So, what’s gonna happen? What did happen? Put on your tin foil hat, adjust your aura, and tell us what you think.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
That bastard shot Vince Foster in the head.
And he had Bill Clinton’s black baby.
mean he stole Clinton’s sperm? Off the dress?
Bush and Cheney walk away legally unscathed but the government is a mess until Democrats take over in 2008.
I think you’ve nailed it.
Unless they cut one helluva deal, avoiding much darker truths from coming out, I don’t suddenly see a rush of ethics/morality/loyalty coming out of Rove, and by extension Scooter — even if it meant “saving the legacy”.
I think Rove is too stubborn, believes he’s too infallible, and perhaps most vulnerable because he truly has never been held accountable before.
The government is a mess until long after 2008, unfortunately.
See, this is why I kept my guns after the we kicked the shit out of the commies…because you never know when the zombies and mutants are going to attack. And Karl Rove is a mutant if I ever saw one!
if Rove is the mutant does that make Bush the Zombie?
Bush was riding his bike in Scotland when he was told that Cooper is going to rat, and he lost control and slammed into a police officer. Scraped knees and such.
our bood abides got a “photo” of that!
Boy-King should not be allowed on a bike.
to eat pretzels.
or get out of bed ever again or open his lying mouth.
JINX! I’ll erase my story about it … oh god. It’s too funny.
Only works if his brain was scrambled by overwhelming overload of “Who’s Cooper?” … I don’t think this is the most multitasking of Presidents.
Why is he always off riding his bike when important things are happening?
Did anyone catch a shot of him blowing out the candles on his birthday cake? He almost fell over backwards.
Hmmm…I see a trend here today…is it the clean Scottish air or has he had too much haggis?
“too much”… haggis
I think it’s less the haggis than what one washes it down with….
Too much Guinness or Glenlivet.
I’d drink to that, but I don’t drink. 🙂
just goes to show that it’s dangerous for a sociopath to try to pedal and chew on a pretzel at the same time.
Didn’t he have the sense to ring his bell at the officer. He must have at least heard the cards in his spokes! Brrmmmm Brrmmm
He forgot to turn off his back-o-prompter, and the Cooper message came through while he was trying to change gears. I wonder if he bit his tongue, wiping out while concentratin’ and all…
Rove, Scottie Boy, Bush, Cheney, Bolton, Rumsfeld, Condiliar, et al will go to jail, they will finally do a recount in Ohio and Kerry will be president right after I win the lottery.
Sadly this can’t happen until after next February when the Detroit Lions win the Superbowl…
Which will only happen after the “Miracle” Cubs come charging back from behind to win the World Series this year.
cough. . .Vikings. . .cough
Yes, I know. Allow me to say it first . . . choke. . .
Genetically engineered pretzels!
Go here to get the embedded links in this story:
All this comes on the heels of events that transpired over the weekend, as two different individuals, journalist Michael Isikoff and political commentator Lawrence O’Donnell, both claimed that Karl Rove might have been responsible for leaking the identity of an undercover CIA officer’s identity to Matt Cooper of Time magazine. Isikoff claims that Cooper talked to Rove during the period that Valerie Plame’s identity was leaked, but there is still no proof that Rove was the culprit. As Isikoff of Newsweek wrote on July 3:
“The e-mails surrendered by Time Inc., which are largely between Cooper and his editors, show that one of Cooper’s sources was White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove, according to two lawyers who asked not to be identified because they are representing witnesses sympathetic to the White House. Cooper and a Time spokeswoman declined to comment. But in an interview with Newsweek, Rove’s lawyer, Robert Luskin, confirmed that Rove had been interviewed by Cooper for the article.”
If it turns out that Rove did leak Plame’s identity to Cooper, it still does not necessarily mean that he was also Robert Novak’s inside guy, although it surely raises suspicion. The indictment, as I am told, will most likely be of felony weight. In fact, Karl Rove may be accused of perjury, as Bush’s top strategist told a grand jury that he was not responsible for leaking Plame’s identity to Time.
So the charge may not be for leaking top-secret information to the press, but for perjuring himself.
Sources also all say that this indictment is likely to come down either late this week or early next week. Of course Rove’s lawyer denies that his client ever “knowingly” handed over classified information to the media, or is the “target” of any investigation. Perhaps Rove “unknowingly” leaked the information, and he’s the “subject” rather than a “target” of an investigation. Time will tell.
Apparently, I’m not the only one who has been leaked this information either. Over at Redstate, a right-wing Internet blog, one member who calls himself “Ohsure”, also claims that “[four] Great sources confirmed” the matter, and later added: “I not only don’t do this, I have never done this. But here it is; `Karl Rove will be indicted late this, or early next week.’ I’m trusting a source. So either I am made a [sic] into an overzealous horses a**, or…, I have good sources and may be more trusted to get these things right.”
Joshua Frank is author of the highly anticipated new book Left Out! How Liberals Helped Reelect George W. Bush, which has just been released by Common Courage Press. You can order a copy or two for a discounted rate at:
NORMA — of course — sent this to me.
Don’t know what to make of this! Maybe justice does still work sometimes in this country. I can’t imagine Rove taking the fall voluntarily. Maybe he’s found out that he has an incurable diesase. Maybe he will take the fall because he’s got nothing to lose anyway, and it means even darker BushCo secrets can be kept.
Maybe J. Gannon/Guckert has some blackmail photos and they are giving old Karl the option to go down as the traiterous leaker, or else threaten to expose him as a homophobic gay man with a penchant for military style boy toys, and in his screwed up way, he chose the former.
I keep thinking is all it will take is one damn crack, just one, for the floodgates to open. Let the water come rushing in!
Someone in blogland (I don’t remember who) was saying recently that Rove will take the fall for perjury but avoid the Treason charge he deserves, the one that would truly be a deadly blow to the Bushco, rather than (potentially) spinnable as just another ho-hum scandal.
I see so many signs of a collapse, and I really, really want to believe.
But watching this Admin fight on feels kinda like the last reel of a Halloween style slasher pic (or the last hours of Rasputin):
Stabbed him, safe at last!
Is he dead?
…(cue creepy music)
Shit!, he’s getting back up.
Smash him over the head!
Toss him out the window!
Is he dead?
Has to be…a fall like that and everything.
Wait a minute…where’s the body?
Shit! he’s gone! Are all the doors and windows locked?!?!?!
What do we need here, a silver bullet, wooden stake?
What was the magic solution in that movie about the power-mad psychopaths who had taken control of the most powerful country in the world?
Wait a minute…you mean it’s REAL?? And we’re [tiny voice:] inside it? and nobody knows how to stop them because there’s no script? We all just have to write our own lines? And hope for the best?[/tiny voice]
Okay, here’s my script:
The bad guys are brought down by a force they scorn and little comprehend: genuine moral authority.
In short supply in the waning years of the old republic, Moral Authority was painstakingly gathered, and nurtured, and propagated by thousands, then tens of thousands, and in the end millions of Americans, until it became a force far beyond the ken of the psychopathic brain, virtually unstoppable. It generated a blinding light that could be seen around the world, and a roaring yet strangely musical sound, — as of many diverse voices and chorales singing countless melodies — a sound that could be heard in the deepest cave and prison cell.
And, thus, in the sequel (Term II: The Unraveling) the United States repudiates the Neocon regime and re-stakes its claim: to seek to live up to, and occasionally to transcend, the best of its heritage and ideals.
Roll credits.
Ah, that feels better.
‘What do we need here, a silver bullet, wooden stake?’
naw, we’ll just take a flashlight with us.:)
From Nancy over at TPMCafe
The Redstate Link
What is interesting is that they have not said one word since this Saturday over at Redstate.
It’s for real, they just didn’t expect this tonight, who did? While Lawrence O’Donnel revealed the source he was obviously irritated with the entire process of journalist being compromised and just “went off” and spilled the beans, in a manner that had the whole table falling out of their chairs.
Robert Novak, Matthew Cooper and Judith Miller will back up the claim along with Lawrence O’Donnel. O’Donnel is being Subpenaed as we speak.
Supposedly it will be tomorrow that either Biden or Reid will call for a Grand Jury investigation into the allegations made. So, it seems somebody has taken it seriously.
As of 4:51 this fine Saturday morning, well at least that’s when I got the phone call, I hear that Bolton is mentioned in the draft for “Grand Jury Review” to be subpenaed to provide testimony under oath about the leak.
explained to me a few minutes ago that Cheney and or Scooter Libby or both will be asked to testify before a Grand Jury about the leak. Supposedly one or both of them has been implicated by more than 3 people.
More to come.
I have been informed that the announcement could come either within the hour or Tuesday morning for maximum effect. Apparently viewership is being considered because of the 4th.
The strangest thing I’ve heard so far, is that Fitzgerald had, prior to last night already moved the investigation from finding an actual source to indictment on perjury, this is nothing new.
But, a new name has surfaced this morning that, supposedly will be included for additonal subpena and questioning, and that name is Cheney.
I not only don’t do this, I have never done this.
But here it is;
“Karl Rove will be indicted late this, or early next week.”
I’m trusting a source. So either I am made a into an overzealous horses a**, or…, I have good sources and may be more trusted to get these things right.
that may never be fully explained:
There’s a whole lot of secrets in this most secretive of administrations. I find it to be NO coincidence when Rove comes out and let’s say throws his foot under the bus (perhaps even ending up with perjury charge — if he lets that happen, I think the truth is far worse.) Everything is planned in this organization.
to the effect that the Republicans are a political party.
Jeebus, look where that’s gotten us!
Who knows if this will be my theme song for the rest of the of the time this fucking administration is in office…….I can always hope though that this song will fit the occasion from here on out.
In the Air Tonight
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord
I’ve been waiting for this moment, all my life, Oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
I’ve seen your face before my friend
But I don’t know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you’ve been
It’s all been a pack of lies
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord
I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
And I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well I remember, I remember don’t worry
How could I ever forget, it’s the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no you don’t fool me
The hurt doesn’t show; but the pain still grows
It’s no stranger to you or me
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord…
Here is my tinfoil hat theory. Well, just one of them. I usually come up with a new one everyday.
Bush and Cheney used people to act like journalists to push their message. Judith Miller was in charge of Weapons of Mass Destruction and wrote articles on chemical and bio attacks to scare the American Public.
Jeff Gannon was hired to throw softballs at the White House Press Conferences/Gaggles, etc. He was also used to feed information to the press even outside the White House. Since he is into watersports, I like to call it trickle down propaganda.
(so far, this is not tinfoil hattish) Tin Foil hat now placed on.
Judith Miller got “caught” near the beginning of the Plame investigation when most of the reporters testified that they got their information from Judith Miller and/or Gannon.
When it was discovered by SusanG/ePluribus Media and Atrios that Gannon was a male hooker who prostituted himself on gay websites, the press went silent and sat in shock because they realized that they had been had by a flake and an expensive cock sucker for the the last three years.
warm fuzzy endorphins. Hanging out with a bunch of endorphin killers right now!
He’ll be doing this all the way to jail… sorry, couldn’t help it.
The media demanded a Special Prosecutor to thoroughly investigate the alleged outing of a covert agent by someone at the White House, but are now unhappy with the results. Americans shouldn’t be too concerned about Matt and Judy; I hear the food is great at Guantanamo Bay.
I just about puked reading that. That is the most grotesque thing I have read about all this from another “reporter”. I know that Gannon doesn’t consider himself above the law now, just under the current sheriff (and he claims to be “on top”). He wrote something that implies that Cooper and Miller would have good food at Gitmo. I always thought that this boy was doing Scotty or Rove or both. Is he just a scorned lover now wanting the one who rejected him to SUFFER AS HE HAS? He’s definatly a mad bitch of some sort!
Two takes: One serious. one not. Serious First: There will be indictments, it appears Rove and Scooter are teh fall guys but it’s not good that reporters are less able to shield sources. That’s bad for freedom. Bush just said, “I’m loyal to my friends.” We’ll see just how loyal.
And now for another POV. Let’s review the case file. Gannon is bald, Rove is bald, Cooper is bald, Miller’s hair is thinning. Georgie boy likes to rub bald heads. Coincidence?
This just keeps getting more interesting all the time.
Somebodies are going after the Bush administration and I’m wondering if it isn’t the upper echelons of the Federal Bureaucracy, the military, CIA, and members of both parties. About 3 months ago I read, on the internet (so take with salt), a cabal was getting together an attack against the Bush administration. I was rather snarky about the whole thing but …
Since then the DeLay machine has been under attack. The K-Street bandits have been under attack. And now Rove?
If Rove goes the Bush administration is finished. Bush may, or may not, be brought to trial but it really doesn’t matter as he will be the lamest of lame ducks. I don’t think Bush has the savvy to run a hot dog stand much less the Executive Branch. With Rove gone a power vacuum will exist at the top but I’m not familiar enough with the second-tier team to say who can take over if there is anyone who can take over.
All of this really started coming down ’round about when Wolfowitz split for the World Bank. Coincidence? Was he getting out of Dodge? Was it a determining factor? I have no idea.
Meanwhile, Bush has to get it together to nominate a Supreme Court judge that can get by the Senate without splitting the GOP.
Awful lot of stuff going down.
Wolfowitz went to the World Band because his position gives him oversight into the organization that replaced the Oil for Food Program, and therefore he gets to control the investigation into the BILLIONS in missing cash. Neat little conflict of interest there, huh?
is the back-up brain.
Pardon me while I laugh uncontrollably. Without Rove, Bush is nothing, nada, zilch, a hollow suit. Bush will fight for his Brain to the photo-finish. He will fight until the whole house of cards come fluttering down before giving up his knave.
he’ll be in a persistent vegetative state. Cheney will still pull the strings, but the media manipulation master would be gone, and the machinations of the white house would be visible for once.
With Rove out of the picture, we’d have a much better shot at legit elections in 06. No one has ever played dirtier than karl.
where a few of the reporters asked real questions?
He was defensive red faced and incoherent, and lookedappalled that anyone could ask him about his shifting justifications for iraq or his sagging poll numbers.
i could only stand a couple of minutes.
what an embarrassment, and then he goes and wrecks his bike into a bobby. sheesh.
What i noticed about that was the weird smile he had plastered on his face the whole time. It is as if he has been getting lessons in how to avoid smirking, frowning or looking otherwise hostile. It was very creepy.
Well, I’ve removed my tinfoil hat, as it interferes with reception, and have received the following from the mothership. It will be revealed that Rove is Jeff Gannon’s special friend on the inside, and is actually part of a ring of closeted gay men, who throw wild orgies, where they discuss policy. Gannon proved himself tremendously adept at a number of things that cannot be discussed on a PG website, and at being a genuine media whore. He was greased into the press room, so that he could act as a backdoor for Rove’s input. Gannon, believing himself a patriot, has no idea that he is actually serving the Reptiilian overlords and the Illuminati. (Okay. I cribbed that last bit from David Icke, but the rest of absolutely came from a mothership I know and trust. I just can’t tell you what star system they are from, because I have to protect my source.)
Greased into the press room with vasoline?
I’m more inclined to say KY.
You know, if Rove does get indicted I wonder if some of the rabid wingnuts will start to suggest that Rove’s a big queer and push the Gannon story as a way of discrediting Rove while protecting W.
If Rove is shown to be the one who leaded Plame’s name, who told him? My money’s still on Bolton and the NSA intercepts, which brings Cheney into the picture, and I want to know lots more about them, Mr. Fitz.
From Atrios –>
Judy Judy Judy
Still proved fucking right!
“I have chronicled the dark side of the world, where the law is an arbitrary foil that serves the powerful,” she said in court, Washington Post staff writer Carol Leonnig reported. “I also know that the freest and fairest societies are . . . those with a free press . . . publishing information the government does not want to reveal,” Miller said.
um, Judy, I’ll let your little Iraq comment go for the moment. The issue here is that you were being used by the government to publish information they wanted you to publish (which you didn’t, though what else you did with the info we do not know) in order to destroy enemies of the government. That’s, uh, not really what “freest and fairest” societies are about.
What a load of tripe. She needs to get over herself. She’s not a whistle-blower–as much as I disagree with her jailing on principle–she’s aided and abetted a greedy, immoral pack of liars.
She just needs to climb down from that cross and stop acting like she’s a martyr for the press. She should also leave the acting job to professionals.
when you empower government against the nation!
The hubris of the Bush admin.
I feel like we’re experiencing “Dirty Tricks Administration” deja-vous all over again. Where’s Tricky Dick? Is he chuckling from above, or has he inhabited several bodies now occupying the White House?
you know folks, I want all that is responsible for this dog and pony show to be held responsible.
I have been thinking about this all day long since Booman’s early morning diary. Yes rove is a person of which is complicit in all this show, but you know, who ever it was that told Novack in the first place needs to be the one they go after(and it might be rove) and also Novack himself. He had a choice to report this or not. He choose to break the 1982 law and he must be held responsible! He had the choice and he choose the wrong one. He should have kept his mouth shut.
I asked about that on last night’s thread. Nobody seems to have an answer as to why Novak
has gone unscathed through all this. What’s up legally, or otherwise with that?
I personally would love an answer to that question. It has bugged me for a very long time.
Yes, I don’t understand how Novak is not being indicted himself. Are the standards for outing a covert agent different if the person doing it is a reporter? Are reporters protected for this? He was the one who broke the story, right? So why not him. Not that I’m not glad the investigators are not also looking further afield, but if outing an agent is illegal, and Novak did it — evidence: his public column — then why is he walking around free?
I do not think the standards are that they are above the law, ever. This is why I question the ethics of Novack. Appearently he has none what-so-ever.
source is from a different government?
Well, not her roomie. But he’s in the same “facility”.
:o) how sweet it would be tho…
My take:
Karl Rove has always had a strong “affection” for “jounalist” Jeff Gannon. During their “meetings” in the White House, Rove was jealous that Bush always got first “crack” at Jeff Gannon while he had to wait his turn. Thereafter, Rove concocted a plot for revenge involving bringing down the Bush administration by leaking Plame’s name as a CIA operative. (Wilson’s involvement was merely a lucky coincidence.)
Rove will utimately be found guilty of obstructing the investigation. He will be sentenced to 3 years in a cell with Martha Stewart and Lil Kim. For that period he will endure endless catering tips and loud music.
Upon his release he will be shunned by all but will ultimately find peace serving at the local DMV rejecting all license applications not written in green ink.