Please introduce yourself (even if you have before). What do you want us to know about you?
Me? I’m not really that close to being 66 (not that there’s anything wrong with it). But, I’m obsessed with fear that Bush and his fellow neo-cons will destroy Social Security. And, I can’t imagine working for someone else until I’m 70 or so. (I’ll stop now, but it is an obsession.)
I have a gigantic family, but try not to whine about them too much here at the cafe. However, I may brag about them now and then.
The sauna is behind the bar, next to the deck where you can jump into the lake.
It is wood-heated, so it’ll take a couple of hours to heat up – being quite large inside. I’ll take it up to a nice 75 C. Should be ready for you Yanks to take a morning dip. We Europeans will join you for our evening sauna before supper.
Hi, Katiebird. I got up at 4:30 this morning, fed my coffee and news addictions, then took an hour’s walk in the cool of the neighborhood. It was so nice.
I sometimes think we have passed through a brief golden age for a societal experiment called “retirement” and it will never come again.
in some occupations — do you really want a 70-year-old behind the wheel of a 40-foot bus? 😉
Actually, my spouse’s employer allows retirement at 55; the spouse will hold off till 57 when I’ll be 55 and we can both get full medical coverage. 🙂 One main reason we’re sticking most of what I’m getting from Mom’s estate somewhere safe…nine years really isn’t that long to go…
Like kansas, I woke up early. A few minutes after 4. Read my favorite blogs. One coffee and two expressos. Gave a little technical assistance to my gf curly, who did her very first diary today (check the garden diary just below).
Time for breakfast.
We’re in rural Puget Sound 5 years out of Columbus OH. Here’s a view of the sky this morning:
58F with light winds. Often this time of year it’s grey to foggy in the morning, turning sunny with puffy clouds later.
I have a hopefully up & coming in-home craft business, having been downsized out of a computer support work in my late 40’s 7 years ago. I work with a lot of strong conservatives so I have to keep my politics low key.
I do Scots & Irish trad music & sail my dinghy. This was taken a few nights ago:
Mrs. Gooserock wants us to move onto a boat of this type, replica of Joshua Slocum’s famous circumnavigator “Spray” —
You women and your boats, it’s always boats-boats-boats. We find specimens periodically at affordable prices in terms of permanent housing, but we can’t figure a way to dock one where sufficient employment is in reach. My craft biz needs a machine shop as well as an in-house clean work area, so it would never fit on board.
Between you and me, she loves gardening, and I think she’s conceiving of the boat more as an escape system than as a place she’d truly be happy living.
She has a white collar job for now and we’re attempting Canadian immigration, which would be better for my business, and much safer for aging, if we can remain eligible during the several years it’ll take to gain permanent entry.
Now it’s off with our two terrific Toto dogs for the mid morning walk.
It looks like a beautiful day here in Socal, bright and sunny, my back is better, my nearly ripe tomatos are still intact in my garden and I am feeling happy.
Hope everyone else is!!!!
I think I’ll make that for our dinner tonight. My friend just got back from Benin and is making us dinner. I need to bring something…too bad I can’t use the nice (unpastuerized) feta from the Russian shop, but I think that’ll make a great appetizer.
Thanks for that recipe, I make this often, well sometimes….You can subsitute blue chees and rice wine vinegar for a slightly different taste and if you have them calamata olives make a nice addition.
I have some nice fresh basil I just cut and sitting in water, will make basil pesto later today for over pasta.
How are you today Miss Cabin…hope you are well and happy, nice to see your cheery face here today..
You know, every time I read one of your comments I think to myself that if I could just spend a couple days at your house eating your cooking, hearing you dispense your wonderful, practical advice and support, I would be ready to tackle this confusing life of mine.
You sound like the mother I never had. Oops…don’t tell my actual mother I said that!
What a wonderful thing to say to me, thanks so much, I really appreciate it.
You are sure welcome to come to my house and spend a few days, but really you spend nearly every day with me on these pages…More time than I spend with my kids.
It is really interesting, about the Mother part, as I lost mine when I was 23…didn’t have another till I met Shirlstars and now she is mine and I am hers..What a trade. I am a Mother at heart so it seems to come naturally to me to mother everyone..All new kids are welcome in my heart and home.
Hey if you ever want to email me and I will be happy to correspond with you..
I do love cooking but have but a tiny kitchen now with barely any counter space so I do limit my cooking. When I was a active mother and then later as a Nanny I devoted countless hours to cooking and creating new dishes which is what I love..Too much food network influence I think..
My speciality is making the max out of any food, such as I once was able to make 5 or 6 ‘gourmet’ and satisfying meals out of one chicken and a few staples around the house(enough to feed 6 people at each meal.)
Good topic for a diary someday, how to stretch food.
Another favorite of mine is to redo a previous meal, such as taking a bread pudding and the next day cutting into thin strips, and baking till it was a nice crusty brown all over and using for handy between time snacks easy to put in plastic bag for transport.
Also about food, I think for example the smell of cooking certain foods is healing for all sorts of ailments, I used this therapy on a very sick man I took care of for awhile and he was finally able to eat after the wafts of smells from cooking filled his room.
That does it…now I’m really hungry. I had to run some errands and on the way home I got that sweet/salty attack that I get premenstrually, and I tore open a package of cookies to satisfy the sweet tooth, then immediately craved something salty so I found a bag of Chex mix. What a nutritious lunch, huh?
My mother was good at making meals out of nothing for the 10 of us and I learned to cook that way too. Nothing spectacular; mainly diner type food. I have been trying to cook lighter but I lack the ingenuity and probably the incentive to do it these days. I know our grocery bill is bigger than it should be because of my poor planning. Ah well…
We are having a lovely day here at Chez Cabin! A morning walk at 6:30 with ym 10-year-old (who wanted to come with me “so we can just talk”), low humidity and plenty f sunshine!
I’m heading out to mow the grass shortly…and finish planting my containers (I have one left to finish from the other day).
Just got back from “War of the Worlds.” Has anybody else seen it? I think it won’t spoil anything for anybody if I ask the inimitable question: speaking of “spoil,” why didn’t the you-know-what stink? Wouldn’t you think it would stink? Don’t answer that! It might spoil for people who haven’t seen it.
I thought the movie was okay for a 4th of July special effects show. But “Batman Begins,” now that one I loved. Best Batman yet, imo.
I also recommend: “The Parrots of Telegraph Hill.”
I just checked in on the FBC sauna which has been on the go for 12 hours, and somehow the tenperature snuck up to 110 C.
It’s empty now, but there’s a large pool of water, about 8 pints on the floor. I just need to do a head count here to be sure nobody has dissolved in there.
Please let me know if there is anyone who went in there that didn’t come out. Thanks.
A group of like 20 people sitting around for 3 hours — talking?
And not one. Not one single word. Not one word about politics?
In 3 hours? (I had a good time, but I’ve never had that experience before).
Then as I was driving home, I wondered how I got there. Because the fact is, you can’t get here (where I am now) from there. And actually, I had to call home and get Internet directions — and stop at a store for more directions — to get where I was in the first place.
Because, 3 of the 5 (or as we say here, all) bridges that go across the river are closed. So to get to North Kansas City from where I live you have to go to Topeka. And to get back, you have to go to Columbia.
Glad you made it back, katiebird! What the heck do 20 people talk about for 3 hours without bringing up politics or the war or the supreme court vacancy?
Did you have to bite your tongue? Course, it probably would have been bad form to bring up, oh say, Roe v. Wade at a wedding shower.
It was actually interesting, and the time mostly flew by. The Bride’s sisters were there so there were lots of interesting childhood stories that we would never have heard otherwise.
Really, it wasn’t until I left that I realized that it was odd. In my family, everything is politics — even the childhood stories.
and the spouse and I haven’t got a frickin’ thing done. 🙁 Inauspiscious start to the weekend, I must say.
Well, I’ve at least made the bed, and I finished my “Sisters and Brothers” diary for PastorDan. 🙂 And the spouse emptied the dishwasher while I was napping earlier. Hell, it’s a start…
Time to think about meals for the weekend…we’ve been invited to a barbecue at the in-laws, but I feel just anti-social enough to want some quiet time with the spouse this holiday…
It gets me every time. I’ve been called a motha from time to time. . .er. . .but that’s another story all together. I have to tell you I do literally laugh out loud every time I hear that term associated with me. Most unlikely choice, I would say. I’ve been told by many that the reason I am so in love with 3 year olds is that we are at the same level of understanding! Play first, figure it out later.
It is interesting to me, however, that in the past 5 or so years as I have met literally hundreds (FTF) of new people, there are a surprising number of them who refer to me as “mom.” Quite an honor I must admit. Since I was not fortunate enough to have children in this lifetime, but I have sure enough claimed enough of them that were “accidentally” born to someone elses family. So I have had the very best of that amazing descriptor. All the joys and not so many of the pains and struggles as you “real” mothers have had. (although they effect me too, you know).
The real thing here is, I am more than willing to play the role of mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandparent, friend, playmate, partner, adviser, student, teacher, seeker and dispenser of wisdom. . .whatever you may need or want I am just tickled plumb to death to offer it forth. (and I am still the biggest kid in the universe)
Gosh everything looks so clean and sparkly here today! Great job Kansas, Diane, Katiebird, everyone! Is this the best place on the planet or what?
You are a quick study, and I think you have got it down just perfectly!!! Makes me smile and laugh, and it is hard to find anything better than that.
I think a beer would be nice. . .but save the Lapin for Sven. . .just whatever is handy, thanks.
Glad to see you all here. . .however many of us that is. And just like the 3 year old mentioned above. . I can entertain myself pretty well, given any thought to building a pyramid out of those martini glasses over there?
I just stacked them myself – and I’d like to ask everyone to form an orderly line and remain calm while getting your drink – that thing could easily topple….
The real thing here is, I am more than willing to play the role of mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandparent, friend, playmate, partner, adviser, student, teacher, seeker and dispenser of wisdom. . .whatever you may need or want I am just tickled plumb to death to offer it forth. (and I am still the biggest kid in the universe)
I didn’t see Life Strategist in that list. I really need one of those.
It always starts with, if there were no obstacles, or “yeahbut’s” in your way, what direction would make you feel happiest, most fulfilled, most interested and excited to start every day? If there is an open field in front of you, where might you choose to go?
That question makes me sweat. It terrifies me. It’s too open. There’s too much space, too many possibilities. I don’t even know where my interests lie, what I’m good at besides mothering.
My life disappoints me. I disappoint me. I am afraid to try things because I am afraid to fail…I guess. This after years and years of introspection! If I don’t try new things then I can say that everything is still possible, instead of saying that I tried and failed. You see? I am not a failure, I just haven’t tried them yet!
well thank you! i seem to be in the habit of stopping by every evening now, to scan the diary list and come in to FBC to dust up. i do sometimes scare up a few other late night owls. there are sometimes others about.
I am going out of my house tonight, to my daughters for dinner. Will be back later and look forward to seeing all the new comments everywhere around the Trib.
Hope karoke is set up as I will be singing My Way shortly after returning to my dearest computer.
Have fun you guys…
it’s desert ice outside but this diner has thawed my ears
hot coffee in a clean white mug and a smile when the waitress hears
that I was born in North Carolina
not an hour from her home town
and we used to play the same pizza parlor pinball
and there’s a glance in time suspended as I wonder how it is
we’ve been swept up just by circumstance to where the coyote lives
where my days are strips of highway
and she’s wiping tables down
holding on and still waiting for that windfall
but I’ve come home
even though I’ve never had so far to go
I’ve come home
I pay the check and leave the change from a crumpled ten-dollar bill
head across the street where VACANCY is burning in neon still
well the night eats up my body heat
and there’s no sign of another
and I find myself slipping down into that black
but things are good I’ve got a lot of followers of my faith
I’ve got a whole congregation living in my head these days
and I’m preaching from the pulpit
to cries of “Amen brother”
closing my eyes to feel the warmth come back
and I’ve come home
even though I swear I’ve never been so alone
I’ve come home
I just want to be living as I’m dying
just like everybody here
just want to know my little flicker of time is worthwhile
and I don’t know where I’m driving to
but I know I’m getting old
and there’s a blessing in every moment every mile
thin white terry bars of soap and a couple little plastic cups
old Gideons Bible in the nightstand drawer saying “Go on open up”
well I’ll kneel down on the carpet here
though I never was sure of God
think tonight I’ll give Him the benefit of the doubt
I switch off the lights and imagine that waitress outlined in the bed
her hair falling all around me
I smile and shake my head
well we all write our own endings
and we all have our own scars
but tonight I think I see what it’s all about
And just let me at that table cloth. . .let me at it, I say, just let me give it one good yank. . . .(not to be confused with one good Canuk. . .Canook. . .how the heck do you spell that Zander?)
And by the way, awesome glass stacking girlfriends!!!
Me? I’m not really that close to being 66 (not that there’s anything wrong with it). But, I’m obsessed with fear that Bush and his fellow neo-cons will destroy Social Security. And, I can’t imagine working for someone else until I’m 70 or so. (I’ll stop now, but it is an obsession.)
I have a gigantic family, but try not to whine about them too much here at the cafe. However, I may brag about them now and then.
And I can’t wait to meet you!
The sauna is behind the bar, next to the deck where you can jump into the lake.
It is wood-heated, so it’ll take a couple of hours to heat up – being quite large inside. I’ll take it up to a nice 75 C. Should be ready for you Yanks to take a morning dip. We Europeans will join you for our evening sauna before supper.
A crate of Lapin Kulta is cooling in the cellar.
Bring your own towels.
Don’t be shy now…
BTW It’s ladies for the first hour, gents the next hour, and so on. Until the crate of beer is gone, then it’ll be unisex.
If you are not sure which hour it is, look at the towels outside. If there are many pink and white ones, it’s probably ladies’ hour he he
“If you are not sure which hour it is, look at the towels outside. If there are many pink and white ones, it’s probably ladies’ hour he he”
Should not those last two words be “her her” ?
in the language. ho ho 😉
ohh – Lapin Kulta, the Gold of Lappland.
Kippis & Skål.
(a bit too early in the day where I am)
I’ve saved a couple for you behind the bar for when you’re ready – just ask 😉
Hi, Katiebird. I got up at 4:30 this morning, fed my coffee and news addictions, then took an hour’s walk in the cool of the neighborhood. It was so nice.
I sometimes think we have passed through a brief golden age for a societal experiment called “retirement” and it will never come again.
Just a thought to cheer you, heh.
A walk sounds wonderful! And I think it is still coolish out.
But, I have to finish getting dressed so I can:
Which sounds suspiciously far away to me..
Where there is a wedding-shower at 11am.
Can I make it? (not at this rate!)
I thought you were overcome with excitement for beets and green beans–until I noticed the earlier spelling. 🙂
I’m off to breakfast with my mom.
And may I just say: “Fruit!!!”
in some occupations — do you really want a 70-year-old behind the wheel of a 40-foot bus? 😉
Actually, my spouse’s employer allows retirement at 55; the spouse will hold off till 57 when I’ll be 55 and we can both get full medical coverage. 🙂 One main reason we’re sticking most of what I’m getting from Mom’s estate somewhere safe…nine years really isn’t that long to go…
Without serving so much as a cup of coffee.
(I hope I can find another t-shirt at Target, I hate this one!)
I’ll check in as soon as I get back — Stay cool (unless you’re in the sauna!)
Like kansas, I woke up early. A few minutes after 4. Read my favorite blogs. One coffee and two expressos. Gave a little technical assistance to my gf curly, who did her very first diary today (check the garden diary just below).
Time for breakfast.
Up early on the Left Coast for the Wimbledon Ladies Final; live blogging going on here for anyone interested.
Spouse is still in bed…
Just awesome, very close, very hard fought, longest women’s final in Wimbledon history. Fantastic job Venus & Lindsay.
Now I can relax and enjoy my morning tea here at the northern Port Side.
We’re in rural Puget Sound 5 years out of Columbus OH. Here’s a view of the sky this morning:
58F with light winds. Often this time of year it’s grey to foggy in the morning, turning sunny with puffy clouds later.
I have a hopefully up & coming in-home craft business, having been downsized out of a computer support work in my late 40’s 7 years ago. I work with a lot of strong conservatives so I have to keep my politics low key.
I do Scots & Irish trad music & sail my dinghy. This was taken a few nights ago:

Mrs. Gooserock wants us to move onto a boat of this type, replica of Joshua Slocum’s famous circumnavigator “Spray” —

You women and your boats, it’s always boats-boats-boats. We find specimens periodically at affordable prices in terms of permanent housing, but we can’t figure a way to dock one where sufficient employment is in reach. My craft biz needs a machine shop as well as an in-house clean work area, so it would never fit on board.
Between you and me, she loves gardening, and I think she’s conceiving of the boat more as an escape system than as a place she’d truly be happy living.
She has a white collar job for now and we’re attempting Canadian immigration, which would be better for my business, and much safer for aging, if we can remain eligible during the several years it’ll take to gain permanent entry.
Now it’s off with our two terrific Toto dogs for the mid morning walk.
Gooserock! The top picture! Where is it? It looks suspiciously like my corner of the neighborhood.
And Mr Bwren and I play the old timey stuff.
It looks like a beautiful day here in Socal, bright and sunny, my back is better, my nearly ripe tomatos are still intact in my garden and I am feeling happy.
Hope everyone else is!!!!
For your daughter’s party:
Tomato and Feta salad
3 pints cherry tomatoes, halved
12 oz feta cheese, crumbled
1 sm red onion, diced small
1/4 EV olive oil
3 tbsp white wine vinegar
2 tbsp minced fresh basil
2 tbsp minced fresh parsley
3/4 tsp salt (I like kosher salt)
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
Toss all ingredients together in a serving bowl. Serve immediately or chill (covered) until ready to serve.
I think I’ll make that for our dinner tonight. My friend just got back from Benin and is making us dinner. I need to bring something…too bad I can’t use the nice (unpastuerized) feta from the Russian shop, but I think that’ll make a great appetizer.
The best part (other than that it’s delicious!) is that it takes about 10 minutes to prepare. I’m all about EASY good food!
Thanks for that recipe, I make this often, well sometimes….You can subsitute blue chees and rice wine vinegar for a slightly different taste and if you have them calamata olives make a nice addition.
I have some nice fresh basil I just cut and sitting in water, will make basil pesto later today for over pasta.
How are you today Miss Cabin…hope you are well and happy, nice to see your cheery face here today..
You know, every time I read one of your comments I think to myself that if I could just spend a couple days at your house eating your cooking, hearing you dispense your wonderful, practical advice and support, I would be ready to tackle this confusing life of mine.
You sound like the mother I never had. Oops…don’t tell my actual mother I said that!
What a wonderful thing to say to me, thanks so much, I really appreciate it.
You are sure welcome to come to my house and spend a few days, but really you spend nearly every day with me on these pages…More time than I spend with my kids.
It is really interesting, about the Mother part, as I lost mine when I was 23…didn’t have another till I met Shirlstars and now she is mine and I am hers..What a trade. I am a Mother at heart so it seems to come naturally to me to mother everyone..All new kids are welcome in my heart and home.
Hey if you ever want to email me and I will be happy to correspond with you..
I do love cooking but have but a tiny kitchen now with barely any counter space so I do limit my cooking. When I was a active mother and then later as a Nanny I devoted countless hours to cooking and creating new dishes which is what I love..Too much food network influence I think..
My speciality is making the max out of any food, such as I once was able to make 5 or 6 ‘gourmet’ and satisfying meals out of one chicken and a few staples around the house(enough to feed 6 people at each meal.)
Good topic for a diary someday, how to stretch food.
Another favorite of mine is to redo a previous meal, such as taking a bread pudding and the next day cutting into thin strips, and baking till it was a nice crusty brown all over and using for handy between time snacks easy to put in plastic bag for transport.
Also about food, I think for example the smell of cooking certain foods is healing for all sorts of ailments, I used this therapy on a very sick man I took care of for awhile and he was finally able to eat after the wafts of smells from cooking filled his room.
That does it…now I’m really hungry. I had to run some errands and on the way home I got that sweet/salty attack that I get premenstrually, and I tore open a package of cookies to satisfy the sweet tooth, then immediately craved something salty so I found a bag of Chex mix. What a nutritious lunch, huh?
My mother was good at making meals out of nothing for the 10 of us and I learned to cook that way too. Nothing spectacular; mainly diner type food. I have been trying to cook lighter but I lack the ingenuity and probably the incentive to do it these days. I know our grocery bill is bigger than it should be because of my poor planning. Ah well…
We are having a lovely day here at Chez Cabin! A morning walk at 6:30 with ym 10-year-old (who wanted to come with me “so we can just talk”), low humidity and plenty f sunshine!
I’m heading out to mow the grass shortly…and finish planting my containers (I have one left to finish from the other day).
Hey everyone. Happy weekend!
in preparation for my substitute duties for PastorDan tomorrow evening:
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.
Just got back from “War of the Worlds.” Has anybody else seen it? I think it won’t spoil anything for anybody if I ask the inimitable question: speaking of “spoil,” why didn’t the you-know-what stink? Wouldn’t you think it would stink? Don’t answer that! It might spoil for people who haven’t seen it.
I thought the movie was okay for a 4th of July special effects show. But “Batman Begins,” now that one I loved. Best Batman yet, imo.
I also recommend: “The Parrots of Telegraph Hill.”
I just checked in on the FBC sauna which has been on the go for 12 hours, and somehow the tenperature snuck up to 110 C.
It’s empty now, but there’s a large pool of water, about 8 pints on the floor. I just need to do a head count here to be sure nobody has dissolved in there.
Please let me know if there is anyone who went in there that didn’t come out. Thanks.
KB – please get some Lapin Kulta down you fast – you have to replace a lot of liquid right now 😉
Do people really get together like that often?
A group of like 20 people sitting around for 3 hours — talking?
And not one. Not one single word. Not one word about politics?
In 3 hours? (I had a good time, but I’ve never had that experience before).
Then as I was driving home, I wondered how I got there. Because the fact is, you can’t get here (where I am now) from there. And actually, I had to call home and get Internet directions — and stop at a store for more directions — to get where I was in the first place.
Because, 3 of the 5 (or as we say here, all) bridges that go across the river are closed. So to get to North Kansas City from where I live you have to go to Topeka. And to get back, you have to go to Columbia.
And I just got back.
Glad you made it back, katiebird! What the heck do 20 people talk about for 3 hours without bringing up politics or the war or the supreme court vacancy?
Did you have to bite your tongue? Course, it probably would have been bad form to bring up, oh say, Roe v. Wade at a wedding shower.
It was actually interesting, and the time mostly flew by. The Bride’s sisters were there so there were lots of interesting childhood stories that we would never have heard otherwise.
Really, it wasn’t until I left that I realized that it was odd. In my family, everything is politics — even the childhood stories.
and the spouse and I haven’t got a frickin’ thing done. 🙁 Inauspiscious start to the weekend, I must say.
Well, I’ve at least made the bed, and I finished my “Sisters and Brothers” diary for PastorDan. 🙂 And the spouse emptied the dishwasher while I was napping earlier. Hell, it’s a start…
Time to think about meals for the weekend…we’ve been invited to a barbecue at the in-laws, but I feel just anti-social enough to want some quiet time with the spouse this holiday…
It gets me every time. I’ve been called a motha from time to time. . .er. . .but that’s another story all together. I have to tell you I do literally laugh out loud every time I hear that term associated with me. Most unlikely choice, I would say. I’ve been told by many that the reason I am so in love with 3 year olds is that we are at the same level of understanding! Play first, figure it out later.
It is interesting to me, however, that in the past 5 or so years as I have met literally hundreds (FTF) of new people, there are a surprising number of them who refer to me as “mom.” Quite an honor I must admit. Since I was not fortunate enough to have children in this lifetime, but I have sure enough claimed enough of them that were “accidentally” born to someone elses family. So I have had the very best of that amazing descriptor. All the joys and not so many of the pains and struggles as you “real” mothers have had. (although they effect me too, you know).
The real thing here is, I am more than willing to play the role of mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandparent, friend, playmate, partner, adviser, student, teacher, seeker and dispenser of wisdom. . .whatever you may need or want I am just tickled plumb to death to offer it forth. (and I am still the biggest kid in the universe)
Gosh everything looks so clean and sparkly here today! Great job Kansas, Diane, Katiebird, everyone! Is this the best place on the planet or what?
KUDOS to all!
You are a quick study, and I think you have got it down just perfectly!!! Makes me smile and laugh, and it is hard to find anything better than that.
I think a beer would be nice. . .but save the Lapin for Sven. . .just whatever is handy, thanks.
Glad to see you all here. . .however many of us that is. And just like the 3 year old mentioned above. . I can entertain myself pretty well, given any thought to building a pyramid out of those martini glasses over there?
Coming right up!
I just stacked them myself – and I’d like to ask everyone to form an orderly line and remain calm while getting your drink – that thing could easily topple….
who wants to try the tablecloth? heehee
The real thing here is, I am more than willing to play the role of mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandparent, friend, playmate, partner, adviser, student, teacher, seeker and dispenser of wisdom. . .whatever you may need or want I am just tickled plumb to death to offer it forth. (and I am still the biggest kid in the universe)
I didn’t see Life Strategist in that list. I really need one of those.
Oh my gosh! Thank you for reminding me.
And Life strategist if you feel the need.
What will it be, kiddo? Do you have a direction you wish to point yourself in?
If I knew the direction I wanted to point myself in, that would be half the battle!
It always starts with, if there were no obstacles, or “yeahbut’s” in your way, what direction would make you feel happiest, most fulfilled, most interested and excited to start every day? If there is an open field in front of you, where might you choose to go?
That question makes me sweat. It terrifies me. It’s too open. There’s too much space, too many possibilities. I don’t even know where my interests lie, what I’m good at besides mothering.
My life disappoints me. I disappoint me. I am afraid to try things because I am afraid to fail…I guess. This after years and years of introspection! If I don’t try new things then I can say that everything is still possible, instead of saying that I tried and failed. You see? I am not a failure, I just haven’t tried them yet!
good evening everyone!!!! hope you’re all having a super time today.
Here you are in the daytime hours, I had to look twice to be sure it was you! Great to see you here!! How goes it for you and yours today?
I’m fine, thanks for asking, I just woke up from nap! How are you?
I am Frog-Fabulous. . .but then, this place tends to do that to a person.
It is good to see you without a broom in your hand. Your cleanup efforts have been stellar, though.
well thank you! i seem to be in the habit of stopping by every evening now, to scan the diary list and come in to FBC to dust up. i do sometimes scare up a few other late night owls. there are sometimes others about.
I am going out of my house tonight, to my daughters for dinner. Will be back later and look forward to seeing all the new comments everywhere around the Trib.
Hope karoke is set up as I will be singing My Way shortly after returning to my dearest computer.
Have fun you guys…
ah… well, let’s find a song then
Homecoming (VBR mp3 audio link)
words and music by Vienna Teng
it’s desert ice outside but this diner has thawed my ears
hot coffee in a clean white mug and a smile when the waitress hears
that I was born in North Carolina
not an hour from her home town
and we used to play the same pizza parlor pinball
and there’s a glance in time suspended as I wonder how it is
we’ve been swept up just by circumstance to where the coyote lives
where my days are strips of highway
and she’s wiping tables down
holding on and still waiting for that windfall
but I’ve come home
even though I’ve never had so far to go
I’ve come home
I pay the check and leave the change from a crumpled ten-dollar bill
head across the street where VACANCY is burning in neon still
well the night eats up my body heat
and there’s no sign of another
and I find myself slipping down into that black
but things are good I’ve got a lot of followers of my faith
I’ve got a whole congregation living in my head these days
and I’m preaching from the pulpit
to cries of “Amen brother”
closing my eyes to feel the warmth come back
and I’ve come home
even though I swear I’ve never been so alone
I’ve come home
I just want to be living as I’m dying
just like everybody here
just want to know my little flicker of time is worthwhile
and I don’t know where I’m driving to
but I know I’m getting old
and there’s a blessing in every moment every mile
thin white terry bars of soap and a couple little plastic cups
old Gideons Bible in the nightstand drawer saying “Go on open up”
well I’ll kneel down on the carpet here
though I never was sure of God
think tonight I’ll give Him the benefit of the doubt
I switch off the lights and imagine that waitress outlined in the bed
her hair falling all around me
I smile and shake my head
well we all write our own endings
and we all have our own scars
but tonight I think I see what it’s all about
because I’ve come home
I’ve come home
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And just let me at that table cloth. . .let me at it, I say, just let me give it one good yank. . . .(not to be confused with one good Canuk. . .Canook. . .how the heck do you spell that Zander?)
And by the way, awesome glass stacking girlfriends!!!