Here we are! Good, you’ve found your way here again.
We’re debating whether or not to Recommend these cafes or just individually hot list them. Until we decide, please do Hot List by clicking on the circle with the plus sign next to the title of this diary.
Hi, Katiebird. I will stick around for at least a little while. I’ve worked as much as I can today and I’m ready to go again early in the morning. But for now I’ll relax. Wish I had a beer. An actual one.
Your mom has amazing recuperative powers, so I’m hoping they kick in just as well this time, too.
My work is going well, thanks. It’s just that, jeez, sometimes ideas don’t come to me when I tell them to(she laughs). My creative process doesn’t seem to give a flying fig newton about deadlines.
I admire that you can ever be creative under deadline. One of my faults is that deadlines put me to sleep. I’ve got something I have to do and I’m out like a light.
I’ll stick around a little too, listening to the torrential rain, but it’s nearly midnight here. My housemate fell asleep on the couch before the end of “Shakespeare in Love,” so I didn’t get the chance to tell her that we really should follow it with a viewing of “Twelfth Night,” and that there was a delightful film of that play that came out a few years back with Helena Bonham Carter, Nigel Hawthorne, Imogen Stubbs, and Ben Kingsley, and I wonder if it’s out on DVD yet….
I loved “Shakespeare in Love,” but I remember marveling that the lead actor had the longest neck in filmdom. A swan of a neck, a giraffe of a neck, a neck to gnaw and nibble.
Jospeh Fiennes, younger brother of Ralph Fiennes, and (trivially enough) just 10 days older than me. My housemate never tires of telling me how he looks exactly like her high school boyfriend: “Omigod, he is so hot, and he looks so much like Luke!” while I make finger-in-throat gestures.
I am being rebellious. I have moved over here to say thanks for a great day in the Cafe and that I am recommending this diary and am going to recommend them from now on until we get our own slot. So there.
Thanks Kansas for a very good job in the Cafe today. I am off to never land for tonight. Third star on the left and straight on til morning, eh?
I too am going to rec. this diary…what the heck..
So who’s still up and who’s still online tonight.
I haven’t been posting much today, but right now I feel like chatting for a bit.
Night shirl, are you really going to neverland now..???
Kansas good job on the diary today.
I have a date with some pixie dust, Diane. . .whether it is to sleep, perchance to dream. . . one hardly knows(do Shakespere and Peter Pan really go together?)
Anyway, you know how long it has been since I had a date. . .hehehehehe.. .(getting silly now, as you can see)
I was up till 5am watching and blogging the news. I had to work at 8:00 so got very little sleep. You would think I would be exhausted by now, but my body has decided to pump some adrenaline. What’s up with that?
Oh, and Janet Strange, you are a miracle-worker. I just looked outside and saw lightning; apparently your garden over-watering helped out here in Az too. Here comes the summer rains!
I’m sure I can manage to overwater something. Which is pretty funny since most people kill house plants by overwatering them, while I kill them by forgetting to water them at all.
And this is the weirdest thing. I am actually waiting to finish reading all the new entries before posting this (and I thought the same as you at first):
The place is filling up, Keres. How are those adorable bunnies of yours tonight? Do I understand correctly that you have one older one and one youngster? Did they hit it off immediately? I have a 14 year old dog and a 7 year old dog.
They tend to do a big breakfast, a mid-morning romp, and by now they a well and truly into afternoon nap time.
We had two adult rabbits, Oscar and Albert. Although Oscar was a year old when we got Albert, and was not happy at first with the new addition to the household, they came to be inseparable.
Unfortunately, Oscar developed a bone infection and had to be put down about 8 months ago. We debated on getting another rabbit for sometime, until we found Henry, who seemed to fit our requirements (friendly and outgoing). Unlike Oscar’s reaction to Albert, which was to sometimes dominate him, Albert took to Henry immediately. We explain it by saying that Oscar was a people-bunny, so Albert was a bit of an intrusion to his human family. Whereas Albert is a bunny’s bunny, so he accepted Henry pretty much straight off and really seems much happier with Henry about.
Sounds great from here. We hit 104° yesterday and today before the rains came. That’s 40°C for those of you on civilized measurements. When is your hottest month? Ours is August, so yours is . . . February?
BTW, isn’t it cool to be able to make degree signs and such? Link here for anyone who doesn’t have this bookmarked already. “Latin-1 entities” seems to have the most useful stuff.
You can even write Jérôme à Paris properly, if you’re so inclined. But be sure you get it right or don’t attempt it at all. It seems he’s picky about that.
I see you are online now, stop into the cafe for a rest and tell us how your birthday went…
So how is the weather in the netherlands today and what is everyone talking about on the news there.
Here are two of the latest pics. of crop circles in england, and if you click on this link you will see many more, plus diagrams(very interesting geometry) of the circles. Scroll down the linked page and click on the pics for each month.
Here we are! Good, you’ve found your way here again.
We’re debating whether or not to Recommend these cafes or just individually hot list them. Until we decide, please do Hot List by clicking on the circle with the plus sign next to the title of this diary.
Carry on, Green Ones.
Coit Tower – San Francisco
Can you stay a while?
Hi, Katiebird. I will stick around for at least a little while. I’ve worked as much as I can today and I’m ready to go again early in the morning. But for now I’ll relax. Wish I had a beer. An actual one.
How’s your mom now?
I’m assuming she’s asleep (and I hope my dad is too). Shawnee Mission hospital is right on my way to work, so I’ll stop by in the morning.
It sounds like your work is going well?? I can’t give you an actual beer, but here’s a virtual one:
Yum, thanks.
Your mom has amazing recuperative powers, so I’m hoping they kick in just as well this time, too.
My work is going well, thanks. It’s just that, jeez, sometimes ideas don’t come to me when I tell them to(she laughs). My creative process doesn’t seem to give a flying fig newton about deadlines.
I admire that you can ever be creative under deadline. One of my faults is that deadlines put me to sleep. I’ve got something I have to do and I’m out like a light.
And from the instant I typed this I started falling asleep. I think I’d better go before my head hits the keyboard!
I’ll stick around a little too, listening to the torrential rain, but it’s nearly midnight here. My housemate fell asleep on the couch before the end of “Shakespeare in Love,” so I didn’t get the chance to tell her that we really should follow it with a viewing of “Twelfth Night,” and that there was a delightful film of that play that came out a few years back with Helena Bonham Carter, Nigel Hawthorne, Imogen Stubbs, and Ben Kingsley, and I wonder if it’s out on DVD yet….
I loved “Shakespeare in Love,” but I remember marveling that the lead actor had the longest neck in filmdom. A swan of a neck, a giraffe of a neck, a neck to gnaw and nibble.
Jospeh Fiennes, younger brother of Ralph Fiennes, and (trivially enough) just 10 days older than me. My housemate never tires of telling me how he looks exactly like her high school boyfriend: “Omigod, he is so hot, and he looks so much like Luke!” while I make finger-in-throat gestures.
I am being rebellious. I have moved over here to say thanks for a great day in the Cafe and that I am recommending this diary and am going to recommend them from now on until we get our own slot. So there.
Thanks Kansas for a very good job in the Cafe today. I am off to never land for tonight. Third star on the left and straight on til morning, eh?
Hugs to all
You’re so welcome. And thanks for the kind words.
Speaking of magical words. . .I have always loved “straight on til morning.”
Sweet dreams, dear Shirl.
I too am going to rec. this diary…what the heck..
So who’s still up and who’s still online tonight.
I haven’t been posting much today, but right now I feel like chatting for a bit.
Night shirl, are you really going to neverland now..???
Kansas good job on the diary today.
I have a date with some pixie dust, Diane. . .whether it is to sleep, perchance to dream. . . one hardly knows(do Shakespere and Peter Pan really go together?)
Anyway, you know how long it has been since I had a date. . .hehehehehe.. .(getting silly now, as you can see)
If you need to chat, call me.
I was up till 5am watching and blogging the news. I had to work at 8:00 so got very little sleep. You would think I would be exhausted by now, but my body has decided to pump some adrenaline. What’s up with that?
Oh, and Janet Strange, you are a miracle-worker. I just looked outside and saw lightning; apparently your garden over-watering helped out here in Az too. Here comes the summer rains!
Yay rain! Those folks from damper climates don’t know how wonderful it is when we finally get some.
BTW, my daughter disputes my rainmaking abilities. She claims credit for leaving her truck windows down.
We must all remember this about Janet. Long about the middle of August those of us in Kansas will be calling for her, too.
I’m sure I can manage to overwater something. Which is pretty funny since most people kill house plants by overwatering them, while I kill them by forgetting to water them at all.
Tonight is for marvel and contemplation. Tomorrow we can get back to figuring out how to civilize the Dot.
The “Pale Bue Dot” photo of Earth by Voyager 1, June 1990, from a distance of 1 bazillion miles.
Amazing. Until I read your caption, I thought it was a close up of a Seurat painting.
And this is the weirdest thing. I am actually waiting to finish reading all the new entries before posting this (and I thought the same as you at first):
How timely could it be?
Okay, now that’s just weird!
Cool photo. Is that in NYC?
Yes if is New York, I took it about 2 weeks after 9/11 and almost got arrested. I had been drawn to this:
(can you see the painting in the background?)
Here’s from inside it:
So, the security guard was at my side the whole time. I guess he thought I was stalking the area for another attack.
Very very cool.
I am suddenly fading fast.
Goodniiiighhhttttt. . . . .
But it’s mid-day here. And a georgious day it is down in chilly Oz.
Hey, where did everybody go?
The place is filling up, Keres. How are those adorable bunnies of yours tonight? Do I understand correctly that you have one older one and one youngster? Did they hit it off immediately? I have a 14 year old dog and a 7 year old dog.
They tend to do a big breakfast, a mid-morning romp, and by now they a well and truly into afternoon nap time.
We had two adult rabbits, Oscar and Albert. Although Oscar was a year old when we got Albert, and was not happy at first with the new addition to the household, they came to be inseparable.
Unfortunately, Oscar developed a bone infection and had to be put down about 8 months ago. We debated on getting another rabbit for sometime, until we found Henry, who seemed to fit our requirements (friendly and outgoing). Unlike Oscar’s reaction to Albert, which was to sometimes dominate him, Albert took to Henry immediately. We explain it by saying that Oscar was a people-bunny, so Albert was a bit of an intrusion to his human family. Whereas Albert is a bunny’s bunny, so he accepted Henry pretty much straight off and really seems much happier with Henry about.
“Tonight.” “This morning.” (Throws hands up. Gives up on time zones.) I’ll just call it “now.”
I took this photo a few minutes ago.
The look I’m getting is a combination of “Hey, why did you wake us?” and “Can’t you do something about the friggin’ cold?” (Rabbits swear a lot)
Sounds great from here. We hit 104° yesterday and today before the rains came. That’s 40°C for those of you on civilized measurements. When is your hottest month? Ours is August, so yours is . . . February?
BTW, isn’t it cool to be able to make degree signs and such? Link here for anyone who doesn’t have this bookmarked already. “Latin-1 entities” seems to have the most useful stuff.
You can even write Jérôme à Paris properly, if you’re so inclined. But be sure you get it right or don’t attempt it at all. It seems he’s picky about that.
Yep, February tends to be the warmest month. Today’s high is predicted to be a whopping 9 degrees (C).
There should be snow on the mountain above Hobart.
I see you are online now, stop into the cafe for a rest and tell us how your birthday went…
So how is the weather in the netherlands today and what is everyone talking about on the news there.
Here are two of the latest pics. of crop circles in england, and if you click on this link you will see many more, plus diagrams(very interesting geometry) of the circles. Scroll down the linked page and click on the pics for each month.
How is everyone today. Well I hope.
Morning. . . .coffee?. . . mmmmm. . . .thanks. . .you?