Bush uttered these words this morning, after the terrorist attacks in London. He’s spreading something, alright, but it doesn’t smell much like hope or compassion.
All of this is a familiar nightmare to Iraqis, and there is good reason:
These men were not deemed appropriate to be in the army but were just the ticket for the Rapid Intrusion brigades, the most nefarious of which is the Wolf Brigade of ‘Abu Walid’.
But as the insurgency has grown hotter, so too, it appears, have been the methods employed in the dirty counter-insurgency war.
To add to HRW’s allegations of beatings, electric shocks, arbitrary arrest, forced confessions and detention without trial, The Observer can add its own charges These include the most brutal kinds of torture, with methods resurrected from the time of Saddam; of increasingly widespread extra-judicial executions; and of the existence of a ‘ghost’ network of detention facilities – in parallel with those officially acknowledged – that exist beyond all accountability to international human rights monitors, NGOs and even human rights officials of the new Iraqi government.
What is most shocking is that it is done under the noses of US and UK officials, some of whom admit that they are aware of the abuses being perpetrated by units who are diverting international funding to their dirty war.
Western support for tyranical and repressive regimes is one of the reasons so many people hate us. Now, not only are the US and UK turning a blind eye to these torture and death squads, it’s our tax money that is funding these groups. There are many who believe that John Negroponte helped to set up these “Rapid Intrusion Brigades”. Personally, I would be shocked if Negroponte wasn’t behind it. Democracy, my ass…
Revealed: grim world of new Iraqi torture camps from the Guardian UK
West turns blind eye as police put Saddam’s torturers back to work from the Times online UK
US “democracy” in Iraq: death squads, torture and terror from Uruknet
Think about Iraq’s spanking new death squads during the coming days as one after another, Bush and his minions will wax poetic about the good fight and spreading an idology of hope and compassion. Disgusting.
Thanks for this diary, it is very on point.
I would just like to add that my Iraqi friend diva, after not hearing from her for almost 6 weeks reported that masked men surrounded her car driver and told him that if he took the girl, meaning Diva, to the French embassy again, both of them would be found dead.
This caused her to have a physical collapse, and I have not heard from her since that day, 2 weeks ago.
Also in problems with her landlord attacking her mother, the man was arrested and then let go immediately, a situation all too common today in Iraq, when it is a crime against a women.
I remember you worrying about her, I am so sorry to hear that her life is so difficult and dangerous. Whole areas in Iraq are subjected to sharia (Islamic) law carried out by some of the same militia thugs that are on the death squads. It boggles the mind to think of trying to maintain any kind of normalcy in the midst of such lunacy and danger. My heart is broken for the Iraqis, what have we done?
I hope that the doubt that has been created in the public about Bush prevents any rush to another war. You just know the neocons will start making aggressive noises.