I’m 100% American Mongrel: English, Irish, French, Danish, Native American. You can tell us from the purebreds. . . we’re the by gosh stubborn as hell never give up ones.
I got the German shoulders and the Danish cheekbones – I’m not complaining. 😉
All of my family got to the US right around 1900. Things were getting martial in northern Europe at the time, so I guess it seemed like a good time for all my folk to leave.
But the olive skin, that first showed up in my dad, and subsequently was inherited by my sister and I, that’s a bit harder to explain.
It is interesting, isn’t it. My older brother had a more olive complexion than I, but there was no doubting we were brother and sister. . .he used to say he had to let his hair grow long and grow a beard and moustache so people could tell us apart…heheheheh. . .he thought was very funny.
Well, it is after 2 a darn clock in my morning here, so I am going to head off to the bed.
Thank you – I was thinking that it was just too big, but I didn’t trust myself to mess with it any more. I can cut and paste html, but once I break something… I usually can’t put it back together again.
Hey, Ya’ll, I have to get ready to hit the hay and just had to drop in to say hey. Hope your day has been good. I am very tired tonight. I think I need a vacation…:o).
Hi, can you tell us anything, are you on the side or in line of the hurricane, are you making preps. etc. whatever you can tell us…
How did you fare last year, you were in fl. then right?
And hi, btw, how are you.
I’m inland quite a ways, but it’s effecting us here with heavy rain, some wind, and there has been reports of some tornado’s.
I was here last year, but on the coast then, right where Ivan hit. In our neighborhood we had sent the women and children up to northern Alabama, and myself and a few other men in the neighborhood stayed to secure the area. Looters will reak havok after a hurricane.
I have plenty of water, a generator in the motor home, but I’m far enough inland the only danger here is a tornado.
Last year I was without power on the coast for almost 14 days, but managed ok, and the company I represented was heavily into the landfilling the wreckage. We were going 18hrs a day for a month or so to try to keep up.
yeppers, the only thing that could effect me is the loss of the phone line,,,,I’m back in dial-up hell, since I moved out here in “da swamp” LOL…I do miss HIGH SPEED….oi’vay…..
I’ll let ya know in the morn’n if everything is still here ; )
I’m sure me and da gator’s will be a watch’n each utter….LOL
N’nite all…long day tomorrow, and I get up at 4:30 am daily.
The bartender, confused, tells the ducks that no, his bar doesn’t serve grapes. The duck thanks him and leaves.
The next day, the duck returns and says, “Got any grapes?”
Again, the bartender tells him that, no, the bar does not serve grapes, has never served grapes, and, furthermore, will never serve grapes. The duck, a little ruffled, thanks him and leaves.
The next day, the duck returns, but before he can say anything, the bartender begins to yell: ”Listen, duck! This is a bar! We do not serve grapes! If you ever ask for grapes again, I will nail your stupid duck beak to the bar!”
The duck is silent for a moment, and then asks, ”Got any nails?”
The number varies, as one occasionally “flies” (gets airborne and mostly glides downhill) off. Two have come back so far. Word of advice – don’t have “flying” ducks if you live at the top of a hill – they always have to walk back.
But, do you know what I mean? At first it doesn’t hurt….cause it’s just a duck. But then more join in and they’re going after your eyes and your throat and behind your knees. Gaaa!
Be sure to let us know if there is a way to make more direct contributions in the future. I realize you’re not in a position at the moment to take donations – but I’m sure I’m not the only thankful guest around here who has an aversion to the accumulation of stuff. My cupboard space won’t accommodate my desire to continue supporting your site, you know?
I’ve got some cash right here with your … er… your dog’s name on it, just waiting for a link and a pay pal account. Seriously, I’d be relieved to have an outlet for the gratitude, arriving here after the …um, mess was …. just amazing – there are no words.
Well, by then he was 10 or 11, so he wasn’t at all high strung. But, he was very used to being posed, and staying with it. He was actually up there for a while — it was part of a scene in a home movie.
Well, Diane, a little technical knowledge is a dangerous thing. I’ve been going crazy posting pictures the last few days and you’ve just created another opening.
These are my kids l-r Colin, Owen with wife Jackie, Ben and Ryan (a girl).
I’m all worn out. After doing one diary a week for months, here I’ve done about five different diaries in the last week, and two just today.
So I’m ready to kick back and relax . . . and since I can’t have Squirt in real life (being diabetic and on a medication that doesn’t allow me to have grapefruit), I’ll have one of those.
I dug up some old pics and scanned them of work I did when I had my antique and furniture refinishing business. This first pic, is during my blue period of tole painting and the whole display contains items I sold.
this is a close up of cabinet above
This is an oak sideboard was painted red, I stripped and refinished.
This is a desk I tole painted.
The pics are fuzzy as they are so old, from the 80’s.
BTW when my daughter was young she was asked one day by another mother what I did for work and she replied, “she’s a stripper.” She knew I did stripping of furniture and that seemed a perfectly logical thing for her to say.
Not miss it..It was very hard and all time consuming work. 24/7 it seemed like and then I had one little one and 2 more babies while I was doing this antique business. As a matter of fact I was 39 and pregnant with 5th when I did the work above.
I loved and still do all antiques, a love that was born during a visit to Hearst castle and then cemented when I purchased my first 2 antique chairs and refinished them , then announced I was going to be a antique dealer..then became one..Oh and at that time I was pregnant with my third child.
I visited San Fran some years ago to confuse a group of artists (mission accomplished!) and motelled at Half Moon Bay, day-tripping around from just N. of the Golden Gate down as far south as Monterey.
This very evening I came across some of our trip photos.
We lived in Columbus, OH at the time, perennially ranked in the 5 most inexpensive cities in the U.S. If we’d sold our spacious OH home, we couldn’t have bought into a dog house in San Fran!
I wanted to join the fun, but I don’t even get to see my satellite photo on my own computer (it says you have to have “ActiveX” or something like that)…crap.
That is cool to look at, though…have you guys seen the world composite night satellite photo? Really conveys, in an instant way, where all the people are (except in the case of places like N. Korea, which has plenty of people but little nighttime illumination).
Put the image onscreen as large as you can. Then do <shift>+<PrintScreen> to capture, then open your graphics software, create a blank image file, and paste the image.
My answer – most of CNN. I particularly despise Carol Costello, Kitty Pilgrim, and Lou Dobbs…. each of them causes me to lose my freakin’ mind, and resort to angry cursing and ranting at the TV….
Oh, I so struggle with that… I don’t actually have a TV.. just a TV tuner card in my computer… I want to be TV free (propaganda free) but just can’t seem to do it… I leave a window open with TV, beside cspan, beside other windows, etc… I just can’t kick the habit entirely…
well lets see.. lots of activity here tonight. looks like a good party. not too rowdy though. oh well, best be putting the chairs up on the tables and getting busy. it’s almost sunrise.
Help yourself….
Are you going to zanderize us tonight?????Are you up and rested for the night??
I’ll be here bartending, until I drink myself into a stupor, that is… the ability to type is the first thing to go..
I know normal limit is one. . .but I think I might like to have another beer, Zan
Beer this evening courtesy of Oxford Bottled Beer Database.
You are fabulous! Yep, dark and German will do me just fine.
Thanks..great memory girl!
I’m light and German. Doesn’t that count?
Swartzedeutch myself. That or an Italian snuck into the family tree.
Got to watch those lusty Italians. . .eh?
I’m 100% American Mongrel: English, Irish, French, Danish, Native American. You can tell us from the purebreds. . . we’re the by gosh stubborn as hell never give up ones.
3/4 German
1/4 Danish
I got the German shoulders and the Danish cheekbones – I’m not complaining. 😉
All of my family got to the US right around 1900. Things were getting martial in northern Europe at the time, so I guess it seemed like a good time for all my folk to leave.
But the olive skin, that first showed up in my dad, and subsequently was inherited by my sister and I, that’s a bit harder to explain.
It is interesting, isn’t it. My older brother had a more olive complexion than I, but there was no doubting we were brother and sister. . .he used to say he had to let his hair grow long and grow a beard and moustache so people could tell us apart…heheheheh. . .he thought was very funny.
Well, it is after 2 a darn clock in my morning here, so I am going to head off to the bed.
Catch you tomorrow.
Yep, it counts plenty!
And, I’ve brought my drink from the other room. Ahh, Zander, the room looks great tonight!
Thank you – I was thinking that it was just too big, but I didn’t trust myself to mess with it any more. I can cut and paste html, but once I break something… I usually can’t put it back together again.
Hey, Ya’ll, I have to get ready to hit the hay and just had to drop in to say hey. Hope your day has been good. I am very tired tonight. I think I need a vacation…:o).
I’ll have a “Too Smoothie” on the rocks please.
Ingredients: equal parts of, Amaretto, Kahlua, and Milk
Lightly shaken and poured on the rocks……aaaaahhhh,,,,
Now it’s time for “N’nite”
Drinks this evening courtesy of Drinkalizer.
“here’s look’n at ya kid” LOL….love that line..classic
Ok dianne, I’m here….look’n around,,,where the hell are ya????
Hi, can you tell us anything, are you on the side or in line of the hurricane, are you making preps. etc. whatever you can tell us…
How did you fare last year, you were in fl. then right?
And hi, btw, how are you.
I’m inland quite a ways, but it’s effecting us here with heavy rain, some wind, and there has been reports of some tornado’s.
I was here last year, but on the coast then, right where Ivan hit. In our neighborhood we had sent the women and children up to northern Alabama, and myself and a few other men in the neighborhood stayed to secure the area. Looters will reak havok after a hurricane.
I have plenty of water, a generator in the motor home, but I’m far enough inland the only danger here is a tornado.
Last year I was without power on the coast for almost 14 days, but managed ok, and the company I represented was heavily into the landfilling the wreckage. We were going 18hrs a day for a month or so to try to keep up.
Thanks for the update, and do keep us informed and is your computer hooked up to the generator.
yeppers, the only thing that could effect me is the loss of the phone line,,,,I’m back in dial-up hell, since I moved out here in “da swamp” LOL…I do miss HIGH SPEED….oi’vay…..
I’ll let ya know in the morn’n if everything is still here ; )
I’m sure me and da gator’s will be a watch’n each utter….LOL
N’nite all…long day tomorrow, and I get up at 4:30 am daily.
down at the Hobart waterfront:

“Please, dona feeda the boidees”
It is so relaxing here. Spent some time monitoring a diary at kos and I feel like I’ve been pecked to death by ducks.
I’m not a drinking girl, but I think some Bailey’s might calm me down a bit.
and asks, “Got any grapes?”
The bartender, confused, tells the ducks that no, his bar doesn’t serve grapes. The duck thanks him and leaves.
The next day, the duck returns and says, “Got any grapes?”
Again, the bartender tells him that, no, the bar does not serve grapes, has never served grapes, and, furthermore, will never serve grapes. The duck, a little ruffled, thanks him and leaves.
The next day, the duck returns, but before he can say anything, the bartender begins to yell: ”Listen, duck! This is a bar! We do not serve grapes! If you ever ask for grapes again, I will nail your stupid duck beak to the bar!”
The duck is silent for a moment, and then asks, ”Got any nails?”
Confused, the bartender says no.
”Good!” says the duck. ”Got any grapes?”
he he he. I don’t suppose you know any more duck jokes?
Quackers and milk!
hehehehe . . .that really quacks me up. . .
The number varies, as one occasionally “flies” (gets airborne and mostly glides downhill) off. Two have come back so far. Word of advice – don’t have “flying” ducks if you live at the top of a hill – they always have to walk back.
I’m still laughing – maybe I need to slow down on the cocktails…
Oh my God, the blue eye shadow is awesome!
someone inform the Duck Liberation Front.
I think it is virtually unreadable with the new layout. I know he says the fonts and colors are no different. But, they are sure less pleasant.
You are very brave to have stuck it out through a whole thread.
Next drinks on me!
Not to mention they get real mean over there sometimes! Makes me like BMT even more.
real men? they dont have any real men over there..
oh. ah.. er..
heh, you said mean. yep. they got that.
I’ve noticed that most of my subscribed-to posters over there have, ah, emigrated elsewhere, and now the “duck-pecking” goes virtually unchecked.
Glad you’re all over here!
Absolutely priceless! Can I borrow it some time?
Sure, although I don’t own the rights to it.
But, do you know what I mean? At first it doesn’t hurt….cause it’s just a duck. But then more join in and they’re going after your eyes and your throat and behind your knees. Gaaa!
she used the phrase, “nibbled to death by ducks”. I always think of her, when I here it.
<cough>, <choking>…
Thank you so much – I really needed the laugh..
that missed it and wants to help support the site, you can now pre-order Booman Tribune coffee mugs and t-shirts at this website.
Window and/or bumper stickers.
What’s happened to the site, it is zipping along at a great speed now, compared to the slowness this afternoon.. did you change something?????
was wrong with the blogads. All blogad sites were loading slow this afternoon. Don’t know why.
Order has been placed – and I’ll drink champagne out of that mug when Rove is indicted…
with our drinking arms wrapped around each other…
Be sure to let us know if there is a way to make more direct contributions in the future. I realize you’re not in a position at the moment to take donations – but I’m sure I’m not the only thankful guest around here who has an aversion to the accumulation of stuff. My cupboard space won’t accommodate my desire to continue supporting your site, you know?
I just jealous that Chris Bower’s over at MyDD raised enough money to buy a laptop yesterday, and I need one too.
I gotta get outta this house and get some sun 😛
I really appreciate your support, and you are already doing a great job…
I’ve got some cash right here with your … er… your dog’s name on it, just waiting for a link and a pay pal account. Seriously, I’d be relieved to have an outlet for the gratitude, arriving here after the …um, mess was …. just amazing – there are no words.
This is an autumn picture, but the sky, the tide level and the ‘intensity’ are otherwise the same as now.
I’m drinking my last tea of the evening; beer time is at least an hour off yet.
And Fall in Kansas

And the same tree a couple of months later:

It’s never been the same since.
I did not think it possible, but you have just made me miss winter.
Yeh, I think the temperature dropped about 20 degrees as I looked at them!
Take a deep breath & enjoy this fresh twilight scene.
Here’s a view from Vashon Island —
Yikes, they look big, but I set the width!
You had your dog stuffed and set on a shelf? 🙂
No! No, no, no.
I’m sorry….he just looks so…statuesque! I thought poodles were high-strung?
Well, by then he was 10 or 11, so he wasn’t at all high strung. But, he was very used to being posed, and staying with it. He was actually up there for a while — it was part of a scene in a home movie.
This is my daughter Jessica and her boyfriend Justin, the day of his graduation from Fireman School.
This is Jessica and Justin on a trip up the coast of Cal.

I just wanted to post some pics. tonight.
a handsome couple they make 🙂
Well, Diane, a little technical knowledge is a dangerous thing. I’ve been going crazy posting pictures the last few days and you’ve just created another opening.
These are my kids l-r Colin, Owen with wife Jackie, Ben and Ryan (a girl).
Ok that does it, I am going to get my photo basket out and scan some pics.lol…
What a great looking group of kids you have there…
I’m all worn out. After doing one diary a week for months, here I’ve done about five different diaries in the last week, and two just today.
So I’m ready to kick back and relax . . . and since I can’t have Squirt in real life (being diabetic and on a medication that doesn’t allow me to have grapefruit), I’ll have one of those.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh . . .
(did you sign up yet for the CCR campaign?)
that blogroll isn’t growing…
I dug up some old pics and scanned them of work I did when I had my antique and furniture refinishing business. This first pic, is during my blue period of tole painting and the whole display contains items I sold.

this is a close up of cabinet above
This is an oak sideboard was painted red, I stripped and refinished.
This is a desk I tole painted.

The pics are fuzzy as they are so old, from the 80’s.
BTW when my daughter was young she was asked one day by another mother what I did for work and she replied, “she’s a stripper.” She knew I did stripping of furniture and that seemed a perfectly logical thing for her to say.
Diane, It looks like a wonderful life, do you miss it?
Not miss it..It was very hard and all time consuming work. 24/7 it seemed like and then I had one little one and 2 more babies while I was doing this antique business. As a matter of fact I was 39 and pregnant with 5th when I did the work above.
I loved and still do all antiques, a love that was born during a visit to Hearst castle and then cemented when I purchased my first 2 antique chairs and refinished them , then announced I was going to be a antique dealer..then became one..Oh and at that time I was pregnant with my third child.
This is the suburb where I grew up (our house was the red dot). It was wonderful, wilderness all around. And San Francisco about 15 miles away.
I visited San Fran some years ago to confuse a group of artists (mission accomplished!) and motelled at Half Moon Bay, day-tripping around from just N. of the Golden Gate down as far south as Monterey.
This very evening I came across some of our trip photos.
We lived in Columbus, OH at the time, perennially ranked in the 5 most inexpensive cities in the U.S. If we’d sold our spacious OH home, we couldn’t have bought into a dog house in San Fran!
I wanted to do the same thing, but can’t figure out how to save a google map satellite image…
I wanted to join the fun, but I don’t even get to see my satellite photo on my own computer (it says you have to have “ActiveX” or something like that)…crap.
That is cool to look at, though…have you guys seen the world composite night satellite photo? Really conveys, in an instant way, where all the people are (except in the case of places like N. Korea, which has plenty of people but little nighttime illumination).
I used to have satellite pics as my active desktop – but frankly, it was too depressing – always makes me think of humans as deadly cancer, etc…
Put the image onscreen as large as you can. Then do <shift>+<PrintScreen> to capture, then open your graphics software, create a blank image file, and paste the image.
Tweak as necessary then save.
I got to the print window, but couldn’t grab the image out of the printer feature… there didn’t seem to be a way to save from there…
Who is your most hated TV personality???
My answer – most of CNN. I particularly despise Carol Costello, Kitty Pilgrim, and Lou Dobbs…. each of them causes me to lose my freakin’ mind, and resort to angry cursing and ranting at the TV….
What is this thing you call TV?
Proudly television free.
Oh, I so struggle with that… I don’t actually have a TV.. just a TV tuner card in my computer… I want to be TV free (propaganda free) but just can’t seem to do it… I leave a window open with TV, beside cspan, beside other windows, etc… I just can’t kick the habit entirely…
well lets see.. lots of activity here tonight. looks like a good party. not too rowdy though. oh well, best be putting the chairs up on the tables and getting busy. it’s almost sunrise.