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Happy 4th of July Everyone, welcome to the Froggy Bottom Cafe, where the Welcome Wagon is always parked, a good place to write your bio and Tell US About You!! |
I finally got the digital pics I snapped of my plants the other day, loaded onto my computer and here they are:
these are some of my stag horn ferns.
Palm trees we are growing for sale.
Have a good time here in the cafe today, and don’t forget if you are a newbie or a lurker or a shybie, this is the place to talk about you..
Later on today there will be a barbecue and firewords..
have fun!!!!
Yes Happy 4th of July to all, and to those who live in other countries Good day to you..
Come on in and have some coffee, danish, or your choice. I hope there will at least be a few waitresses on duty today…If not you will just have to help yourself in the kitchen…
But Have some fun here today, please!!!!!!
Good morning Diane – I hope you are feeling better.
We’re having a lovely rainy morning. I’ll get my own coffee and drink it while I watch the end of today’s race.
Hi Katiebird, say Teacher toni on Welcome Wagon Diary asks how to post pics, do you want to tell her how since you do it the best. We need a little blurb, to copy and paste whenever someone asks.
It is overcast here right now, but sure to be sunny later…I would love a little summer rain, but we rarely if ever get any.
this morning so I already did. I think I covered the basics. But hey katie, I’d love to know more about how to position pics on the page, make text wrap around nicely etc. I’ve done it, but not very well so far.
link to my answer.
I followed you with a couple of more general hints:
<img src=””>
<a href=””>URL title Here</a>
<div style=””>What ever you want</div>
Once I get that down, then it’s easy to paste in the URL to whatever
image or link I need (in the IMG and A HREF) or the css styles (on
the DIV) between the “”. And without worrying about the URL stuff, I
managed to memorize the code.
(which I’ve just copied here)
I don’t do the image thing much myself. I’m too lazy to set it up.
Is that all of that “img src” etc is what is in the “tag” that I copy and paste. so I don’t have to type all of that, or even remember it.
The thing I’m clueless about is the “css styles (on the DIV)” thing you mention. I don’t know what to put in there to make it arranged right on the page (I think that’s where you’d put it).
And btw, how do you “defeat” the html code so that the “img src” etc code that you put just above your picture appeared that way instead of as the picture itself?
And that “Selection source” thing – I’m using an iBook and Safari and haven’t been able to see that. Right-click isn’t an option. Is there another way to get it?
On the CSS styles thing, I’m working on a manual Diary explaining some of the basics.
To defeat the HTML I use special codes instead of typing the characters: Take out the dots in the line below
.&.l.t.;.img src=””.&.g.t.;.
On the selection source thing — I haven’t experimented even with IE on that. I just learned about it myself and should have said that I use it on Firefox. Do you have how do you look at page source? If you have text highlighted, do you get a selected text option also?
for the “defeat” codes. Be sure and put that in your diary, so we can use it when we’re trying to explain things to each other.
I use the “View source” from the edit menu – I just tried it when highlighting something, but it still gives me the source for the entire page. Which means a tedious hunt for just the part I want, and I often don’t get just the part I need when I do that. Maybe I’ll look for my answer at the Apple support page. Later.
Greatly looking forward to your diary, and will bookmark it when it appears.
Your directions were clear and perfect. I was feeling a little intimidated when I thought about posting a picture. Now I can’t imagine why. If only my mom would get over her “phobia” of e-mail
This text should show up at the top of the comment, next to the image. And it should continue down the right side and along the bottom of the image.
Here is the skeleton code:
<div style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: normal 1em Arial, Geneva, Helvetica;
<div style=”float: left; clear: left; margin: 0px 1.25em 0px 0px;”>
<img src=”” width=100px”>
<p>Put whatever text you want here. Don’t add another DIV. It should continue flowing under the image once you get enough text to go that far.</p>
This text should show up at the top of the comment, next to the image. And it should continue along the bottom of the image if it is long enough.
Here is the skeleton code:
<div style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: normal 1em Arial, Geneva, Helvetica;
<div style=”float: left; clear: left; margin: 0px 1.25em 0px 0px;”>
<img src=”” width=100px”></div>
<p>This text should show up at the top of the comment, next to the image. And it should continue along the bottom of the image if it is long enough.</p>
Wrapping Text around images
selection source isn’t an option with safari as far as i can discover (at least not what i’m running under panther). there are some applescripts that will allow you to hotkey a source into a word processor format such as bbedit but they don’t seem to do selection at present. HOWEVER it is an option with firefox running on mac. you can just “control+click” using the touchpad while firefox is open and active. i started off using safari too, but recently i’ve been using firefox for this very reason. I saw teresainPA mention right clicking into “show selected source” and I began fishing about for mac equivs since then. safari is very scriptable and its probably only a matter of time ’til someone makes it.
And have you seen my garden pics, that I was too late to get to the gardening diary.
I copied your explanation to notes and will save and use the next time this comes up, thanks so much. I have written it out so many times I just couldn’t do it again. I know I should have saved mine but didn’t.
Morning Diane and Katiebird and all who arrive later. I won’t be around much this week (except for my Thursday cafe hostessing) because I’ve got a deadline that’s going to require near total concentration. Hope you all have a wonderful 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th. . .
Diane, your plants are gorgeous. I wish I could take my laptop and sit and work on your patio!
I’m off now to take a short walk between rain storms, and then I’m going to plunge into my work. Please send rescuers. . .or at least chocolate. . . if I don’t surface on Thursday!
Hi Kansas, glad you like my pics, that I have longed to share with you all, I will post some more later on…
The plants are where I get my soul restored after hours of reading all the you know what stories everyday..and blogging.
Please sit on my patio with me, and I hope you like trucks which are at every turn here…
I hope you will visit again today before you disappear for the week…Good luck and good wishes on your deadline, I know what those are like!
Absolutely beautiful plants, Diane. Thanks for sharing them.
I’m sending thoughts of Laura’s Fudge Shoppe your way as we speak!
Good luck on that deadline — Did you hear what Douglas Adams said about deadlines?
Just think of all the good stuff we’d have to read if he made them stop for a cup of coffee instead of waving them on.
Stopped by again just long enough to say thanks, Diane and Katieb, and to LOL over this:
“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.”
Now I really am going to disappear. <Snaps fingers. Wiggles nose.>
Hi – I notice you have many container plants. Do you have in-the-ground plants as well? Gardening seems to be so therapeutic for many posters (even on Kos). I don’t even want to use mulch, because weed picking is appealing to me. Of course that’s probably more related to my anal tendencies than desire for calm:)
These are pics of my actual tiny in ground garden, the first is of my tomato plants and the site of the notorious stolen tomato, see the spot of red, it is no longer there.
This is my strawberry bed, end of season for most of them.
But then more containers here, there and everywhere I can find a niche or cranny, these are perched at the base of an olive tree.
and that someone suggested bird netting. I think it might work. Raccoons are so clever and they have those little hands so they seem to be able to get into anything. But I was having trouble with the birds getting into my tomatoes even after I put bird netting over them. Discovered they were sneaking under it. So I pounded tent stakes into the ground along the bottom to really hold it down. Maybe if you hmmm, used a double layer of bird netting and then really firmly attached it to the ground and your trellis behind the plants, they wouldn’t be able to get in there.
Yes i am inclined to believe that but have never seen one in these parts before….very urban area…but the other day something large, that I did not see scurried out of my garden as I was approaching, and it sounded much heavier than a squirrel, which I have seen. But the size of the tom. I know a squirrel could not have carried away intact.
I have been trying to think of something, and will consider your plan or may try to get some chicken wire to put in front of tomatoes, problem is they are growing up and out, and a netting will I think hamper that.
Here’s a great little site that might help you w/ the ‘coons:
excellent, thanks so much I am going to mix up a batch of repellent today and spray my garden…I have been looking for just such a page, thanks..again
I love asking and receiving!!!!
Okay, I confess. . .I took yer darn tomato and scurried off with it. I am obsessed with tomatoes, always have been. My mother used to can them when I was growing up and as I stood beside her slipping the skins off and cutting them into pieces, many a whole tomato went from the bushel basket into my mouth. I am addicted to tomatoes! I admit it. In all their forms: juiced, sliced, diced, chopped, puree`d, sauced, fresh, stewed, simmered, whole eaten like an apple! I AM ADDICTED!!
Whew. . . .glad I got that out of my system. Confession IS good for the soul.
Aha! And you are bigger than a squirrel…
Yes, I actually am, except when I’m not.
I suppose it could also be an opossum. I saw a good number of those in Los Angeles, oddly enough, and I figure if they can live there, they can live just about anywhere. Not too sure about the behavioral differences, though – it might not really matter which it is.
I’m still away from home, but got a few minutes on an Internet connection to say hello to the Bootrib community. We had a fine weekend watching minor-league baseball, if you don’t count the fact that the Mariners’ farm team dropped three straight while we were there. Part of the reason why is that their opponents, who are leading the division, seem to be on fire right now, and part of it was silly defensive errors on the Aquasox’ part. Well, what can I say, they’re there to learn professional baseball, and they’re still learning.
Oh yeah, and we got to watch three nights’ worth of fireworks after the games! Today after I check out of the hotel we’re going to my sister-in-law’s for a cookout, and then we’ll be watching one of Seattle’s big fireworks shows on TV. The “crowds” at the baseball games were pretty manageable — fewer than 4,000 people each night — but I wouldn’t go near the traffic that the Seattle shows will generate.
I hope everyone has as fine a holiday as we’ve been having. Tomorrow, back to work. Oh, and thanks to all for supporting my two rants last week.
Janet suggested that I post this here, and I’m so excited that I am am thrilled to introduce Andre Fa Yi, whom my husband and I will bring home from China at the beginning of September.
He will turn 1 year old on July 12, he crawls and is describes a “restless” and “obstinate.”
Needless to say, my husband and I are already in love with Andrew!
What a beautiful boy! Congratulations!
He is just gorgeous and I think you could write a great diary about the journey you have been on with Andrew above…he seems very intent and determined…looks like he will be a strong boy and then man.
on doing a diary when we come home, after the jet lag wears off.
One year old? I remember reading a column by Ellen Goodman when mine was one where she said something like when her daughter was that age she once considered hiring a baby sitter so she could take a bath. Oh yeah, Ellen! I know that one.
May I suggest writing that diary about your story so far before you bring him home? π
Then you won’t have to find quite so much time for the one that’ll tell us all about the trip itself and getting to know him. Which we’ll be looking forward to, too.
Good idea. I haven’t really been able to think straight since we received his photo.
That’s fabulous! I recall when you first introduced yourself here at BT, mentioning your wait for that envelope.
Now it’s real. You’re having a boy – quite unusual from China. Congratulations – hang in there the next two months!
And good memory! Yes, boys are pretty rare. The agency we are using told me that only 3 or 4 boys have come over this year, through them. That’s out of about 150 families.
Well Toni, I could not forget, as one of my sisters went to China to pick up a girl last January. So I’m glad I saw your post today – I had hoped to register your news when they arrived. Congrats again!
What a picture pefect baby. He is truly beautiful. Congratulations!
There’s nothing wrong with being a little obstinate, is there? π
I hope not, or me and few other of us boo tribbers are going to be in serious doodoo. . .just sayin’
I resemble that remark. π
Who us liberals, obstinate about sticking to facts, the truth, blah, blah…
Your son is simply beautiful. A couple I know (two Moms) adopted two children from China. They said the travel was a nightmare, but the kids are fantastic. Love makes a family!
Mornin’ all…just stopped by to share a site that a friend sent me.
Check out the “amusements”…fun stuff…lots of interactive/morphing and such, so click on and drag the “$” in ‘Leader of the Free World?’, and have fun! Let me know what you think!
Andy Foulds Design
Finally kicked the spouse off the computer for a few moments so I can say hi.
Answered “No” to the watching fireworks question, because we saw fireworks last night! Paramount’s Great America in Santa Clara CA did their big fireworks shows Saturday and Sunday, so by going last night we can get to bed at a decent hour tonight — the spouse has to be out of here 15 minutes earlier starting tomorrow.
Hoping to get the cleaning finished today…we already got a good start by putting away all the laundry done yesterday.
Tonight’s planned menu: sweet & sour chicken with rice. I’m modifying a slow-cooker recipe I came across; if it comes out, I’ll post in in a future FBC. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it! (or maybe that’s just my wanting breakfast)
Have a great day, everyone! π
I’m planning on joining some friends for a barbecue party this afternoon. I’m definately looking forward to it. For me, few things beat getting together with friends, eating good food, drinking fine beer and generally making merry. Afterwards, we may check out some fireworks from my friend’s roof. All in all, it is looking to be a fine birthday.
here in da swamp, we gots yard bird on da smoker,
a dog under da truck,(keep’n a close eye if’n any yard bird hits the sand ; )
fish on da stringer,
cold beer on ice,
Crosby Stills Nash & Young a rock’n on da stereo,
rifles, shotguns, pistols loaded for da fireworks,
sunny blue skies, calm water on da lake, da ponds,
and one skeert ass gator a watch’n from across da lake, (he knows his times a com’n ; ) (by the way, when he wast a sleep’n, I snucked up on him and put a Bush/Cheney 04 sticker on his arse) It’ll be a “sure shot” ; )
Happy 4th to Y’all ; ) From Froggy Bottom Swamp
Oh Infidelpig, the images you conjur up are simply amazing and amusing, but in all seriousness it reminds me of a pbs movie I saw with Ted Danson of cheers’s wife playing the lead of a female writer in the 20’s I think,who moved to florida to write and the experiences she has there…True story of the writer but cannot rem. name of movie, writer or actress, I am hoping other can rem.
I saw that as well, and like you, can’t remember any of the titles.
It is a very rural area around here, but the population growth from people moving to the area is overwhelming, and the local people here have had it all to themselves for so long, it’s tough on them.
Beleive me, it is not easy being accepted here, and don’t know if one will ever be completely accepted, but I’m only here for a while. Bought the 6.5 acres of land to re-sale, and have done a ton of work to clean this old farmland and swamp into what it’s becoming. Even the poeple that owned it are in total regret now for selling it, as they never realized it’s potential, particularly what some hard work could do. I have 4 ponds, and frontage on a spring fed lake, white sand bottoms, and grounds, connected by canal’s to a large wildlife management area of over 60,000 acres of water. It is tucked into the management area, so no one can ever build close, or ever obscure the view from the lake, as it is all wildlife management area on the other side. Totally pristine, and tons of wildlife. It’s great to watch the Osprey’s, Eagles, Hawks, Owl’s, and every type of fowl, deer, wild pig, turkey, etc. etc.
I love to kid around and make jest of tough situations, as it makes it much easier to deal with ; )
Glad you enjoy the “gist” of my comments, but truthfully, there is yard bird on the smoker, fish on the stringer, a dog under the truck, and a very scared gator ; ) (ya see, gator’s love dog meat, so I’ll keep my stray pup I rescued, but the gator, well, I do have a place for it ; )
Thanks for your comment, and enjoy the laugh with me ; )
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005460/ Mary Steenburgen above is link of all her work, but I still could not find the one I am thinking of, could you have a look.
I love the sound of your place and life.and it’s just the kind I would like for myself, but can only live it vicariously.
I am soooooo jealous!!!!!!!!!All I have are container plants and trucks…Just kidding, I am greateful for all that I do have and that I have any plants at all to surround me and make my days so much brighter.
I told my son if I didn’t have my plants I don’t know how I would survive. I have always wanted to live in the woods or in a greehouse if I had to live in the city..
You can take the girl out of Pa. but you can’t take Pa out of the girl. Just can’t shed those early roots of life lived next to beautiful and luxurious woods as a child.
That’s her,,,yeppers..jeeesh.it’s hell to have CRS (can’t remember shit) LMAO I’ll check the historical authors records here, and see what turns up.
As for the place here, I have real estate developers coming tomorrow and later this week to make offers, so I don’t know how long, but while it’s here, Hooooooo Laaawwwwd.
Of course I will buy more when this sells, and work it again, I’ll make mine, they’ll make MORE ..LOL but that’s how the circle turns.
I need to get back closer to my father anyway, and I’ll never go to next door to him, but I’ll get close enough for him to winter with me. I’ll more than likely stay in the south, and have been looking at south of the border real hard lately ; ) He’s only gonna be around for a short while, so I’ll make do until he’s gone, then I’ll strike out for some god-forbidden out of the way place, and then the damned tourist will catch up again…but then I’ll charge them acordingly ; )
You have some fantastic looking plants there lady, and I know how much work it takes to keep everything on the up and up, so KUDOS to you. I only have a few, but then again, I live where the stuff grows, people go and pay big dollars for, all around me, so it’s a balance.
Hey swamp boy! I can relate to all that. 4.7 means nothin here in FINLAND.
well one thing for sure, you have all the blonde haired blue eyed gals in your neck of the woods, ; )
or at least the “real” ones…LOL…
thanks for the comment
good morning everybody! happy fourth of july! hey diane those are lovely plants! i love the palms! can i get a cup of coffee please? i gotta run into work in a few, but i’ll be back later tonight to sweep up. hope everyone enjoys their day!
I will be watching fireworks as the village sets them off practically in my back yard.
I will also be watching with a hose in my hand ready to put out any fires they start. It is very dry here in NM and our normal abnormal weather (Water? Falling from the SKY?!?) hasn’t yet arrived.
When you’re handed something like this, you have to snap it!
good evening folks, I have gotten home from work and will be staying in tonight for it is wayyyyy to hot for me outside. I have to get out in a few mins to feed and water the outside animals ( two dogs) then might shower and go to bed early and watch some tv…just dont know yet. everytime I try to do that, I get called in. Just thinking omen and all, I might just sit up in the livingroom recliner and watch some tv…:o)..I really do not want to get called in tonight. HOpe all ia going well, for everyone in our great community, today. Have a great night and safe one too. Lots of hugs for all….Happy 4th. Oh BTW, love the plants and such…
A reclining good evening to you Brenda. . .and no call ins allowed. . .Enjoy!!
My stepdaughter gave birth to a baby boy yesterday, so I guess I am. Weird.
Anyway, here is Jayden Christopher (and my big ole foot.)
And what an adorable little one he is too! Congratulations!
What I see is a gorgeous baby boy wrapped in the strong and nurturing hands of his loving grandmother.
So sweet….thank you! It does kinda look like I’m squeezing him, doesn’t it.
He looks very safe, comfortable and relaxed. Oh that we could all experience that just a little every day.
Oops. Got the name wrong. What kind of a crappy grandmother am I? It’s Zayden. D’oh!
lol! It won’t be the last time. Trust me. π
He’s beautiful! Enjoy grandmotherhood. It’s so much easier than parenting your own!
I’m just so excited that I finally learned how to publish a photo! Now I will subject you all to another view of my big ole feet….this time in their favorite summertime position. Watching my boys from the porch at the cottage.
I am coming for a visit. . .and sooner rather than later.
What an awesome vista. . .I think I have scenery envy. . .wow! A very beautiful place. SC? sorry SN I have forgotten where it is.
And girl friend, I will show you some big feet, if you think yours are big. . .whoa baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Shirl, you can visit me anytime! You’re already one of my favorite mega-footed people.
This is Topsail Island, NC
HOW COOL!!! A gathering of the Megapeds!! Flanges giganticus!! Thanks SN.
Ooooh, flanges! Sounds dirty, yet isn’t.
I don’t mean to brag, but I have been known to buy size 11 shoes. I know, I know, we can’t all be that well-endowed!
can’t squeeze my size 12’s into an 11. . . and why would I want to? Yep The sisters well endowed!! LOL
Drats…..outdone again. I should know better than to go up against you, Shirl.
Just log onto a good used boat search site, tick off your favorite criteria and add the keywords “storm” or “hurricane.”
Give it a little time, and you can pick up a 35-45 foot sailing cruiser “fix-em-up” for the cost of a few desktop pc’s. And there’s much more if you can snoop around 3-dimensioanal boatyards.
(But I see in the last few days’ news that there should be a dozen or so great deals at a Vancouver Island ferry dock.)
I’m still seeing some available from last year and dang if there isn’t another hurricane season underway already!
Yeah, we’re gearing up for an active hurricane season. Funny, our little beach cottage is surrounded by million dollar ones, and it’s withstood every hurricane since 1960….I’m sure because of it’s low profile tucked as it is in between the monstrosities.
Those in the subject line are those that I know are Pink Floyd fans…I’m sure there are more out there.
If you haven’t seen it yet, you absolutely MUST check out the footage of the band, re-united at Live 8 in London this past Saturday. Some kind person has captured it and put it online here. (Warning: it is about 80 MB. Those of you on dial-up, consider yourself warned π ).
Their performance of ‘Wish You Were Here’ is so very amazing. It is so great to see them all together up on stage again.
It’s been a few years since I marched in a parade, but someone told me that the nearby village had an opening. It was a gas.
Nothing like midwest 4ths’–couldn’t have been over 70F. Don’t be fooled by the picture, it’s cool by east-of-the-Rockies standards. I’ve neen natives in short sleeves outdoors on ferryboats in January. Still with my Ohio metabolism, I wore some wool. One amazing thing about Puget Sound–I recently realized that I never seek out the shade here, ever.
This was the least militaristic parade I’ve seen. It had a definite a left coast feel that struck me and Mrs. Gooserock as very Booman-compatible.
Below is the crowd enjoying Gooserock, who is just out of the picture on the left side. So call me ‘Wilson.’
I lived 40 years outside of Cleveland. Yep, the 4th of July is usually hot. But now that I live in the South….it’s freakin hot. Hellish. Parts of me I didn’t know I had stick together. It’s not pretty.
One of my male friend’s daughters had a baby this aft so I’ve been watching a 14 month old baby most of the day. She is the sweetest, smartest, best tempered little girl so it’s been great – but boy is this grandma tired!!
The new baby is a boy named Draden William and was 7 lbs. 2 oz. Both mom and baby are fine (and so is dad!). Grandpa’s pretty tired too and has to work the night shift so I have her overnight too. I’m sure he’ll be loading up on the caffeine.
In keeping with the “_aden” theme, my step daughter had a boy yesterday (see pic above) and named him Zayden. Three of the top ten boys names are Caden, Jaden and Braden. Go figure.
Wow! Congratulations, grandma! The parents here said they just made up the name Draden, but I see he’ll have lots of pals who rhyme with him in school. π
babies are the greatest, aren’t they?? Especially when you’re a granny. π
Oh my God. I’m just not ready for anyone to call me Granny. It always reminds me of the Beverly Hillbillies. But I sure got all kinds of gooey maternal feelings flooding through me when I held him today.
Just don’t try breastfeeding – okay?? lol
yeah, it was creepy enough that I had to unwrap him and pinch his teeny toes and smell his neck. I’m sure the mother was half expecting me to try to nurse him.
My partner and I celebrated our third anniversary this last Sunday and Monday (it’s already Tuesday, July 5th, here in Oz), by renting a cottage on Bruny Island (off the cost of Tasmania).
The cottage had a hot tub, a hammock, a 180 degree view of the water, and complementary champagne, while we supplied the gourmet food, and chocolates (and more champagne).
Is that ever stunning! Congratulations. π
Thanks Catnip.
I haven’t had time to smooth the transitions on this panorama, but this was the view out our window at sunrise.
The ishmus, near the left side of the photo, connects South Bruny Island to North Bruny Island, and is a Fairy Penguin rookery.
We were ahem, busy in the evening, so we only got to see penguin footprints in the morning, and not the penguins, who only come in at night this time of year.
hehehehehehe. . .I noticed you were having a hard time wiping that grin off n’ yer face. . .good on ya!
Wow! Fabulous! And a happy Anniversary to you and Imogen!!!! 3 years and many more for the two of you in Oz!
Great picture too. Hope the two of you really enjoyed yourselves and continue to carry on forever more.
Hugs, Whistles and Champagne. . .
Here’s some penguin footprints for you.
There are penguins in OZ? That is too, too fabulous!
Footprints are kinda special to me and I will surely enjoy these. Thanks. . .
Here’s a pair of Pied Oyster Catchers:

An Australian Scarlet Robin:

And a jaunty quartet of Little Pied Cormorants:

Hmmm. Trying the Cormorants again.
this one is very good.. excellent composition
That place is so beautiful I immediately Googled it. Now, if I could just get over my paralyzing fear of flying….
you haven’t even seen my good photos of Bruny!
I’ll get you airborne yet.
We had a lovely walk out to Grass Point yesterday.
I’m not really afraid of flying. I’m more concerned about plunging headlong into the ground from 35,000 feet. I’m sure there’s a difference.
But if anything could get me on a plane again it would be that.
it’s not the falling, but the landing that hurts. But, I’m the type who is more likely to fall over my own two feet than out of the sky in an airplane. So, why worry. π
The east side of the ishmus (and penguin rookery). The foot prints are ours, as we had the place to ourselves.

tell me about your lenses… and what camera you’re using.. is it the canon?
good morning! where’s everyone at? shirl? zander? where are all my late night compañeras? anyone awake in here?
oh well. guess i better start sweeping…
closing time…
unplug those people and send them home
its closin time…