Some of you might remember my email conversations with USMC Col. (retired) Bob Pappas described in diaries I posted here, here and here.

Colonel Pappas is a right wing, christian Bush believer and internet commentator, to put it mildly.  After a while we both agreed to discontinue our email conversations.  However, he’s kept me (intentionally or through inadvertance, who knows?) on his mailing list, and I occasionally get copies of his latest rants delivered to my mailbox.  This one, on the eve of Independence Day, seemed too priceless not to share.

(Col Pappas speaks after the break)

Thank God for America

by Col Bob Pappas, USMC, Ret.

If this present generation had been present at the writing and signing of the Declaration of Independence, one cannot help but wonder how they would have behaved and what they would have said or written.  “Liberals” would most certainly have voiced not just concerns, but opposition to the “Declaration” because it might lead to war. They would have taken issue with the enumeration of grievances, because their enumeration would likely offend the “crown.” In fact a declaration of independence would most certainly lead to heavy handed retaliation, destruction of property and killing of innocent civilians to put the down the notion that a small group of upstart colonies could be independent.

An independent “United States” would have to deal, not only with Britain, but with France, Germany, Russia and the litany of imperialist countries. “Liberals” would argue that it would be more than the colonies could possibly handle. Europe would form a Union, a United Nations, to oppose U.S. independence; and the risks, sacrifices and danger associated with UN opposition  would be too great.  They would argue that the pursuit of independence was based on the desire to exploit abundant natural resources to satisfy colonial greed which would not be fair to the folks on Mars or Venus.

In fact, if “liberals” had dominated politics in those days, Independence Day, 1776 would, in all likelihood, have never occurred.

But when the signers of the Declaration of Independence affixed their signatures to that momentous document, it changed everything, except Islam, which hasn’t changed for better since Mohammed.

In the alternative, the U.S., was founded by Christian men on Biblical principles; they were not perfect, no doubt, yet the United States of America has emerged as the greatest nation in the history of the world, while the pathetic nations that embraced Islam live on the verge if not in widespread squalor. And “liberals” don’t tell us that we are responsible for their plight.

For those pathetic American “liberals” who fawn at Islam’s minarets, beards, turbans and burkas, but know nothing, Islam is a 1400 year old religiopoliticsociofacist” system unhampered by progress.  Its leaders, including the recently elected head of Iran are determined to keep it that way; and to impose it on all others. One man’s “spread of democracy and freedom” is another’s “jihad” to keep that from happening.

American “liberals” may not think so, or in their cocaine laced liquor stupor choose not to believe it, but their present tolerance, if not embrace of Islam would vanish with its advent and their body would come crashing down in a heap without a head. So, this writer daily thanks God, the Almighty Creator and Savior of all who believe and repent of their wrong doing, that his legal immigrant Greek father and his English, Irish, German, Cherokee mother brought him to life in the United States of America.

When the signers of the Declaration of Independence affixed their signatures, they did not know that their penultimate statement,

“And in support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor,”

would be tested beyond imagination. None escaped unscathed and most lost everything, but the United States of America was borne and for that all Americans owe those Christian men a debt of eternal gratitude.

Would Muslim men have done it? To their credit, some in Afghanistan and Iraq are trying, and if American “liberals,” in Congress, the so called, “mainstream” media, entertainment, and education would stop torpedoing them, they might just succeed; and when that happens the world will be a safer place for everyone.

Semper Fidelis

If you would like to email your response to Col. Pappas, he has graciously provided me with his email address, as follows:  

If you wish to send a comment to Bob Pappas please use:

I especially encourage any liberal veterans to drop him a line.

Thank you and have Happy Fourth of July!

Steven D