From the eagle-eyed folks at PRWatch:
Want to help the Center for Media and Democracy stop “fake news” – prepackaged TV and radio segments, paid pundits and other media manipulations presented, without disclosure, as independent journalism?
Please fill out our brief survey, at this link. Your input will help us develop our “No Fake News!” campaign. The deadline … is Wednesday, July 13, but we encourage you to fill it out today. It will only take a few minutes, and as a small thank you, ten randomly-selected respondents will win a free year’s subscription to our award-winning quarterly journal, PR Watch. Survey away to keep fake news at bay!
Check out PRWatch’s latest report [PDF] that includes “The Fake News Cycle” [Web version] and “A Bumper Crop of Government-Produced ‘News’” [Web version].
filled out survey and also signed petition over at free press.
Me too. And, in the section where they asked about local effort, I said we’d be glad to publicize them here at BooTrib…. hope the boo doesn’t mind.
And, now that I think of it, I could publicize them via our local Howard Dean list (stil going strong with almost 100 members).
What???? Is someone trying to stop The Daily Show?????
Cute. Speaking of which, they’ve been getting funnier again … or maybe it’s just that i feel the need to laugh more.
Well, I always think TDS is funny, but Stephen Colbert has been on a lot more lately, so maybe that’s why you’re laughing more.
Of course, your laughing could be a self-preservation technique brought on by writing all those diaries you write! Documenting Bush’s atrocities is hard work! 🙂
I think we all need to laugh — especially now. Jon Stewart has been one of the only ways I’ve been able to make it through 5 years of BushCo.
It’s kind of embarrassing what makes me laugh sometimes…. the most tragic story, written in an odd way, can just crack me up. Gallows humor? Morgue humor? Whatever :):) You probably experience the same!
Steven Cobert is priceless!
P.S. For humor mixed with pathos, do not miss HBO’s new movie, “Girl in the Cafe.” It’s priceless. Have a friend tape it for you. If you are in the dumps, I’ll even send you a tape.
I saw it the other night. I liked it a lot!!! Bill Nighy is great. Loved his character in Love, Actually.
I haven’t seen Love Always yet. Must do that. He’s a terrific actor. Was glad to see a good HBO movie after being unable to sit through Empire Falls.