Update [2005-7-6 20:1:45 by susanhu]: Keith Olbermann has the bike story! And John Dean is his guest again tonight! It’s on MSNBC now. (Reairs at 9PM PDT.)
(Earlier) Bush was speeding on his bicycle in Scotland, and collided with a policeman, falling and requiring bandaging. (Just in on CNN.)
wasn’t hurt.
I hope the PO sues!
Is this a snark? If not, what a fucking idiot…this guy is supposedly running the country and he can’t even ride a bike????
serious, he wiped out.
this is not the first time he’s done it.
I been laughing my ass off after reading this…perhaps we should start a campaign to propose a new hobby for the Preznit as biking hasn’t worked out too well for him. I’m thinking the fine art of license-plate stamping may be perfect and usefull for him.
Somebody buy him a scooter!
See all the boo boos?
Sadly bush did not run into a speeding semi truck, head on. Would have saved on the bandaging. :>(
Sorry, I have never given anything less than a 4 rating here but kidding or not, Hate Bush as we all do or not that just isn’t called for, imho. Booman is just not that kind of site.
So ETJ then decides to hit me with a 2 for calling him/her out? Grow up. You see at least I commented as to why I gave you a 2. You just rate and run. How Pathetic is that? And Just for the record, I don’t care if you give me a 0 because I know in my heart I am right on this one.
Ok…now I am really pissed you jerk. What the hell are you giving me a 1 for? This is not right.
Reread your post ??? OK to ‘hate’ in your own judgemental way, with limits as set by what standards(Yours). As the bush led administration destroys what America stands for, where is the outrage… Outrage is one thing, hate is another. In-Action, yet another. Interesting signature: “The more understanding one posesses, the less there is to say and the more there is to do.” If you are going to chant it, live by it.
Save on bandaging, seemed to be sarcasm…. My sarcasm demands more outrage, than what boy bush is doing to America. Absolutely amazing.
My sarcasm demands more outrage, than what boy bush is doing to America. Absolutely amazing.
No, believe me, if Bush posted here, we’d mega-troll rate his ass into oblivion 🙂
I do live by it every day dear. I read, I write, I email, I keep informed and engage in civil discourse. I attend meetings at the DNC, I walk precincts to get out the vote. Is that enough action for you?
My outrage meter gets broken on a daily basis and I rarely use the word hate but I hate bush but would never wish him any harm.
And they are not just my standards we are talking about here, they are the standards that,if you read the thread, 99% of users agree with.
I despise Bush too. But I just want him out of office and to be held accountable for his horrible actions.
but bood, I think your 1 rating is inappropriate…EtJ is not a troll, he just made a comment that is a little over the top.
EtJ – It was beyond what alohaleezy had to do to explain why she gave you a 2. I don’t think that giving her a 2 in return is appropriate at all. Let’s not start a ratings war, please?
I think one way of expressing displeasure is NO rating at all.
A goose egg for one’s post is a message too.
You are right, Susan, though it can also mean that nobody saw your message (admittedly not really a possibility in this case).
I had originally given a 2 to denote that I had seen it, and that I thought it was unproductive. After I decided to respond (and verbally give my thoughts), I tried to remove my 2 and change it to ‘none’ but that didn’t work. Do you know why ratings can’t be removed?
It’s cool.
The best thing is that we’re talking this out — i.e., we’re being open with each other. Healthiest way to be!
At BooMan, diaries can be unrecommended and later be recommended again. However a rating cannot be undone, you can change your opinion to a different rating.
At dKos, after a short period of time the ratings feature is not made available in a diary – after 24 or 48 hours. So later, you cannot adjust your rating, nor can you give a comment a first rating when you read the diary after time has elapsed.
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Thanks for the support folks. I just don’t want to see this site turn into a flaming, ratings bombing place such as other sites have turned into. I will protect this site with all my heart and soul from becoming a place where folks do that sort of thing. Booman’s reputation for civility is that important to me.
Do this for America: “I will protect this site(How About America) with all my heart and soul from becoming a place where folks do that sort of thing.” As America is on the Highway to Hell, some just watch in amazement.
How dare you. How do you know what I will do for America? This has nothing to do with Bush’s destruction of America. Take responsibility for your own actions. I explained myself and I didn’t even have to. All you have done is attack me. Phewt! What a waste of energy. I am done with this crap.
I explained myself in a message that got held up, had a customer walk in my store. Just posted it(delayed message). The bush administration is bringing a street fight to America, and Americans are still trying to show proper etiquette in how they fight. Pappy taught me to toss the rules out when it comes to a street fight. Fortunately never been in a street fight, not much of a fighter. The bush administration has tossed all rules out the window. So why are Americans so considerate about the rules? Adrenaline is cooking, time to wrap up the day, and head out for the garden, or to the pub to do some dancing; or both. Rating wars are a waste of time)agreed), no reason for people basically on the same side, to be squabbling.
Save on bandaging, sarcasm….. Oh well,. it was taken as over the top… Still more outrage about my comment, than bush destroying America. Go figure ?!??!?!?
A planting, a bit or watering, a whole of of dancing I must go.
No more squabbles, no more rating wars for EtJ
because I have a wicked sense of humor IF you will change your ratings on aloha’s comments. Then, we can all be friends and not be reduced to this kind of silly rating revenge game. She down-rated you; that’s her opinion of your comment and she’s entitled to it. And, she gave you the consideration of an explanation.
Accept the fact that some people are made uneasy by the suggestion that our POTUS should suffer lethal karmic consequences for his actions. Most of us would prefer him to live a looooong life behind bars instead of taking a swift exit to his next life — as a snail.
bood abides got a picture of this!
Hey, you took my comment…Bood…let’s have that pic!! LOL
by the time I can get around to it…
Yeah well, I am working too and you don’t hear me whing…lol!
think you can come up with a photo of Rove with a Target logo on his backside? (In honor of the Plame Grand Jury investigation…)
Click to enlarge
Assaulting a police officer?
Darcy ( daughter) says that the policeman has an ankle injury!
Does anyone have a link? I can’t find it on CNN or BBC.
Here’s one.
Sorry to go off topic –
Sandblaster, I never got your email so I could mail those science magazines to you for your daughter.
OK everyone, back to your bicycle snarkiness ;-D
I have an email ready and tried to send it. Let me know if it doesn’t make it, because you address doesn’t look valid to my Mac.
Here’s mine:
I’m thrilled and appreciative.
Let there have been a photographer along!
I bet he has healthcare..
George speaks to stay the course, doesn’t deviate!
Sometimes you hit an obstacle.
Dutch Distraction for George:
“Dear Laura, I thought Jan Peter whispered destruction”.
SORRY – pretty naked – but it’s truthful Dutch TV commercial for a Tiscali portal http://www.mountainbike.pagina.nl
Click on Jan Peter at your own risk!
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Anyone up for “Bush Mountain Biking Puppet Theater”?
He’ll do it brilliantly…. in his darling falsetto.
Work on that ‘bood abides’ !
Solemn note to this. On that day that Bush was riding
around Crawford on his bike, 114 people were killed in Iraq.
That’s an interesting picture. Aside from how disconcerting it is to see the “most powerful man in the world” riding a child’s toy, note the wide-open spaces around him (as well as the American flag as a prop–how tacky).
Perhaps Georgie had to take up bike riding because there’s no more brush left to clear on the ranchette.
Two minutes before the latest bike accident.
Oh thank you nag! After this thread I needed a good laugh. I laughed so loud I scared my grandaughter who is visiting today with me.
Run!…Run for your lives…Feckless Leaders coming, and he’s on his bike! Who’s responsible for making sure this clown’s taking his meds?…cause he’s obviously Off-’em…whaaat annnnnnn asssssssss!
Check this story out:
Think the reporter dislikes the chimp?
Checked out your link, listing all of his falls, did anyone see reports last summer that he may have had seizures or a stroke and may be having mini seizures. I think this is something to consider that in addition to being incompetent + he may be suffering from a medical condition.
Can he do nothing right on his own? Does he need help at the potty, too?
a breathalizer test and take away that bike. Give him training wheels or tricycle.