TOP SECRET: I was one of the Iranian Hostage Takers.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Dear Booman,
I believe you.
— Napoleon
that picture on the About page looked familiar!
The hostage taker is a Newfoundland? One wonders what the ransom would be? A large bone?
would be sufficient for BooMan to set all hostages free. However, he is very moralistic. He disapproves of all sexual activity, and official corruption makes him bark relentlessly.
I cant imagine a worse climate for a Newfoundland…. except Pennsylvania, of course.
(When I saw that story today, it cracked me up. Uh, like shall we bring up Tom Hayden, now an assemblyman? Almost every radical I ever knew has gone mainstream.)
Screwed the pooch on my typing test — 47 words per minute…
Going to take kitty here in just a minute, but wanted to check in
tai’ chi is saving my life….
If no one has reminded you yet (all of you) today, let me be the first:
You are amazing, wonderful (as in wonder-FULL) people without whom, I would be a lesser person. Thank you all for being.
to have to call my Senator, Mr. Santorum, in regard to your typing test.
Thank you for making me smile BooMan! 😉
I can type at least 55 words/minute but I just blew it….thinking too much about Marley kitty and his blood tests and how on earth we’re going to pay for anything if he is really sick…
Thank you for making me smile.
Im sorry about Marley; when will you hear back about the blood tests?
to get the results before the weekend, but it will most likely be Tuesday…
Thanks CabinGirl!
(Ha! I know it should be ‘quickly’ not fast, just trying to piss off you grammar nazis…)
About 65 wpm…but then I realized, do I really want a job where they expect me to type 65 wpm?
Unfortunately, about the only jobs out there besides the ones where they want you to type 65 wpm are the ones where they want you to flip 65 burgers per minute…
Ok I just went and took an online typing test – 71 wpm. Where can I take the burger flipping test?
This job is actually so awesome I can hardly think straight when i think about how my life will change if I get it — I really don’t know why they want someone to type a minimum of 50 words/minute for it as it involves, well, here:
Purpose of This Position
Coordinate an induction support and tracking program for novice teacher graduates from the College of Education’s teacher preparation program.
I REALLY want this job — it is 20 hours/week (so I can still be here for the kiddos), doing something that I love (supporting teachers is the best kind of work) and will effectively double our current monthly income (we are so beyond broke, I broke down crying in the vets office this afternoon, when I found out that to get his blood tests would cost $200…she was very understanding, but sheesh…)
I didn’t mean to make light of your situation. Sorry if it came off that way.
Good Luck!
Thanks and no, it didn’t come across that way — yesterday was just one of those days…I’m going to take the test again this afternoon, should be fine! 😉
Was that the official typing test from them that you took? If not you can always practice before going in as it probably is nerves and rust holding you back.
Also when you take the test, if you don’t do well the first time, you can always ask to take it again. Look around at their personal stuff and then pick something to make a connection (if they have a pet pic mention your sick pet). Trust me, I got my driver license after perpendicularly parking during my parallel parking test using that method.
Or if you know you’re doing poorly during the test try a fake sneezing fit. Then ask to start over. This will give you a slight advantage having already typed the first part once. I’m evil, but I use my evil to help.
If you’ve already taken the test, just campaign for the job. Call them, thank them for the opportunity and offer to come in and take another typing test (explain that you were slightly rusty but the job is important and you’ll do whatever is necessary to get it). It really does make an impression if someone acts like the job is important enough to them to follow up. Plus, it can’t hurt.
Good luck and I hope the kitty is ok.
In yesterday’s press briefing:
MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, for the same reasons we’ve stated before, Les. There are national security reasons here. And that’s why it has been extended again.
Q The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, introduced by Senator Bob Dole, a good Republican, requires that relocation of our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem unless there are national security concerns, which President Bush has just claimed there are, and he has for every year of his presidency. And my question: Since we are opening a U.S. embassy in Baghdad, how on Earth can the President claim Jerusalem is more dangerous than Baghdad?
To which, of course, Scotty proceeded to hem and haw with a bunch of non-answers.
I thought it was humorous, anyway. And it shows that the reporters are starting to be able to do simple math.
Is that Les Kinsolving? I always thought he was the greatest reply to those who said people were picking on Gannon because he was a conservative. The answer being Les Kinsolving is a conservative, Gannon was a ringer.
I think so! Chuck Pennachio, of (I think) PA.
Iraq Exit Strategy: 1, 2, 3
Obviously, we have arrived :). (Good diary too! Um… both of them!)
Catch Charlie Rose tonight. The Chair of Time Inc. explains his reasoning for the Cooper source decision today. Then there’s Bono, etc. on world poverty.