can’t start the day right without the cafe, could you add FBC to the title if you have the time and the chance, otherwise no biggie..
yeah, I am setting up new computers for my replacements, trying to train them and still get to my client work. Free minutes are in short supply. I’ll add to the Cafe as the day goes on I hope!
as an event planner, I’m just wrapping up loose ends. Of course, since I’m also the company administrator, bookeeper and coffee bitch, there are a lot of loose ends to wrap up!
When do you start school, Abbott? Are you going to have some time off beforehand?
I need a coffee bitch here at home. Any chance I could talk you out of grad school to take the position?
Sure – all you have to do is double my current salary! 🙂
If I doubled my current salary, it would still be zero. I was never very good at math, but I’m pretty sure about that.
school starts in mid august with a pre-program and orientation mess for 3 weeks. I’m leaving here the 15th and going to Tulum, and then I’ll have a couple weeks to get settled in to a new apartment (which I think we FINALLY found last night) and collect my breath and it’s back to school. Oh, I also need to go backpack shopping at some point. I found my college backpack and it was all nasty and moldy…
Ew. Definitely replace the backpack.
I just realized my slip of the mouse had given you a 3 instead of a 4, but I fixed it. Dang it! {{{blush}}}
After leaving a rant over at susanhu’s story on corporations taking over public water supplies, I need a drink.
Gimme a Molson, to celebrate the Canadian parliament’s standing up for human rights yesterday. Here’s to our neighbors to the north – salute!
I’m glad you said it first… I didn’t want to dump my “OMG, is it too early for a virtual drink?” thoughts at the top of the diary. I’m overwhelmed already….
(But real Canadians drink Sleeman …sorry, no small graphics… it’s our little secret.)
Hi Zander, I was overwhelmed the minute I opened the site today and read all the top stories…
I looked around vainly for the cafe and only found an old one and was so sad..
I still have not recovered from watching the Pres’s speech last night.
sorry Diane101, my bad on the late Cafe. I will happily work for free today to make it up to the owners. =)
Okie dokie but not for free, will just dock your pay for lateness, but you are forgiven….at least you made it.
Who has time to recover from anything? It’s a never-ending assault on one’s spirit. I’m feeling downright icky today – everywhere I look, something stuns and depresses me.
Um.. er… I’ll just shut up now….
You do realize that Molson is now owned by Coors, right? They are not big fans of human rights.
Hate to be a buzz kill, sorry.
Yeah. . .we know about Coors. We glbt’s have been boycotting them for 30 years now. . .
But have a non coors beer and enjoy!
My bad. So sorry. Hard to keep track of all the goings on in the corporate world. Is Labatt’s OK?
Nice photo. 🙂
Or Moosehead? Seriously, I want to do the right thing when I go beer shopping.
Live on June 29 at 6:26 a.m in Brown County, Indiana
Not to kill the bandwidth or anything but I thought it would be fun if people put up current digital images of home, family, work, etc.
Brown County! Do we have a fellow Hoosier in the Cafe today? I’m headed back to IU for grad school in a few weeks and I’m so excited – it’s like going home for me.
Yes, originally from Indy, went to school in Evansville (UE), and have lived in BC since 1979.
We go to Blooms a lot. It’s always nice when you can live out in the country and still be just 30 minutes away from just about any cuisine you can think of (actually before we went to the Snow Lion, I hadn’t ever thought of Tibet as having a cuisine).
So is home in Indiana as well?
Home is (technically) Indy. That’s where I grew up, at any rate. We lived just south of Castleton. I say technically because I haven’t lived there since I was 18 – I’m out in California now. It will be interesting to see what living in a town in southern Indiana (even one as fantastic as Bloomington) is like after living on the coasts for years.
The good news: the traffic will be a lot better and the pollution will be a lot less. IU still has a beautiful campus. The woods all around bloomington are beautiful and there are a lot of great places to go biking, hiking, caving, and rock climbing. The cost of living is a lot less.
The bad news: this is a red state and even the buffer provided by iu/bloomington can’t change that.
Hiking! I’m looking forward to doing a lot of that. You don’t by any chance know of a place called Browning’s Mountain in the Hoosier National Forest, do you? I went there on a hike with the Bloomington hiking club years ago and it was amazing. Of course, this being the HNF, the trail wasn’t marked or anything, and I wouldn’t be able to find it again. I don’t know if they even still have a hiking club…
is the name. And you’ll be able to find it because there is a Trails Illustrated map for HNF now. Also, there is a great hiking guide caled “Nature Walks in Southern Indiana” by Alan McPherson that has the hike in it. If you like to hike this is a great book to have — it covers both short hikes and distance trails.
Excellent! Thanks so much – I’ll put it on my amazon wish list and pick it up when I get back to God’s Country (as my father insists on calling it). 🙂
nice place you’ve got there.
I’m not there yet, but here’s where I’ll be going to grad school:
I finally got the nerve to weigh myself after my week at the beach eating all the junkfood I gave up a couple years back….and I gained 5 lbs! Five. Freaking. Pounds.
Ok, so the Funyuns and Oreo diet may be a failure.
Back to Gardenburgers and water, water, water.
Yeah, it looks like I need to give up my peanut butter oreo blizzard and diet pepsi diet too…freakin’ post-20s metabolism slowdown!
mmm… peanutbutteroreoblizzards… I say don’t give up, try harder! Blizzards for everyone! Hey Zander, do we have any Blizzards left back there?
And it is so hot here today…maybe I should take your advice…hey, zander, when you have a minute?
Now hand over some of that summer that I hear the rest of the continent is experiencing please….
Well, if you’re in Vancouver, we could probably make a vacation swap…
I am, and I’d do anything for some sun right now… except… um, you know… cross that border. Althoooouugh – now that I think about it – now may be the perfect time for it, since I’m so incredibly pale that there’s really no room for confusion about my privileged status as a white chick.
hey Zander – speaking of sun – you had mentioned you went to Tulum earlier this year… the hotel we want to stay at is asking that we wire a deposit to their bank account. Is that a normal thing to do? I am hesitant to do that as there seems to be little to stop someone from saying “what deposit?” down the road. Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated!
I would be skeptical… there are no massive resorts in that area, it’s just far enough off the beaten path. I’ll send you an email in just a sec…
You should come to SoCal, zander. Not to get all Morrissey on you, but we’ve got sunshine coming out of our behinds. Plenty to go around. 🙂
Yes, sadly, the diet pepsi does not negate the 50 grams of fat in the blizzard. Damn.
I’ve started running…sadly, they doesn’t seem to negate the blizzard’s effect either…(sniff!)
I’m not a regular movie-goer due to money issues, but I have been on a roll recently. I’ve seen The Longest Yard, Batman Begins and Mr & Mrs. Smith. What about the rest of you? Seen anything worthwhile?
that’s the only thing I really want to see right now, but at 10 bucks in the City, well, I don’t really like movies enough to see them too often.
I did get the 1st season of Scrubs on DVD which was well worth it though!
I was pleasantly surprised by it. I thought the storyline was great with a mix of personal favorite actors (Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman, etc). It was the best one in my opinion since Michael Keaton’s portrayal.
I thought Batman was decent. Not quite as good as X-Men or Spidey 2 (though much, much better than Spidey 1, which sucked so hard it practically turned itself inside out). The thing about it was – I enjoyed it while I was watching it, and I thought it was well done, but it didn’t stick with me at all. I pretty much forgot about it as soon as I walked out of the theater.
I am looking forward to seeing the Penguin documentary. It’s getting great reviews, and penguins are inherently funny. ALthough it’s actually supposed to be pretty sad.
It came out last weekend, but I wasn’t willing to drive up to Hollywood to see it, so I’ll have to wait for wider release.
Important Tick Warning
I know that spring has sprung and now is the time of year when the
ticks are looking for some food, our body, to get some blood.
Fair warning now to everyone.
If someone comes to your front door saying they are conducting a
survey on deer ticks and asks you to take your clothes off and dance
around, so you can be checked for tick infestation – DO NOT DO IT!!
It is a SCAM; they only want to see you naked.
I wish I’d gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid now.
I hate it when that happens. You always feel so used afterwards. 🙂
If it was two weeks ago, you know, before the Funyuns and Oreos, it wouldn’t have been so bad. Parts of me are still dancing.
My dogs say that you are oversensitive and to suck it up; the real indignity is having to stand naked except for your collar while the conwoman puts smelly tick repellent on you.
That was too damn funny!!
Thanks a gazillion!! 🙂
Dammit, they are trying to work me to death, I think. Two HUGE projects with deadlines of July 6 and July 8. AARGGH!
Everyone having a good day? I think I’m still half hungover. I had entirely too many margaritas last night, in celebration of a good friend’s 30th birthday, as well as for the numbing effect while watching BushHole lie his ass off.
I need a drink. Hair of the dog and all that. 😉
Here you go MM. . .Hair of the Dog
Sorry about the project deadlines. . .I used to tell my former employer that having to come to work really got in the way of my life. I commiserate
Shirl, you’re the greatest.
You know, my job really is taking up my time. I’ve got other things I could be doing. Like, you know, going to the beach. LOL!
I’ve been telling people that for years, but you’re the first one to notice. Thanks
I’m very observant. 😉
You certainly are! Thanks for the smiles
good morning everyone! coffee please! i hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!!! take care!
Hi bay, since you do such a good job on the clean up crew how would you like to be a FBC hostess for a day of the week…Email me if you do and you can also join our crew, (we have a group site for this) to help out when needed….
This is a promotion you know!!!!
BTW hope you and everyone has a good day/night today, I think it is time for one of my Ray’s of Hope diaries if I can find any…
i would love to but haven’t a full day to call my own at present. freeing up somewhat in mid-august though…maybe things will settle down by then. i’ll be sure and mail!
Here’s the whole enchilada, Bay. You do such a good job of sweeping up in the wee hours, ENJOY!
mmmmmm. now that looks good! QQ
All right Zander, it’s after noon here, so I think it’s about time for a Yuengling. What do you say?
Zander is making movies or sleeping or. . .one never quite knows with her. . . But I found you a Yuengling
Perfect! Thanks, Shirl – here’s a tip:
Thanks Mel, Is that ancient Roman coinage? Might be valuable, sure you want to leave that?
to be precise (so whose currency does that make it? anyone? bueller?). What can I say? I’m a magnanimous tipper. After all, I’m moving from the pricey coast back to the affordable midwest, where I will probably continue to eat ramen and PB&J, but will do so while feeling smug about my rent. 🙂
Very Magnanimus indeed! Hey, I thought I had moved on from Top Ramen and PB&J. . .but retirement has reintrudeced me. . .and blogging has brought on a reluctance to cook or spend much time fixing foods to eat, so quick and easy does it most of the time.
The coin seems to be from 300-200 BC issued by Arab country ruler (unnamed). . .
or maybe it has reintroduced me. . .seem to be spelling in space language again. . .
Looks to me like Alexander as Hercules to me — you can make out a lion’s head over his own head. I would guess it’s from Alexander’s own time; I can’t recall the successor kingdoms using his likeness on their coinage. Not that I’m some “Antiques Roadshow” numismatist or something.
Wow, we’ve got a bunch of smarty-pants’s around here. I’ll admit it – I just picked it because it looked cool and the only things I noticed about it were “Alexander the Great” and “Hercules”, so I guess you’re right, Brother.
I always forget that the collective brainpower around here is enough to light up the sky.
I got your e-mail last night, finally – thank you for the invitation! I definitely want to join, and would love to help out, but there’s one problem: I can’t access anything Yahoo from work, so I wouldn’t be able to check in during the day. Dammit. But, I’d still love to be an FBC hostess, if you need one, or a floater for back up, or whatever. Just let me know what I can do!
How about if I put you down for Monday…because I have Mon. and Tues.. so if you could do that, it would be great…So during the day I will talk to you on the FBC, ok….
Monday sounds terrific – I’ll be here bright and early with bells on! Thanks, Diane. {{{hugs}}}
Did you realize Monday is the 4th, if you don’t want to do it let me know….
That’ll be Independence Day — I wonder what the crowd will be like ’round here. (I’ll not be around, I know). Say, is there anyone willing to take this Sunday (3 July) and the following Sunday (10 July) off my hands?
I will do your day, and shirl can help out, I will not be doing too much Sun, and a little party on Mon. Crowd is usually low on holidays but many find minutes here and there to post….
But please don’t pull double-duty again — we can’t have you burning out on us!
I just Stumbled Upon a fun website called the “Longevity Game”. You answer some questions (age, diet, exercize, drugs, etc) and it tells you the age to which you will most likely live.
Of course, this begs the question – with the way things are going, do I really want to live to 93?
According to the game I am dead already.
I think you’re doing it wrong. It’s not retroactive. 🙂
You’re right – I just went back and put in all the ‘worst’ answers and said I was 50, and it bumped me back to 40 something. Yikes. Better shape up, Sven – we need you around here!
Actually, at age 50, all the ‘worst’ answers bumps you back to 28. That’s pretty scary.
I’ll eat more healthily and exercise more from now on, but I am not giving up endrogous meta-programming. So there…
Well I’m a 93 also. . .so there will be a bunch of us 80-90 year olds manning the cafe. . .LOL No doubt telling stories of we remember Blogs back when. . .
90 year olds manning the Cafe. That ought to be a scream.
I have six sisters and we always talk about one day living together again as old widowed, Alzheimer-riddled ladies. At least if one of us forgets to wear underpants or walks aimlessly around the block looking for home there will be six others to rescue her.
It says I died 4 years ago.
So that would prove my point that you (and me) are truly eternal, immortal beings, eh? You seem very much in the real of the surreal to me.
My typing fingers seem to have a mind of their own today, I meant that you and we are eternal. . .meaning all of us!
I’m fluent in typoese 🙂 But sounds like your mind of their own fingers could give GREAT back massages 🙂
It is so. . .they do massage very nicely. Wandering used to be a potential problem, but I’ve solved that with reprogramming over the years. . .heheheheheh (couldn’t resist)
Kama Sutra Massage Oil “Sweet Almond Oil”
Makes ya smell like a Christmas cookie 🙂
Gosh, Janet – you’re awfully well preserved!
Haw haw!
If anyone missed Janet trying to marry her brother off in yesterday’s FBC, I highly recommend it as a read. Very funny. 🙂
Must be all that jam I put on my Swedish pancakes AKA crepes. 🙂
I may be dead. But at least I died happily 🙂
ackkk beer.
I’m a rum girl. Rum or tequila. and a blender that will grind up gravel if need be 🙂
I’d just like to apologize for wandering round without a towel early this morning. I came for a sauna and the cafe part looked closed for the day. Then all of a sudden people rushed in while sweaty me was looking for a Lapin Kulta behind the bar. (A bottle of Lapin Kulta – Lappish Gold – is beyond the powers of Zander he he)
But seriously, I’ve just seen my daughters perform brilliantly at the premiere of a new summer theatre musical. What a proud Daddy I am 😉
Oh my gosh Sven, was that you I saw flash by…lol
Hey just found out I can live to 87 on the logevity link above, that will give me 26 more years. Don’t know if I am up for that…
Sven, the pride we feel in our children can know, no bounds,can it, I keep that feeling daily within me.
I have to say I had tears in my eyes when they took their bows. And when they proudly came clutching their roses and gifts, to give me a big kiss as the audience was leaving.
It had been raining off and on all day, but we were all rewarded with the sun smiling throughout the performance.
NOTHING, NOTHING is beyond the powers of Shirl!
(Whew! That was the quickest trip to Finland ever, my cape is still straight out behind me. . .)
Shirl – I can see you take the theory of relativity pretty seriously….
I hardly ever drink beer, but if I do it’s Lappish Gold.
Indeed! Everything IS relative, after all.
Certainly my nephew is…
It’s late here – gotta get up early. I’m off.
Thanks again for the beer, shirl
That explains the sonic boom I heard a little while back. Just be careful overflying DC, shirl, they’ll shoot ya down as soon as look at ya!
Oh silly mere mortals! I am bulltet proof, cannon proof, missile proof, just bounces off of me. . .but if they find my “superman’s kryptonite”, well, it could be very sad indeed. . .let’s just say I try not to fly over Hershey Pa if I can avoid it. . .
Finally. Back. Home. From. Errands. We all be tired.
I did the most heinous thing I could think to do today…
I tried on ACK and bought a bathing suit. (it’s a merlot-colored, swishy type of a dress sorta kind – which will hide my winter hips!)
This experience is WORSE than trying on jeans.
I feel like flogging myself!!!! LOL
Thank goodness my husband will be away on business in Santa Cruz… now I can make my self feel “better” by pigging out on coffe-flavored ice cream or something. 🙂
trying on clothes, is waiting for your gf to do it while trying to not look like a creep hanging around in what is invariably the women’s underoos section. ugh.
Tell that to my son… who had to sit and here all of us women in the stalls bitching and moaning. 🙂 Those old ladies can really rip it up! 🙂
I could hear my daughter giggling… at my expense. Plus every few minutes I’d holler out, “are you kids still there?” cause I’m a super paranoid parent LOL
PS My husband used to hate it too. Normally I don’t take him shopping because we totally piss each other off with our separate shopping habits and styles..
But he LOVES going into Fredericks or VS and waitng for me to try thingies on. 🙂 (But I still cuss loudly in the stalls there too.)
I am one of those women tthat HATE HATE HATE shopping for clothes. Hate it.
You have my sincerest condolences – shopping for a bathing suit is like reading fashion magazines. Nothing you get out of it makes up for the icky way you feel afterwards. I’m pretty thin and in decent shape, but I still manage to feel like a giant freak whenever I have to get a new suit. Bleh.
It’s the carnival mirrors that do me in every time.
No pool for this chickerita this year (I’m still healing from giving up smoking…and running)
For beach camping. guess it’ll have to be a desolate beach 🙂
yes, the carnival mirrors and don’t forget the godawful yellowish lighting that makes you look like you should be in the morgue.
Who the hell wants to see their own ass from 8 different angles?
Greeting from Colorado. This has been a day I won’t forget. To start with yesterday at the end of our day we get a call from someone in City Engineering. Seems my boss’ PE License expired in 2002. Well come to find out that the girl that worked here before me had not sent the renewl form and check. We figure she was soooooo peeved he fired her that she threw it away. So he has been signing drawings and reports for 3 years without a license. I have been scrambling all day trying to fix this mess for him. I guess we’ll see how it goes. So maybe a nice cold American Ice for this girl.
What a nightmare! You poor thing – let Shirl get you a drink (she’s giving Zander a run for her money). Is your boss going to get intro trouble?
You poor thing. I arrived on a job like that once. My stint with NWA, the lady just upped and left. I came in and had to purge all the files and catch up on reports… nightmare.
Sounds like a total Snatchzilla to me. Just breath in and out… and ask for a raise 🙂
Sit, relax and if this is to your liking, drink up. . .or if you had something else in mind, let me know (been 20 years out of the bar scene, so I am not up on all the latest)
Thank you all. The man is a putz..he hates to work I think he only comes in to get away from his wife. But I’m ok Gooz Fra Bah
I noticed it was at 107 comments, then I rated a couple and the count dropped down to 106. Do we have a troll? Seems unlikely, but at least it would give Abbott some target practice.
Then again, maybe I’m hallucinating. Yes, that seems more likely.
lemmeatem! Holdmeback!!!
I feel a Cafe “roll-over” coming on … I’d better carpet-four while this edition is still open.
Is Abbott or someone available to do the rollover, or do you wish me to do it? Glad to if it isn’t already taken care of. . .
if by rollover, you mean opening the FBC Bar edition, well, I can do that. Hang on…
go on, get outta here! git. this place dun closed. I hear they opened a new joint across der street, and I wouldna want ta be the last one there if I were you.