They have visable sclera, i.e. they have a visable area white around their irises.
Some other dogs have a bit of white showing, like Blue Healers, and some mutts or dogs with drooping lids do as well, but only Pyreneans have such “human” eyes.
Even other great apes don’t show as much white in their eyes as Pyrs do.
It’s amazing to me the number of people who comment on my dog’s eyes: how kind, gentle, intellegent, etc. they seem. Some people will even point out that her expression seems so “human.” And to a one, they are surprised to hear that it’s the obvious whites (augmented by the “stylish eyeliner”) that make them look that way – they never make the connection until I make it for them.
I lived with a Bichon Frise for a while (my ex-girlfriend’s mother’s dog) and fell in love with him.
Hey, you guys at this diary aren’t anti-cat, are you? I understand that certain “other” sites go overboard on the cat pics, but I wouldn’t feel right posting the cute pics of my sister’s dog if you were against my beloved “Pepper.”
is it the black lips? the drool? the stylish eyeliner? The fact that they’re easy keepers, like corgis, who eat far less than you’d expect? that unlike other large breeds, pyrs can live up to 14-16 years?
btw, the double-dewclaw trait is shared by the Briard.
anyway, speaking of corgis… lol….
Here are Dylan and Miss Lily
Dylan’s so handsome…
And so dignified, too.
Lily, of course, thinks the whole thing is hilarious.
Though she has her own ways of being silly.
They do love each other, though.
Just for fun, who’s got turkeys in the yard? I do.
We have turkeys, rabbits, deer, groundhogs, chipmunks, and squirrels who all frequent our yard, to say nothing of the smaller birds, including at least 3 types of woodpecker who will come in for suet but not for seed. If it didn’t melt, I’d leave suet out all year.
The “stylish eyeliner” answer is heading in the right direction.
Yes, they are easy keepers, and are reputed to have the lowest metabolism of all dogs. And yes, they do live the longest on average of the large breads.
“btw, the double-dewclaw trait is shared by the Briard.”
Bernese Mountain Dogs also have occassionally them, because they, like the Briard and most other large European dogs descend from Pyrs. Do they leave them on Briards? As far as I know Pyreneans are the only breed to not have them surgically removed for showing.
Lundehunds (Norwegian Puffin Dogs) have double dew claws front and back.
Any relation to a chow? Obviously I’m gonna have to get to work on learnin’ this photo-posting so y’all can be dazzled by my beautiful Catahoula hound-dog Stella. I love these animal diaries, they are great – thanks!
Luna has three black spots on her tongue, and another of my Pyrs, Bart, had a tongue that was black in the back.
They are in fact “pinto” all over. Their skin, including gums and the inside of their mouths, is patched black and white. Even where the hair is pure white, the skin may be either black or white underneath.
I live out in the woods so we have wild turkeys in large numbers on a regular basis, much to the dogs’ delight as they think turkeys are great for chasing.
Scared up a tree by the dogs
We hear owls all the time but rarely see them. This one was especially unusual in that it showed up at the house in the day tme and then stayed around for about 30 minutes.
Summer is the time when our Two Totos get itchy skin.
We were surprised that the response persisted when we moved out of Ohio to much cooler Puget Sound. It’s not fleas or ticks, but I suppose it could be some kind of tiny critter. We mainly suspect irritation from grass.
We treat spots with cortisone cream, but at some point if we can’t knock it down, it becomes tea time.
We make up a big pot of strong black tea, stand our victim in the tub, spray the tea and work it through the coats down onto the skin. Mrs. Gooserock learned this from some dog forum or other, and it really seems to help them.
Fortunately our boys are already black, so we don’t have to worry about ending up with Two Tie-Died Totos!
Please come on over to the Bradblog Blogathon this weekend. I am giving a puppy to Clint Curtis to replace his German Shepherd that was oddly found shot when he testified in D.C. They have a naming contest going on for the puppy who should be arriving in Clint’s home around Christmas time. He has requested a pup that has a black saddle and that likes to retrieve (his other shepherd was a great lover of retrieving). At around 7 wks the pups who love to retrieve and do it without much training – just a little coaxing – seem to be lovers of retrievering in their adult years.
Well Dem, I just checked the “world clock” and it appears to be Thursday, July 7th,5:30pm in Los Angeles (it’s 10:30am, Friday, July 8th here in Tasmania). So, it’s probably fair to say that everyone who had an answer has given it.
I confess to 7-7 as my birthday.
But only info you get is my badge number and time interval of birth:
a booming baby born after the end of WWII in Europe and …
I look forward to your posts about dogs. I’m and animal lover and I so enjoy what you can show us.
Any opportunity to show off “the kids.”
Albert, in his younger, more relaxed, days. Not that he’s stressed now – he just doesn’t sleep upside down anymore, now that he’s all growed-up.
This is a great photo!
That’s one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.
He us so cute
…and I know that feeling….kerplop and out for the count!
beer and pizza around here.
Here’s a big hint as to the second unique Pyrenean trait.
I know! I know! I know! I even knew before you put the picture up!!! Double dew claws. . heh!
You get the beer, but for the pizza name the other physical trait unique to Pyrs (hint a few other dogs have this trait, but not too the same degree).
Look deeply into her eyes, and tell me what’s different from other breeds of dog.

They have visable sclera, i.e. they have a visable area white around their irises.
Some other dogs have a bit of white showing, like Blue Healers, and some mutts or dogs with drooping lids do as well, but only Pyreneans have such “human” eyes.
Even other great apes don’t show as much white in their eyes as Pyrs do.
It’s amazing to me the number of people who comment on my dog’s eyes: how kind, gentle, intellegent, etc. they seem. Some people will even point out that her expression seems so “human.” And to a one, they are surprised to hear that it’s the obvious whites (augmented by the “stylish eyeliner”) that make them look that way – they never make the connection until I make it for them.
Anyway, now you know.
very cool. i was totally stumped earlier.
“they have a visible area of white around their irises”
I did mention that I’m dyslexic, didn’t I?
… since they would never hold still enough for that picture to be taken.
Albert, and his new friend Henry, warming themselves infront of the wood stove.
I have heard that they can be. Yours look like they must be.
Albert, yes. Henry still poops-as-he-goes, but he’ll grow out of it (and use the litter box).
Most rabbits will pee in a litter box without much training. It’s the pooping that takes them longer to figure out. At least they’re dry poops.
here’s another pic of my compadre:
Good to see him again.
He’s been gone since March 12, and I miss him very much.
Loving any animal takes courage, as we will undoubtedly outlive them, and suffer for their loss.
Here’s to those of us with that courage, and the animals that inspired our daring.
Digby certainly was nimble-footed to get up there (or did he have help?).
One of his nicknames was Digby the Circus Dog, but he wasn’t that nimble!
He’d do anything (and stay anywhere) for his dad, though.
I lived with a Bichon Frise for a while (my ex-girlfriend’s mother’s dog) and fell in love with him.
Hey, you guys at this diary aren’t anti-cat, are you? I understand that certain “other” sites go overboard on the cat pics, but I wouldn’t feel right posting the cute pics of my sister’s dog if you were against my beloved “Pepper.”
But cats do seem to be given a preference on so many other sites that I thought dogs, and other critters, deserved equal treatment.
I feel terrible! I didn’t know that Digby was no longer with you when I joked about him last night. So sorry. <<<hides face>>>>
I’m sorry, I just saw this message, don’t worry about it at all! I thought it was funny enough that I shared it with the family, really.
Phew! I’m glad you could laugh about it. I had to put my little cat Zoe to sleep last year and I still get sad when I see her picture.
I know what you mean, I pet his pictures when I see them. This one, though makes me smile.
We have lots of these on our property.
And boy, do we amuse them (just try doing something stupid around here without one of these jokers laughing at you).
Okay – I’ll surf for other critter pictures this weekend….for now this is as close I get to non-cat blogging….
is it the black lips? the drool? the stylish eyeliner? The fact that they’re easy keepers, like corgis, who eat far less than you’d expect? that unlike other large breeds, pyrs can live up to 14-16 years?
btw, the double-dewclaw trait is shared by the Briard.
anyway, speaking of corgis… lol….
Here are Dylan and Miss Lily

Dylan’s so handsome…

And so dignified, too.
Lily, of course, thinks the whole thing is hilarious.

Though she has her own ways of being silly.

They do love each other, though.

Just for fun, who’s got turkeys in the yard? I do.

I live near a wooded area in the suburbs and have had to brake for racoons, skunks and deer. Last night there was a wild turkey cruising my street.
After I hit the brakes I sat there dumbfounded! Wild turkeys in Marin….what will the neighbors say???
We have turkeys, rabbits, deer, groundhogs, chipmunks, and squirrels who all frequent our yard, to say nothing of the smaller birds, including at least 3 types of woodpecker who will come in for suet but not for seed. If it didn’t melt, I’d leave suet out all year.
The “stylish eyeliner” answer is heading in the right direction.
Yes, they are easy keepers, and are reputed to have the lowest metabolism of all dogs. And yes, they do live the longest on average of the large breads.
“btw, the double-dewclaw trait is shared by the Briard.”
Bernese Mountain Dogs also have occassionally them, because they, like the Briard and most other large European dogs descend from Pyrs. Do they leave them on Briards? As far as I know Pyreneans are the only breed to not have them surgically removed for showing.
Lundehunds (Norwegian Puffin Dogs) have double dew claws front and back.
Any relation to a chow? Obviously I’m gonna have to get to work on learnin’ this photo-posting so y’all can be dazzled by my beautiful Catahoula hound-dog Stella. I love these animal diaries, they are great – thanks!
Luna has three black spots on her tongue, and another of my Pyrs, Bart, had a tongue that was black in the back.
They are in fact “pinto” all over. Their skin, including gums and the inside of their mouths, is patched black and white. Even where the hair is pure white, the skin may be either black or white underneath.
I’d love to se Stella.
I live out in the woods so we have wild turkeys in large numbers on a regular basis, much to the dogs’ delight as they think turkeys are great for chasing.
Scared up a tree by the dogs
We hear owls all the time but rarely see them. This one was especially unusual in that it showed up at the house in the day tme and then stayed around for about 30 minutes.
barred owl
This is my lovebird, Bitey. Forgive the mass of furriness to the left of the picture…I could not remove it. Hope it does not offend! Meow. š
“I call the big one ‘Bitey.'”
So Bitey is an actual documented name? We thought we made it up because, well….OUCH!
it’s a Simpsons quote. From “Marge vs. the Monorail.”
I need to get out more…
This is our pet squirrel. We don’t know his actual name, but we affectionately call him: “Get-your-freaking-paws-off-the-birdfeeder!”
It is exactly because of this kind of behavior that I now have sunflowers where my birdfeeder USED to be.
My little friend was known as “damn-it-not-again”
The sunflowers ARE pretty though š
Summer is the time when our Two Totos get itchy skin.
We were surprised that the response persisted when we moved out of Ohio to much cooler Puget Sound. It’s not fleas or ticks, but I suppose it could be some kind of tiny critter. We mainly suspect irritation from grass.
We treat spots with cortisone cream, but at some point if we can’t knock it down, it becomes tea time.
We make up a big pot of strong black tea, stand our victim in the tub, spray the tea and work it through the coats down onto the skin. Mrs. Gooserock learned this from some dog forum or other, and it really seems to help them.
Fortunately our boys are already black, so we don’t have to worry about ending up with Two Tie-Died Totos!
Please come on over to the Bradblog Blogathon this weekend. I am giving a puppy to Clint Curtis to replace his German Shepherd that was oddly found shot when he testified in D.C. They have a naming contest going on for the puppy who should be arriving in Clint’s home around Christmas time. He has requested a pup that has a black saddle and that likes to retrieve (his other shepherd was a great lover of retrieving). At around 7 wks the pups who love to retrieve and do it without much training – just a little coaxing – seem to be lovers of retrievering in their adult years.
Tracy, what a wonderful thing to do. Do you raise GSD’s?
Okay, maybe I was wrong about getting the picture of the dew claws because I just snuck up on the dogs and caught their current activities:
Hopeful is sleeping in the heat (and wishing it was hotter).
Giddy is keeping cool (and wondering why a malamutt doesn’t live in Alaska).
Sniff is snuggling up to the love of his life (and thinking that any dog who has a couch and chooses to sleep outside is a fool).
…the mane that their coat forms around their chest?
Or the way the hair on the backs of their legs feathers (on the backs of their thighs it forms “pantaloons”)?
Both obvious Pyrenean traits, but not as unique as the one I’m looking for.
Is there a time limit when you’ll collect the test papers and tell us the correct answer?
Well Dem, I just checked the “world clock” and it appears to be Thursday, July 7th,5:30pm in Los Angeles (it’s 10:30am, Friday, July 8th here in Tasmania). So, it’s probably fair to say that everyone who had an answer has given it.
Check above for the answer.
I confess to 7-7 as my birthday.
But only info you get is my badge number and time interval of birth:
a booming baby born after the end of WWII in Europe and …
before new millennium!
Sven’s sauna – darn privacy
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Happy Birthday Oui!
And whatever you do, don’t let go of that door!