Contrary to what the press and White House spin would have you believe, there was a witness to Dubya’s accident on his birthday bike in Scotland. Also, contrary to what they would have you think, Dub was not riding on pavement, he was doing something that he shouldn’t. He lathered up with some executive privilege, and couldn’t resist going off-road with his new mountain bike on hole #12 of the exclusive Gleneagles links. He also opted not to change out of his new kilt and wasn’t wearing any safety equipment. He panicked when the added Scottish Police security detail tried to stop him, and the rest is… well… hysterical…
Follow me if you dare…
Probably not my best work, as I am kind of crapped out from working too hard… and then there was the London bombing today… but the dood abides.
You are so bad.
but it’s a good kind of bad…
My eyes. My eyes!
Well he was a cheerleader, wasn’t he?
of this fucking idiot today. Yup, good enough…saw his ass! Now he can go night night and leave me alone!
Enema of the people.
I’m not sure if the Scottish Cop was trying to stop the photographer, direct traffic, or say: “Next” (for long line of people wait’n to poke him where his brain is ; )
Looks rather Monty Python-esque, bood.
Four and a half thumbs up!
considering that, well, you know what a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrreal Scotsman wears under his kilt?
Shoes and socks.
I feel violated.