CNN, MSNBC, and FOX were unbearable to listen to — the pontificating about the necessity of security restrictions and Al Qaeda. Thank god BBC America is carrying the news from its fine reporters. News conference just starting now. And, there’s BBC Radio. (Click on “Launch BBC Radio Player.” I usually choose World Service but I suspect, today, all BBC stations are carrying the news.)
Bus that exploded at Tavistock Square, per Soj, at European Tribune.
yes, it was unwatchable, I did the same thing, turned to BBC, and got the news without hyperbole.
I have some notes from the press conference. I’ll type them up in a moment.
THANKS! It’s so unusual to hear a press conference on such a grave matter that is handled fortrightly, intelligently, and thoughtfully. WIth lots of practical info for commuters as well.
8:51 Bomb @ Norwood 7 killed
8:56 Bomb missed location 21 killed
9:17 Bomb @ Edgeware 5 killed
9:47 Bomb @ Upper Junction Square -high casualties
45 critical injuries, including burns, amputations, and chest wounds
300 minor injuries, like lacerations etc.
No warning, no claims of responsibility
I’m so glad you posted that, Boo. That “no claims of responsiblity” announcement was very critical. And they’re reiterating that now.
(Of course, the U.S. stations are all saying quite the opposite, Neocon-programmed robots that they are.)
There is this off the internet.
The last bomb, on the double-decker bus, was at Woburn Place / Tavistock Place. Sounds like at least 2 killed, but can’t really be certain due to level of destruction.
They do have extensive experience in dealing with terrorist attacks in London, considering the many IRA events. They ought to be a model for how every other country reacts.
What REALLY amazes me about the British (beyond real news coverate) is the fact that EVERYONE I’ve heard interviewed said things like:
“We’ll be getting back to normal before long.”
“I’m looking forward to when things settle back down.”
“We can’t let this disrupt us, we want to go back to our lives.”
Compare that to OUR reactions to our last terror attack.
“We need to pull together.”
“We need to change our ways.”
“We need to change how we think about security.”
The mature versus the immature.
And the UK has lived through a hell of a lot of bombings, whereas its infantile playmate, the U.S., hasn’t.
True. It still amazes me how the British can stay mostly sane. I guess it’s cultural. Look at “Dr Who.” No guns, no running around like a madman. He’s just a crazy time lord with a screwdriver saving the world because he can think things through.
Two completely different events on a psychological level. Terror underground vs. terror from above. Hollywood couldn’t have devised more potent psychological terror than 9/11.
Which makes me question whether this MO “fits” the profile. I’m highly suspicious since this same group, “The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe”, also claimed responsibility for the attacks on commuter trains at Madrid, Spain in March 2004.
BBC News correspondent Mark Easton :“At King’s Cross the professionalism and control of the emergency services was impressive, and the mood was one of calm, as if they’d managed to suck the terror out of terrorism.“
I used to live in London, with my husband, who is British. We spent part of last July there with our children. Hearing of the King’s Cross bombing made me think especially of the signs they’ve put up at that station for all the children wanting to visit Harry Potter’s Platform 9 3/4. What a cowardly attack.
Londoners will persevere. It is a great city. What a terrible day.
am listening to BBC now. I can expect more and complete coverage from this site, right? They are saying that the gathering at g8 summit is the reason why it happened there. I am truly suprised that our fearless leader did not bring 9/11 into his news statement. Then again he is winging it.
Was there a drain of policemen from London for the G8 summit and associated activities like the protests? Might the bombers have counted on that?
By the way, Colman has been covering this at European Tribune for a while.
well, yes they are taking lots of variables in to mind. I think it is the policy of said countries that are getting the hairy end of this whole mess now. I heard on cnn that we are now..just now stepping up our security…NOW!!!!! I think the powers that be are nuts.
If and when they have another summit of any sort, the need to get on a island all by themselves and have the perimeter guarded by the navy and air force. Does anyone have an island for sale for this very purpose? Then again maybe we can get the powers that be out of office and see if we can get better leadership in. Forgive me I am just rambling on this am. I am so angry and………
When the G8 summit was held close to where I live in Kananaskis country in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, the security perimeters there and in Calgary were huge. There was absolutely no way anyone could get even remotely close to the visiting leaders.
I agree that they should just meet on an island or a ship or just have a damn conference call. These meetings are a huge waste of money and manpower.
seems to all be picking up the Sky News feed; British authorities on one side, live shots of the recovery efforts on the other.
Is Sky as reliable and deliberate as BBC?
Sky is owned by Rupert Murdoch and tends to be a bit less authoratitive than the BBC. It does not overtly editorialise within the news like Fox and indeed rebroadcasts the CBS evening news. They compete with BBC News 24 and try to get the information first but sometimes carries newswire feeds earlier without verifying it or making it entirely clear it is only one source.
The Met have deployed 1500 to the G8 but Brian Paddick (The Deputy Assistant Commissioner) said they could cope without drawing people back as they have enough.
The British Transport police said they did have some problems and have called people from off duty to help cope. (No-one was there from the City of London Police which is a separate very small force)
When asked about whether this was the work of “Islamic terrorists” Paddick responded:
“As far as I am concerned ‘Islamic’ and ‘terrrorism’ are two words that do not go together. There may be people who present themseves as muslims who carry our these acts but it is totally against what I understand to be the Islamic faith and what muslims generally stand for and anybody who professes to be a terrorist and somebody who believes in Islam I think is sadly mistaken.”
You might like to know that Paddick is the highest ranking openly gay policeman in the UK.
How are you coping with all of this, Londonbear? I was trying to think of Tribbers in London this morning and your name popped into my mind immediately. I hope you and yours are okay.
No problem here – I was more worried about an IRA bomb at Canary Wharf that killed people at a station I had passed through on my way home. The blast actually rattled my windows.
The disruption is bad today but the tube lines are likely to be operating later this evening for the completely unaffected ones and it looks like the structural damage has been less than a derailment or a major fault with the rolling stock. The Main line and Docklands light railway are already starting back into operation, apart from the terminals actually affected.
The local school I have links with is OK and they have arranged a late shift in case any parents are delayed. There is a lot more river traffic outside as the river buses are running a free shuttle service – that should be good news if more people decide to use them after trying them. Quite honestly the disruption is on a par with a very heavy snowstorm or “the great storm” that sent through SE England a few yers ago. Although it is the most deadly act of terrorism in the UK, the deaths and injuries are not huge and comparable to a bad train crash and far less than if a passenger aircraft went down. Since I am far more likely to be hit by a car crossing the road, once the initial shock is over and the transport system back running, I’ll be no more concerned than I was before.
If I sound blase, remember terrorism only works if they manage to terrorise you into changing your lifestyle.
Wonderful post, Londonbear. But I am most glad just to see you post… you’ve been on my mind since I woke up the news.
When asked about whether this was the work of “Islamic terrorists” Paddick responded:
“As far as I am concerned ‘Islamic’ and ‘terrrorism’ are two words that do not go together. There may be people who present themseves as muslims who carry our these acts but it is totally against what I understand to be the Islamic faith and what muslims generally stand for and anybody who professes to be a terrorist and somebody who believes in Islam I think is sadly mistaken.”
You might like to know that Paddick is the highest ranking openly gay policeman in the UK.
This man may possibly be the most awesome policeman ever.
CNN just pissed me off (what else is new?). They cut away from the press conference so Miles O’brien can blab. Thankfully, CBC TV is still covering the actual conference. What the hell is wrong with CNN??
It’s American…
I’d agree with that in principle, however, CNN has frustrated me over and over by cutting off Pentagon news conferences and WH daily briefings when there are important issues being discussed. They’re in such a rush to get their talking heads on to “analyze” the news that they almost seem to be unable to bear anyone other than CNN shills talking about events.
Same here… they’re falling over themselves saying little or nothing over and over. I dumped CNN, followed Susan’s advice and went to BBC’s Radio Service and then click on Launch BBC Radio Player… then I opted for World Service. Excellent coverage… thanks to Susan for pointing the way.
Thanks, Susan!
Here is a London blogger directory.
How many people died in that bus explosion? Terrible photo. There’s different shot of that bus at The Guardian’s photo/blog page.
They refused to give a number at the press conference. It was, as yet, undetermined.
It’s unfortunate that London doesn’t seem to have a plan to get commuters home – like providing safe, emergency bus service. Some of these people are stuck walking miles and miles just to get home.
Apart from two stations directly affected overground (“British Railways”) trains are running. The Dolcklands Light Railway is running and a free shuttle service is being run by the (limited) river bus services. The bus services are to return as soon as they have been checked for safety and some routes diverted or changed. Clearly where recovery or investigations still need the emergency services to block the roads they will have to go round the block. People have been asked to stagger going home if possible and schools are arranging to look afte children if their parents are delayed.
Total explosions are 4 – two affected trains in tunnels so incidents were reported as having occurred at both the stations they were between.
“stiff upper lip”
I wonder whether this attack was coordinated by Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr (aka Abu Omar). Wasn’t he coordinating European al Qaeda cells before he was kidnapped by the CIA in Italy? Perhaps the Italians would have been able to get information about the players and targets here if he were still under surveillance, and not kidnapped, extraordinarily rended, and released. It is probably unlikely, because he was apparently coordinating cells in Italy, but Europe is interconnected, and if there is evidence for any connection, that would be a terrible abdication of duty by the US government.