Happy Birthday, today, to Tom Cruise,
Mouthpiece for Scientology views,
He says,”Don’t take drugs,
From psychiatry thugs.”
While his crisis of midlife makes the news.
(four more after the fold)
Another ambassador accosted,
Just as Egyptian relations defrosted,
Will Sherif loose his head,
On a dusty roadbed,
When negotiations have all been exhausted?
Seems Gonzales has flown to Iraq,
In a secret PR sneak attack.
While inspecting those cats,
Who wear sacks for hats,
Is he safe from rhetorical flak?
The brother of a bomber named Nichols,
Is the latest of Michael Moore’s pickles,
He claims that his name,
Has suffered defame,
For his role in a movie that tickles.
Of note were the bands of Live-8,
Pink Floyd made some new fans gyrate.
Old age I have feared,
With my moldy gray beard,
But, compared to Gilmour, I look great!
Sorry this is late today… got company!