In his just-posted diary — “Dateline: 1998: Biowarfare Scientist Versus Judy Miller” — JPol investigates a 1998 article co-authored by Judith Miller that “sought to document Saddam Hussein’s ongoing WMD program.”
It was Miller, more than any other reporter, who helped the White House sell its WMD-in-Iraq hokum to the American public. Relying on the repeatedly discredited Ahmad Chalabi and her carefully cultivated administration contacts, Miller wrote story after story on the supposedly imminent threat posed by Saddam Hussein.
Only problem: Her scoops relied on information provided by the very folks who were also cooking the books. But because Miller hid behind confidential sources most of the time, there was little her readers could use to evaluate their credibility. You know: “a high-level official with access to classified data.” Ultimately, even the Times’ “public editor” conceded the paper’s coverage of Iraq had often consisted of “breathless stories built on unsubstantiated ‘revelations’ that, in many instances, were the anonymity-cloaked assertions of people with vested interests.”
Here is how CNN puts it in a context that minimalizes the fact that the information was deliberately leaked as retaliation for Wilson’s refusal to help Bush “fix the facts around the policy” and as a shot across the bow warning other CIA operatives that if they didn’t cooperate with Bush’s agenda they themselves and/or vulnerable family members would suffer.
July 6
Nearly three months after the fall of Baghdad, former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson writes in The New York Times that he investigated the Niger uranium report for the CIA in 2002 and found it “highly doubtful” such a transaction could have occurred
in my honest opinion, she is to be pitied. She has lots to explain. I feel what goes around, comes around. I am ashamed for her for being the person she has become. As an American, I hold her responsible for many lies she pushed for this administration.
Sometimes the L.A. Times comes through for us!
The Judy Miller Media Hug-Fest
by Rosa Brooks
Only problem: Her scoops relied on information provided by the very folks who were also cooking the books. But because Miller hid behind confidential sources most of the time, there was little her readers could use to evaluate their credibility. You know: “a high-level official with access to classified data.” Ultimately, even the Times’ “public editor” conceded the paper’s coverage of Iraq had often consisted of “breathless stories built on unsubstantiated ‘revelations’ that, in many instances, were the anonymity-cloaked assertions of people with vested interests.”
Excellent! And Judy helped stir the pot.
Here is how CNN puts it in a context that minimalizes the fact that the information was deliberately leaked as retaliation for Wilson’s refusal to help Bush “fix the facts around the policy” and as a shot across the bow warning other CIA operatives that if they didn’t cooperate with Bush’s agenda they themselves and/or vulnerable family members would suffer.
click on CIA leak timeline
Nearly three months after the fall of Baghdad, former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson writes in The New York Times that he investigated the Niger uranium report for the CIA in 2002 and found it “highly doubtful” such a transaction could have occurred
in my honest opinion, she is to be pitied. She has lots to explain. I feel what goes around, comes around. I am ashamed for her for being the person she has become. As an American, I hold her responsible for many lies she pushed for this administration.