Q Mr. President, do you believe that Saddam Hussein is a bigger threat to the United States than al Qaeda?
PRESIDENT BUSH: That’s a — that is an interesting question. I’m trying to think of something humorous to say. (Laughter.)
But we’ve accomplished a lot in 90 days. That’s not a very long period of time. It’s been a long period of time for al Qaeda — (laughter)
This is becoming clear to al Qaeda terrorists and the Taliban. (Laughter.) Not long ago, that regime controlled most of Afghanistan. Today, they control not much more than a few caves. (Laughter and applause.) … They are said to be prepared for a long stay underground. (Laughter.) But they are in for a sudden change of plans — (laughter) — because one by one, we’re going to find them. And piece by piece, we’ll tear their terrorist network apart. (Applause.)
The terrorists brought this war to us — and now we’re taking it back to them. (Applause.) We’re on their trail, we’re smoking them out, we’ve got them on the run. We’re hunting them down one by one, all across the world. With our allies, we’ve arrested or otherwise dealt with — (laughter) — many of the key commanders of al Qaeda.
Those who struck America think they can run and hide. It’s interesting — I find it amazing that the al Qaeda leaders are more than willing to convince some of their brethren to commit suicide; yet, they, themselves hide in caves. (Laughter.)
Senator Kerry tried to explain his vote by saying, “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.” (Laughter.) End quote. Now he’s offering different explanations. Last week, Senator Kerry said he was “proud” that he and his running mate voted against the funding for the troops. Then he further said the whole thing is a “complicated” matter. There’s nothing complicated about supporting our troops in combat. (Applause.)
I find it amazing that the al Qaeda leaders are more than willing to convince some of their brethren to commit suicide; yet, they, themselves hide in caves. (Laughter.)
How about this version:
“I find it amazing that the Republican leaders are more than willing to send other people to fight in Iraq; yet, they, themselves, hide in their air-conditioned offices.”
Nice. I like your better!!!