In a bulletin today titled, “Insurgents Target Iraqi Progress,” the American Forces Press Service “reports”:
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, July 5, 2005 – Insurgents in Iraq attack any sign of progress because “progress is their enemy,” said DoD officials today.
Officials spoke about terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s claim to have kidnapped … the chief of Egypt’s mission in Iraq. “… [I]t suggests … that al Qaeda has targeted those countries that are trying to cooperate in the success of Iraq’s emerging democracy,” said Pentagon spokesman Larry Di Rita during a press conference today. […]
Officials in Baghdad said that insurgents attack any sign of progress the Iraqi government makes. “It’s an insurgency that does not have Iraq’s democratic future in mind,” Di Rita said. “It has something much bleaker and much darker (in mind).”
… The insurgents see the presence of Middle Eastern diplomats as progress for the Iraqi government, said an official in Baghdad. More below:
There. That’s better.
Interestingly enough, the word progress was not used by di Rita in the press conference. View the transcript.
The word progress was integrated as a persistent meme in the post-briefing press release.
Of course, if the insurgents also hate us, they should encourage progress, since that seems to be the only path through which we’ll leave. Killing us sure doesn’t seem to be working…
My guess is that we’ll be hearing the word progress some more.
Poor freedom and democracy are just plain wore out.
They don’t like progress, they just like to keep turning the corner so they end up in a circle.
These f’ers are desoerate. How many times are they going to change the reason they took us there and the reason the insurgents hate us?
Prog-ress:n. forward motion or advancement to a higher goal; an advance; steady improvement.
You hit the nail on the head!
P.S. Cross-posted at DailyKos.
Freegress. It’s all the rage.